The biased and unbalanced views of child protection by mainstream media
- Details
- Category: Child Protection
- Created: Monday, 21 August 2017 09:12
- Written by The Chairman

Can someone please explain why the Australian Newspapers to not appear to print a balanced view of child protection? All they ever print is how hard done by the caseworkers are (even when they allow a child to be harmed), yet only print how bad parents are. In fact, even the worst parents do most of the caring for the children, and caseworkers do nothing practical for the children. All they ever do is paperwork. So long as they get their paperwork done everything appears OK.
Why are parents time pressures and needs not printed ever, to ensure proper community supports for parents, but the papers are fixated on staffing levels and the daily routines of handsomely paid social workers?
Here is the SMH complaining about staffing level on behalf of social workers : Click here And here they are again complaining about the daily routine... They claim to be really busy but appear to have enough time to lobby and talk to the newspapers ... Click here. What a joke.