
Magistrate Carney wreaking havoc on innocent families in Sydney’s South-West.

Petition · Stop Alberta child welfare from policing itself · Change.orgSix weeks after DoCS took baby "Doc" into "care," they're still breaking every law possible and getting away with it.

Magistrate Carney seems only too happy to adjourn these newborns lives another three months and into the new year to allow DoCS to entertain the court some more with their shenanigans.

Magistrate Carney may have transpired from the Roads and Traffic Committee, but one would think that before she is allowed to make decisions regarding the lives of children, particularly newborns, she must be knowledgeable of the time limits imposed in matters relating to children's courts.

Whether she knows or just doesn't care is irrelevant, because the damage being done to newborn children, whom she happily boasts about "taking three babies per week," is not only unforgiveable but also unlawful.

Two weeks is the maximum that courts may be adjourned for when it comes to proceedings of children (newborns), and this is to ensure that the best interest of the child is looked after—and not the solicitors whose businesses thrive off adjournments, mentions, and evidentiary hearings.

Magistrate Carney isn't the only magistrate allowing blatant breaches of the law to continue in the worst interest of children. Many magistrates do this as it helps the department build its case and ultimately allows them more time to continue to put more rubbish in their affidavits, which most of the time confuses the judge enough to believe that what they are claiming is credible and to make it impossible for the parents to contest each and every lie they put through.

Wyong DoCS prevents mothers from breastfeeding consequently deliberately HARMING NEWBORN BABIES: Government guidelines prove this.

This mother was left haemhorraging and with placenta still intact after DoCS Workers Tim Goble from Wyong and the Entrance DoCS ripped the baby from mums arms when she was just 2 hours old and still in the delivery ward.  You would think this too disgusting to comprehend but mothers and their children these days have less rights than animals, and DoCS workers think its okay to do this when even animals are left for a good six weeks before they are weened from their mum.

'Breastfeeding as a determinant of child health and well-being Food, or more specifically one’s diet is a principal determinant of health (Marmot and Wilkinson 2006). Conversely, inappropriate nutrition is a major burden of disease and therefore a significant public health issue (Marmot and Wilkinson 2006).

Breastfeeding is the best form of infant nutrition and is supported worldwide (Labbok 2006; Brodribb, 2004). The World Health Organisation recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and continued breastfeeding for 2 years and beyond to improve the health and well-being of children but to also have a significant role in reducing health care costs from ill health (WHO 1989).

Dealing with dirty child protection workers who lie and mislead the court

Commencement of private prosecutions

A private individual may also initiate criminal proceedings by way of CAN. The major difference with a private prosecution is that a CAN may only issued by a Registrar. The Registrar issues a CAN by signing the notice. A Registrar will have a discretion not to issue a CAN if the Registrar is satisfied that:

Pru Goward - Minister for Community Services, Chair Shiners, Child Slavery, Collosal Stuff-ups!

Its been over a year since Pru Goward started receiving her Ministerial pay packet .

But Pru Goward is just another puppet on a string viz Theatrical Prop for Department of Community Services NSW.

This is a woman who stated how badly she wanted this portfolio, and also stated that children would start going home. Yet children have already lost their lives on her watch and now the abusers of the past NGO's are being handed innocent children on a platter that will bring them Billions over the next few years.

Why doesn't Pru Goward sit down for a chat with a few Forgotten Australians, Child Migrants, Stolen Generation and Forced Adoption Victims and hear of the rape, buggery, beatings and trauma that was caused by NGO's.

White foster carer jailed for 7 years after torturing Aboriginal girl

A 31 year old foster carer was sentenced to seven years jail last Friday in Parkes district court, over the assault of a 5 year old Aboriginal girl.

This story was previously published in the media last Friday without mentioning the fact that the girl was Aboriginal. This is something that is common across Australia. Non Indigenous carers earning an income from the government to raise Indigenous kids. We know not all carers are bad and we are not trying to give all carers a bad name. Our concerns are about stopping these cases from happening and understanding why the media doesn’t want to draw attention to the girls race.

CatholiCare and DoCS want girls to have contact with rapist father

A ladies ex-husband sexually assaulted their girls - and went to jail. Now he's out and CatholiCare and Child Protection NSW and the ICL are all stating that they are going to not only allow him to have contact with his victims but force the youngest son to have a relationship with him, without knowing that his father raped his sisters.  

