Are organisations like Sydney In-Home Care fostering children without parents knowledge?

More exciting proof on the Sydney in Home Care page, which is the childcare/ foster care provider that is "fostering" children - without their parents knowledge - in their own home.  It states on their page that they are funded by community services under flexible services heading (see attached page Sydney in home care).

We first assumed Community services meant Department of Community Services,  and started to research a bit more and discovered they are contracted by non government services (NGOs) but go through a few different service providers first so it appears they are not connected with Docs --- incredibly clever and sneaky.

Community services means 'non-government services who hold the foster care contracts - who then broker to childcare providers with approval from the Department of Human Services (Social Services - Docs) - who outsource the foster care contracts to provide out of home care.

Hence why the Department of Education and Communities is called there name communities (non-government services who provide foster care) is why the Department of Education and communities broker in home care foster care model to childcare a they look after childcare and broker foster care. In the parenting agreement it states that Registered Care is one of the options that the Carer (meaning foster carer) can transition your child into.  We also believe that Department of Education and Communities are a part of the Office of Communities, meaning the Children's Guardian.  It is very hard to find that link but we believe they are combined.

We could never find any documents with the word 'registering' or 'registration', to connect more dots - with it being Out of Home Care (OOHC) to link with the parenting agreement.  We are happy to say as of today, we found the document.

The link is below it states Victoria but w really keep thinking the same laws in Victoria are covering all states because Department of Human Services is Federal law.  We are still researching to see if we can see if we can find similar documents relevant in New south Wales.

Registration requirements for community services,-youth-and-families/Community-service-organisations/registration-requirements-for-community-services

Child protection orders,-families-and-young-people/child-protection/child-protection-orders

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