Press Release: Upcoming Barnevernett CPS Kidnapping Ring Conference this weekend in Sofia

On 29 September 2019 the Bulgarian non-governmental Association ‘Parents United for Children’ (Bul. Abbr. ‘ROD’, direct heir to the national informal Facebook group ‘No to the Strategy for the Child 2019-2030, and part of the international movement against the imposition of anti-family policies), will hold a national conference with international participation under the title ‘SOCIAL CHILD KIDNAPPING — HIDDEN WAR AGAINST THE FAMILY.’ This first of its kind conference will be held at Vitosha Park Hotel in Sofia (Vitosha conference hall), starting at 9:00.

Among the international guest speakers are German sociologist Gabriele Kuby, author of book ‘ The Global Sexual Revolution’; Lorcan Price - Irish barrister who played major part in fighting legalisation of abortion in his country, Norwegian legal expert Markus Reikeras, who gained international recognition for the protection of human rights, especially the rights of children and families; Steven Bennett and Bjorn Korf, founders and leading figures of the Austrian-based NGO for the protection of children’s rights, ‘Step up 4 Children’s Rights’; Steven Bennett is author of ‘ Stolen Childhood,’ exposing the dysfunctional Norwegian child protection services.

The Stop Stealing our Children Speech at G20 Summit Brisbane "

Australia is the government child stealing capital of the world. Australian government child protection departments' have stolen more children per head of population than any other western nation. That is not a title to be proud of - it is one of great shame.

Sadly our governments have failed to learn the painful and destructive lessons of the past, and have escalated the rate of child stealing in the last decade on the ludicrous premise that it is better to take a child on an unregistered caseworkers opinion - because they might suffer a risk of harm at some time in the future if left with family; whilst at the same time failing to acknowledge the far greater evidenced harm to children forcibly removed and placed in care that has damaging lifelong consequences both for the child and their family.

While the Federal Government keeps apologising to one stolen generation after another, and acknowledges time and time again the harm state governments have inflicted on vulnerable children and their families for decades caused by the failures of the state child protection systems, nothing has changed.  This is because there is too much power and no accountability in this corrupt industry. Child stealing by governments always has and always will be a total failure as governments are evidenced to be the worst parents of all.

The New Stolen Generation by DOCs Rally at Parliament House Sydney - Wed 2 June 2010 9am till 12


DOCs Rally Updates

First of all, a huge thank you to all those who came to the Rally out front of Parliament House yesterday (Wednesday 24 Feb 2010), on behalf of NSGBD (New Stolen Generation By DOCs).  The morning was a huge success with a lot of publicity gained on the corruption within the child protection system, further shown by Pru Gowards statements in todays paper about the implementation of consent orders to be mandatory. 

Pru Goward states that consent orders are signed, yet all legislation under the 1900 Crimes Act states it is blackmail.  Ms Goward had promised the spokeswoman for NSGBD that she would meet with her yesterday to discuss all the issues surrounding the protests, yet failed to even turn up, another political figure showing their lacking of spine when it comes to the crunch on a real matter.

Just as the last stolen generation had to wait so many years before every man and his dog jumped on the bandwagon to collect funding to make money it looks like this stolen generation is copping the same attitude.  Unfortunately we will not wait that long for the sentencing to begin.

The Australian Crime Commission are aware of the gathering of evidentiary documents proving fraud / misleading documents / cases being contaminated by docs workers, and it is matter of time before the sentencing will begin.  For those docs workers who have had the upper hand for so long and destroyed so many lives, your time is running out.

"Rally to reunite Colleen, Kirsten and "Kerrry 2" Stolen by DoCS! Repeal All Child Protection and Forced Adoption Laws! Support Women's and People with Disabilities' Right to Choose! Justice for All New and Past Stolen Generations by DoCS."

Poster Kerry 2 DoCsBusters 2f69bColleen Fuller and her daughter Kirsten have been fighting for the return of their son and grandson ‘Kerry 2’ who was stolen by the Department of Human Services (DoCS) in November 2007. Colleen as well as Kirsten, is of Aboriginal descent; both have disabilities, and are struggling to overcome poverty.

NSW Department of Human Services did this to ‘Kerry 2’, Kirsten and Colleen on the basis of Kirsten’s disability, Aboriginality, poverty and being unwed mother.  In 2008 a Local Court in Sydney ruled for a progressive restoration to reunite ‘Kerry 2’ and Kirsten to the exclusion of the father - After 12 months the Department of Human Services (DoCS) were to remove their services.  The father until he addressed his violence and substance abuse issues was not permitted to live in the home of Kirsten and ‘Kerry 2’ for 12 months to 2 years.

In 2007 the Auntie, Uncle of the father with the assistance of the father, tried to force Kirsten to have an abortion of the foetus - with the threat that DoCS were going to take the child from Kirsten the moment ‘Kerry 2’ was born. Kirsten requested the father to leave after this threat was made to defend the right to choose.  After ‘Kerry 2’ was born - before Colleen, the mother, and their community even had a chance to begin to raise ‘Kerry 2’;  DoCS took the child with the assistance of the Auntie, Uncle and the father.  

At the time neither the father, the Auntie or the Uncle advised Colleen and Kirsten that the father had a history of violence, as well as substance abuse until it came out in court.  In 2009 DoCS overturned the local Court decision after applying for a stay of the Local Court order.

"Gunnedah grandmothers rally against removal of Indigenous kids"

Pru rally pic 3 14 feb 2014 sml fbd7bOn the sixth anniversary of the Australian government's apology to the Stolen Generations, grandmothers from Gunnedah have protested against what they say is a new generation of stolen children.

The group Grandmothers Against Removals was formed in January in an effort to highlight the process of removal used by the New South Wales Department of Children’s Services.

The New South Wales Greens say the number of children taken since the Stolen Generations Inquiry in 1997 has tripled.

"When the 'Bringing Them Home Report' was released in 1997 about the Stolen Generations there were a little under 3000 kids in long term care across Australia," said Greens member, David Shoebridge.

"We wind through to 2012 and there's been effectively a five-fold increase in the number of children that's been taken from Aboriginal families from across Australia."

With around 6,000 Aboriginal children currently in out-of-home care in New South Wales, the Grandmothers Against Removals refuse to remain silent.

"26 May 2014 National Day of Action Rally at every Child Protection Office Nationwide"

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The Gunnedah Grandmothers Against Removals have called for a National Day of Action on 26 May 2014 (the anniversary of the day the “Bringing Them Home” report was released and National Sorry Day).

This is a day for all victims of the Australian Child Protection Industry to UNITE with one voice to BRING OUR CHILDREN HOME and force the Failed Government Departments to be accountable for the damage they have caused to the lives of vulnerable children and families.


Network in your local areas, and any groups you belong to for our cause. Organise your own Rallies, local and group events, posters, t- shirts and banners all over Australia for the National Day of Action 26 May 2014.

This is our Day for Action all over Australia so start planning how you can all contribute to make it a success. All ideas are welcome.

If you fear your local office then travel to another office where you are not known. We are many and united together we have a powerful voice that needs to be heard to save another generation of vulnerable children.

You Stole my child.
You hoped I would go away.
You underestimated my love.

I will never give up.
I will be a voice for my child.
I am not alone.
There are many like me.
By circumstance united.
Together we will be heard.
We will never stop fighting for Restoration.