Murdered woman's family blame government department for her horrific death

The family of a young West Australian woman killed by her ex-partner says decisions made by officers of a government department contributed to her tragic death.

Charlotte was a 19-year-old woman caught in a vicious cycle of abuse at the hands of her partner.

Charlotte's killer will be sentenced in October.

Charlotte's killer will be sentenced in October.CREDIT:FILE IMAGE

Her family had seen the black eyes. Heard the slaps over the phone. Taken her to hospital when she was unrecognisable even to her mother after she was bashed and left with injuries to her face, hand, ribs, chest and ear.

A fathers plea. WA DCP liable for death of young mother after children abused in DCF custody

Remember Carly's Fight - WA DCFThis could be ur daughter or sister dead.  I can’t explain everything here it’s too long.  DCP took my grandkids who were being cared for to end up being abused with burn marks. 

DCP put my 25yr old daughter Carly in a back shed on September 19 2018 (last year), ending her life to save her children by what they done to her & the assault on my 4yr old Granddaughter by foster carers - who were cleared. Most foster carers are cleared of abuse and or murder.

Burn marks on 3yr old little CJ that were ignored, we don’t know what other abuse has happened, total EVIL power driven controlling bullying women & men against defenceless broken mothers ... the gutless cowards.

If it can get to the High Court in front of a jury, i’m positive they will convict them.

  • Illegal removal of children
  • assault by foster carers
  • failing to protect the children when the first burn mark was noticed (jail sentence in NSW & Tas) leading to
  • the assault of 4yr old Shakyah
  • misconduct DCP officers and ultimately causing
  • the death of a broken mother, Carly (my daughter).