CPS caseworker quits after accusing supervisor of lying in effort to remove 1-year-old boy

Both the caseworker and several attorneys who reviewed the case on behalf of the Houston Chronicle said the supervisor’s actions could amount to perjury, a charge the agency denies.

The caseworker, Paul Lozelle, made the allegation to several top officials at the the Department of Family and Protective Services in a blistering resignation letter obtained by the Chronicle. The allegations come on the heels of two recent child welfare cases in which CPS workers faced allegations of altering records.

Child Protective Services talked to his kids without his permission. Can they do that?

Most of the complaints about child neglect within the Mississippi Department of Human Services system are deemed unfounded, yet there are thousands of children and families affected by Mississippi’s child welfare system. We show you a child’s path.

Suit: DHS worker ‘unlawfully’ searched home and ‘threatened’ couple

Mississippi took their kids away — so this couple started recording everything

They lost custody of their kids for making them do too much homework, couple says.
After a false claim of neglect was submitted to Mississippi DHS, they took five children away from a Bay St. Louis couple. After months and many tears, CASA helped the family reunite.

Did a social worker lie to take away this Mississippi mom’s child?

A Hancock County woman claims a Mississippi DHS caseworker forged records to take her child away. The caseworker had been arrested four times on multiple charges in two states before working for MDHS.

Can DHS take your kids if you make them do too much homework? This couple says it happened

They lost custody of their kids for making them do too much homework, couple says.

After a false claim of neglect was submitted to Mississippi DHS, they took five children away from a Bay St. Louis couple.  After months and many tears, CASA helped the family reunite.

This is Chapter 1 of ‘Fostering Secrets,’ a six-part investigative series into Mississippi’s child protection system.

Intimidation, bullying and threats from rogue DHS child protection caseworkers

DHS Workers currently in court today have been using the peoples fundamental rights to freedom of speech and to associate with and impart ideas, in an effort to trash mothers whom have had their children removed unlawfully.  

Seven DHS Workers including Sally Twycross are currently sitting in court proceedings wasting thousands of hard earned tax payers money because they do not like the fact that they have been named and shamed on various websites across the internet.  There is nothing illegal about this, in fact, it's the mothers fundamental rights to take such actions considering the amount of abuse her now three year old son has suffered since being taken by DHS when he was just five months of age.