Federal Magistrate Michael Jarret blocking victims right to appeal by refusing to produce original reasons for judgement

Magistrate Jarret from the Brisbane Federal Magistrate Courts, has hit our headlines again with yet another matter, where he is refusing to produce the Reasons for Judgement - in a case where he was severely biased toward a mother and young boy.  It appeared that the Magistrate worked with the father and the Independent Children's Lawyer to remove the child from his mother, after repeatedly refusing to hear the boys evidence on what his wishes were.  This is contrary to all legislation and the fundamental rights of the child.

By Magistrate Jarret refusing to produce the Reasons for Judgement, he is covering his own butt from being dragged across the coals for such an atrocious decision and placement on the boy, but he is also preventing the mother and boy from appealing his decision in a higher court.  To appeal the decision the appellants need the Reasons for Removal.

This is not only biased but a clear denial of the mother and child's fundamental human rights and this is the perfect example why Judicial Immunity should never be allowed in our court system.

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#1 Federal Magistrate Michael Jarret Blocking Victims Right to Appeal by Refusing to Produce Original Reasons for JudgementGuest 2015-02-24 11:04
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