Report shows improvements to state’s child protection system

Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence
The Honourable Di Farmer

[This is the same woman who sat idly by as the Watter Twins were sent back to live with the man they identified as their rapist.  The same woman who ignored the pleas and the testimony of Australia’s most prominent child sexual abuse expert, Professor Freda Briggs and blocked the emails of other advocates who were desperately trying to have the voices of two innocent children who were being regularly brutally assaulted in the “care” of their father - whom was awarded full-time custody of these kids after their continued disclosures of sexual assaults went unheard by all those tasked with protecting them from harm.  And you really think this thing could actually accomplish any positive changes, when she couldn’t even protect two kids let alone ten thousand.]

Queensland’s child protection reform program is seeing results with the latest Report on Government Services (RoGs) showing encouraging signs that Queensland’s reforms are working.

Queensland's billion-dollar child safety bill

The Queensland government spent more than $1 billion last year to save children from neglect and abuse.

But almost 6000 youth aged up to 17 years of age were still sadly the subject of substantiated complaints to Child Safety in 2017-18.

Amber alert mother issues call to arms to stand up against Queensland health system

Jacinda "Cini" Walker has called on supporters to stand up against the Queensland health system during a Facebook live video update on Saturday.

Cini Walker, the mother of four-year-old Chase Walker-Steven who was at the centre of an Amber Alert on Friday, has issued a call to arms for her supporters to stand up against the Queensland health system.

Brisbane mother jailed for child cruelty after toddlers found covered in faeces and living in squalor

A Brisbane mother whose children were left unsupervised in faecal-covered squalor has been sent to prison.

The 22-year-old pleaded guilty to four charges of cruelty and negligence in the Brisbane's District Court.

She broke down in tears as she was sentenced to 12 months' jail.

Child Safety sibling case drags on for three years

A JUDGE reviewing a child- protection case for two young siblings has criticised the ­Department of Child Safety for regularly changing its mind about who should have custody, with the case dragging on for more than three years.

District Court Judge Helen Bowskill said the sister and brother, aged 9 and 8, had been subject to revolving temporary custody orders since a child-protection officer first lodged a court application in 2012 and would now have to wait longer because of errors made by a magistrate.

Queensland child safety staff stood down

The jobs of a dozen Queensland child safety staff are on the line after a report exposed "serious errors of judgment" in the handling of the case of dead toddler Mason Jet Lee.

Child Safety Minister Shannon Fentiman on Wednesday revealed three staff had been immediately stood down on full pay and a further nine were facing an ethical standards investigation into the matter.

An initial report into the case identified shortcomings at the Caboolture Child Safety Service Centre but made no finding of systemic failures across the department.

Mason Jet Lee: Child protection staff stood down over 'errors of judgement' after report into toddler's death

Twelve protection staff facing disciplinary action for "errors of judgement" leading up to the death of Caboolture toddler Mason Jet Lee should not be made scapegoats for what is a flawed system, a union has said.

Three child safety service centre staff have also been stood down after the 21-month-old's death from peritonitis in June.

Mason suffered traumatic injuries in the day before his death.