
Bunbury DCP knowingly force false charges against innocent mother

I wish to share something, it is documents where all names have been removed but shows an innocent person was convicted of at least 2 crimes that DCP knew, as of 22nd January 2009, were placed upon the wrong person. The mother plead guilty, to 3x common assault and was convicted with a 12 month suspended jail sentence and an 18 month ISO. She did this to protect her children from further trauma of attending a court to testify against their mother by order of dcp. Even with evidence to convict the father, who already had 4 convictions of grievous bodily harm on a 4 year old, dcp pursued the criminal convictions against the mother. Her children were also removed, 6th, March 2009.
Evidence dcp has on file proved she was innocent 22nd January 2009, yet they continued to pursue her.
Left photo is a court reporter's investigation of dcp records. Right is the the charges faced by the innocent party that she was later convicted of in November 2009 after dcp threatened her children with further trauma.


Dandridge DCS case manager charged with filing false reports in child abuse investigation

DANDRIDGE (WATE) – A Tennessee Department of Children’s Services employee is facing charges in both Jefferson and Sevier counties.

Thursday, the Jefferson County Grand Jury returned indictments charging Brenna Elizabeth Cervino, 33, with two counts of official oppression, three counts of official misconduct, one count of filing a false report and one count of falsifying a government record.

NSW Child removal rate rise slammed

NSW Community Services Minister Pru Goward has blamed a "punitive" and "risk-averse" culture in child-protection departments for the spiralling rate of Aboriginal children in the out-of-home care system that dwarfs the numbers in other parts of the country.

More than 8 per cent of Aboriginal children in NSW have been removed from their families, a situation the peak body for indigenous childcare services is now openly comparing to another Stolen Generations.

The Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care will this week launch a national campaign to reduce the numbers of Aboriginal children in out-of-home care, calling for greater investment in early intervention and support services for struggling families.

"Removing children seems to be a knee-jerk, almost first response," said SNAICC chief executive Frank Hytten. "We need to work much, much harder at the prevention end and the reunification end."

Foster care and it's horrible truth

Every day we see more and more horror stories about foster care, more and more children are either dying or being abused while in care. The public may think that these children would be abused if they had of stayed with their biological parent and in some cases this is in fact very true. However, we have things call 4 week, 6 week, 6 month and 12 month orders we also have 18 year orders of which go through the judicial system called the family youth court. A lot of people may be surprised to hear this but for any child protection order, the claims do not have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt but simply on a balance of probabilities. This means that children are court ordered away from their parents because there is a chance something may happen. This does not mean it will, ever has or ever would happen. Now, this means that claims from phone line and in person complaints can be used and called evidence against you in the court room. This means that anyone can call in and say that you're taking drugs, abusing your children, not feeding them & beating them without any of these things actually happening. It is assumed that CPS will not involve themselves unless it is an absolutely terrible situation, however this assumption is incorrect. How come we see so many children dying in foster care or being abused but yet when the parents of the children being removed and placed in these dangerous homes cry out asking for help or publicity everyone turns a blind eye to what is going on? There is an assumption that parents who's kids have been removed are bad people. This is not true, in 4 week orders CPS apply to have children removed from their parents home to do an "assessment" one of the things that they assess the parent on is a thing called parental capacity, this process of assessing parental capacity is literally going to an appointment with a physcologist who is "trained in the field". You only have to go here once for them to say that they either need further assessment or that they do not think you should have your child. This is a 1 and a half hour process that decides your childs future for the rest of their and your lives. Now if this physcologist says they need to further assess you CPS will then apply for a 6 week, 6 month or 12 month order to get the assessment done. Now, this is 4 weeks of being ripped away from their parent and on top of that another 6 more because CPS failed to complete their job properly. I would like you all to think about the kind of damage this does to a child. On top of this any false allegations they wish to make, for example if they were to lie and say your house was disgusting and unfit for a child to live in they do not need to provide proof of this only case notes which are exactly what they sound like they are notes written on a notebook. ANYTHING can be written in case notes, these are the notes they use in court and call proof. This along with whatever the physcologist has said that they think of you from your 1 and a half hour visit determines whether or not you get your children back or they go for a 12 month or 18 year order. In a 12 month order they can either decide to go for an extended 6 months or 18 year order. This so called "evidence" is nothing more then hear say and whatever those workers feel like writting about it.
If you think that this is fair then you may ignore what I'm about to say however, this at the least in my opinion is extremely unfair. I believe that accesses should be 100% recorded and that those tapes in their entirety should be seen by a jury and judge when applying for 18 year orders. Infact your entire case should be over seen by a jury if CPS wish to go for 18 year orders, this along with changing the standard from a balance of probabilities to beyond reasonable doubt will cause an extremely positive outcome for all australian families and their children. Any evidential information should be taken seriously and be able to be presented before a jury in 18 year orders. I call for justice within our judicial system and to stop the corruptness we now know as CPS. No one want children to be used like bargaining chips and to be used as nothing mroe then a number these are australias most vulnerable and helpless.. We need to be doing right by them, their families and our county.

Ministers defend care system after 'forced adoption' comments

Ministers have defended the care system after a former Liberal Democrat MP said council social services departments in England and Wales were "under pressure" to get children adopted. John Hemming, who campaigns for improvements in the family justice system, said the process of assessment used by judges who make decisions about children's futures was biased towards council management objectives. He said he believed that ministers would have to apologise for the harm done to children ''wrongly put through forced adoption''.

What are Responsible Parenting Orders?

Responsible Parenting Orders have been introduced in WA and are obtained by schools under the Department of Education applying to the Children's Court to have orders made for you about your child.

