
Have child protection workers threatened you because you have named and shamed them ?"

Do you have representation?   Are you aware of your basic human rights under the international covenants?

IE If DoCS allow their solicitor to even mention something NOT to do with child protection or your matter or your whistleblowing, the solicitor is putting themselves in a very precarious position of which they can lose their job.

"Article 19 states Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20 states (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, and (2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association."

We suggest that you reiterate the conversation you have had back to the docs officer you had it with - where they are threatening you, and cc a copy to your current child protection minister, and also send us a copy so we can keep a paper trail for you.

In this letter, make sure you state what they said to you, and how they have said they will bring this up in court.  Or if they have already filed it in an affidavit and wasted taxpayers money trying to cover their dirty asses, sanitise it (remove names and identifying details - not the caseworkers or lawyers obviously) and send us a copy to go in our collection.

Remind them that this is a breach of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which Australia is a party to and is obligated to abide by, and that you intend on filing formal complaints for all persons involved to both management, the legal services commission for improper conduct, the Australian Human Rights Commission for breaching and threatening to breach these covenants and the Minister for Community Services.  Plus anybody else you can think of.

State that you require a response to this letter within 14 days so you can also bring the matter to the attention of the presiding magistrate in that they are threatening to break the laws that we are obligated by in order to degrade and humiliate you which is another breach of your human rights also.   Have a read here for starters and get familiar ... http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/

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