NSW foster parents may receive extra payments

NSW parents who adopt a foster child may paid up to $37,000 as part of a push to help vulnerable children

NSW parents who adopt a foster child could be paid up to $37,000 a year as part of a state government push to provide secure homes for some of the state's most vulnerable children.

The new reforms would help to deliver support to 900 more children each year, on top of the 19,000 children already in foster care.

Minister for Family and Community Services Pru Goward told Sky News the move would break down financial barriers faced by some potential adoption parents.

'We had a lot of wonderful fosters careers, who had children for 5-6 years and would like to have adopted but couldn't because they were low income workers and couldn't afford to live and bring up that child,' she said.

'I would hate to think that adoption in Australia and NSW became only for a privileged few.

Where have the rights of parents gone in this country?

Today it has become crystal clear how much influence the medical establishment has in Australia. The medical establishment showed it true reach into our society.  Where are the rights of the parents gone in this country, when parents are not allowed to medically treat their child in a way they see fit. A way that involves a plant, which has proven all over the world to work with their child’s conditions.

These parents have seen the improvements their little boy went through after he started using medicinal marijuana. Anyone can see the improvements Chase has shown over the last 6 months. There is no denying.

FACS deliberately forge evidence to remove Chase

Court was AGAIN adjourned at Broadmeadow Children's Court in Newcastle. If you are able, please front up and stand in peaceful solidarity for this broken family who are crying out for their baby.

There has not been a single finding supporting FACS' ridiculous claims of malnourishment presented to the courts or Marc and Cini. In the 3 weeks since Chase vanished from his mothers sight without a trace, there has only been adjournment after adjournment.

Hitmen for the NSW Department of Community Services

These solicitors : Kim Rowley, Sam Nasti, Robert McLachlan, Kathryn Renshall, Ross Clarke and Barrister Peter Braine are the hit men for the Department and for the NSW Childrens Court.  They started a so called mentor programme when the childrens courts started in 1998.  [Their] Ex-clients strongly warn everybody to stay away from these solicitors, as they will pretend that they are working for you but have already made agreements with the department and the courts that your child will stay in care.

Peter Braine is a bully and talks down to women.  His favourite line is "Legal Aid does not pay me enough money to work on your case".  He complains about lack of money and does not take instructions from his clients.  He does not explain anything to you and will not answer emails or telephone calls.  He often states paying customers are on the top and legal aid clients are on the bottom.  He lies to his clients telling them false information and is abusive in his manner.  He is not to be trusted.  His office has paperwork all over the ground and he often loses important documents.  He will not put evidence in for you and often tells his clients false information so they will give up and walk away.

Decisions on behalf of your Children: The doctrine of ‘Parens Patriae’ in Australia

Patriae means ‘parent of the country’ in Latin, and refers to the common law doctrine by which the Sovereign has an obligation to protect the interests of those unable to protect themselves, such as children and mentally incapacitated adults.[1] For example, the State has a duty to protect children or the mentally ill who are abused or neglected.

In the earliest days of the doctrine in England, Parens Patriae was restricted to only the mentally incompetent, but in the seventeenth century, the Lord Chancellor extended the duty towards children as well.[2]Parens Patriae jurisdiction does not extend to mentally competent adults, deceased persons or unborn foetuses.

NSW Justice Young cracking down on corrupt Human Services officers

In NSW Supreme Court last week Justice Young tore strips from the Department of Human Services officers responsible for the removal of a baby boy using legislation that had not yet been passed in parliament.  It is believed they also filed the wrong forms - begging the question "How many Department Lawyers deliberately file wrong forms in order to win their case?".

The NSW Justice requested that the boy returned immediately, or at least have orders drawn up to enable him to be returned to his mother and father, however DoCS (Human Services) officers refused the request by the Justice, showing their absolutely complete and utter contempt for the law.

Alecomm staff want the DoCS Lawyer whom filed the forms, knowingly, to be charged and removed immediately from practise, as this type of unethical and corrupt behaviour does nothing but further prove the deeply stemmed corruption in the system, and that DoCS Officers will go to any extreme to remove children from good parents.

The corruptness that has been shown to date in this case, is yet another reason why Pru Gowards recommendations for easier removal and adoption of children should be tossed out the window.  At least until they (DoCS) can adequately prove they are no longer a corrupt organisation. For further information on this case Click Here

