What are Responsible Parenting Orders?
- Details
- Category: In Home Care Fraud
- Created: Tuesday, 30 August 2016 19:07
- Written by Administrator

Responsible Parenting Orders have been introduced in WA and are obtained by schools under the Department of Education applying to the Children's Court to have orders made for you about your child.
Apparently they're voluntary, however the use of the word "compels" indicates otherwise.
The brochure states: "Under the PSR Act, the Chief Executive Officers of the Departments of Education, Child Protection or Corrective Services may apply to the Children’s Court for a Responsible Parenting Order when every effort to engage the parent(s) voluntarily has failed and if it is considered that an Order will make a positive difference to the child’s behaviour. A Responsible Parenting Order compels a parent(s) to take up the support offered by agencies and to meet their responsibilities in exercising appropriate control over their child’s anti-social, offending or truanting behaviour."
Interestingly enough, there seems to be absolutely no insight into the fact that many children nowadays are subject to family law court orders, and amongst those children are many who are being forced to spend time with their abusers, both physically and sexually. With just the idea that a state governened court order can make a parent improve their children's behaviour - who may be acting out due to being under extreme pressure, one can easily see how more innocent parents are going to lose custody of their children to either the state - or the abusive parent.