Apparently they're voluntary, however the use of the word "compels" indicates otherwise.

The brochure states: "Under the PSR Act, the Chief Executive Officers of the Departments of Education, Child Protection or Corrective Services may apply to the Children’s Court for a Responsible Parenting Order when every effort to engage the parent(s) voluntarily has failed and if it is considered that an Order will make a positive difference to the child’s behaviour. A Responsible Parenting Order compels a parent(s) to take up the support offered by agencies and to meet their responsibilities in exercising appropriate control over their child’s anti-social, offending or truanting behaviour."

Interestingly enough, there seems to be absolutely no insight into the fact that many children nowadays are subject to family law court orders, and amongst those children are many who are being forced to spend time with their abusers, both physically and sexually.  With just the idea that a state governened court order can make a parent improve their children's behaviour - who may be acting out due to being under extreme pressure, one can easily see how more innocent parents are going to lose custody of their children to either the state - or the abusive parent.

Have child protection workers threatened you because you have named and shamed them ?"

Do you have representation?   Are you aware of your basic human rights under the international covenants?

IE If DoCS allow their solicitor to even mention something NOT to do with child protection or your matter or your whistleblowing, the solicitor is putting themselves in a very precarious position of which they can lose their job.

"Article 19 states Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20 states (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, and (2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association."

Murder, abuse, organized crime, racketeering, corrupt judges, attorneys, guardian adlitem, child protection services, mental health care providers, and anyone else who stands to make a profit on the backs of our children! Guilty!!!

They call this a “Sleep Study!”,  We call it “Cashin’ In;” and using this 5 year-old boy Joseph to do it!  This is a disgrace!  Nothing more, Nothing less!  This is a perfect picture of everyone getting paid.  The doctor, the social workers, the judge, the attorneys, the mental health providers, the county agency (CPS), the federal government, and of course the facility conducting these ridiculous tests on this 5-year-old son Joseph.  AGAINST THE PARENTS WILL!

The Family Unit is alive, but not well; arguably the backbone of our very existence!  Whentorn apart, especially for no good reason, it’s quickly doomed to live out its existence in pieces; and it’s pieces are left without purpose or reason to live a full, complete life.  We’re talkin’ about irreparable damage.  In fact, from that point it will likely deteriorate rapidly in many, many ways.  It is DEAD!  MURDERED by those that saw fit to parrot terms like “best interest of this” “best interest of that” while not actually having the best interest of anything in mind or at heart, but their very own existence.  Job Security, Money, even simply justifying their own existence in some twisted, misguided way.  It’s a disgrace!  IT IS MURDER! 

DHS Victoria removed your children? Six things your solicitor won't tell you.

Firstly, don't think for a second it's you.  You are among at least 80,000 parents who have had their children nicked Australia wide in the past few years.  Australia, imparticular NSW has the highest rate of child removal per capita of anywhere in the western world.  The problem is the complete lack of accountability and transparency, that has accumulated in caseworkers not caring for a second about the child they are supposed to be protecting, and not having to abide by any laws along the way.  This also applies for the lawyers, the foster care agencies, other NGO's and court reporters as well as magistrates, who do nothing but rubber stamp whatever the child protection department want.  Remember, most magistrates are former lawyers, so they have barely two scruples between the lot of them.

Anyway, there are some things that you can educate yourself with, relating to children and family court proceedings in Victoria.

{phocadownload view=file|id=15|text=Emergency Orders|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=15|text= Emergency care applications|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=12|text=Conciliation conference addendum report guide|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=21|text= Protection order policy|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=20|text=Preparing the court report - advice|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=9|text=Best interests case practice model|target=s}

Why does Melbourne Children's Court allow DHS solicitors to run the show?

The idea of a court is that two parties put forward their stories, their evidence and the magistrate makes  a decision based upon the legislation and requirements of government departments, and the statements of the parties, particularly that which is backed up with credible evidence.

So when a kidnapping is involved, why would anybody, particularly a magistrate, allow unsubstantiated evidence and statements to be given heavy weight when deciding if the kidnap is credible.

Foster Care corruption still being ignored

The Department of Community Services/Child Protection NSW totally ignores all complaints concerning the Corruption / Victimisation / Bullying / Theft / Trafficking and Abuses of Children in Care / OOHC NSW by Parents / Grandparents / Family Members / Siblings and any other interested party of Children in [apparent] care of Community Services / Child Protection NSW.

So far hundreds upon hundreds of these complaints have been redirected back to the abusive Case Workers / Case Managers / Client Services Managers whom the serious complaints refer to, this has been done by a substandard letter from the DoCS past CEO Annette Gallard etc without any investigation whatsoever re: THE UNTOUCHABLES...meanwhile thousands of our children are suffering under the care of the state, due to their refusal to investigate or address these serious complaints.

DoCS Wollongong successfully win court orders to place children with a convicted paedophile.

It is rumoured, that today DoCS put three kids with their convicted paedophile father at Wollongong.  DoCS said "we know he [Raymond] is a convicted paedophile.  But he has changed.  He has been to jail for the conviction".

He has groomed the same children, his own children, for paedophile purposes.  DoCS have taken the three children from their grandparents, to put them with their paedophile father.

DoCS have refused to give counselling and support to their grandparents.

It does make you wonder though, doesn't it.  Paedophiles get access and custody of innocent children - thanks to retarded DoCS workers, murderers of babies get contact with their other children, yet innocent parents who control-freak DoCS workers don't like have their children hidden from them until they're eighteen years old.

Is there a decision ever made by this department that IS in the best interest of ANY child!
