
Search continues for missing girl Kandi Hewitt, last seen in Hamilton Hill

AUTHORITIES are appealing for information about a missing 15-year-old WA girl, who has not been sighted in almost six months.

The Department for Child Protection and WA Police said they had “serious concerns” for Kandi Hewitt, who was last seen in September last year in the Hamilton Hill area.

Porthole to Justice

After reading mainstream articles on Haitian children bring kidnapped from hospitals, you might say, "there must be someone looking for these kids, right? It's not easy to get away with kidnapping more than 15 thousand kids!" Of course there is. The International Commission on Missing Persons. Which was "established at the behest of United States President Bill Clinton in 1996". The mother****** have covered their backs by owning the ICMP, the only thing that would actually track them down. The Clintons and their allies are literally stealing little kids from around the world. WHAT. THE. F IS. GOING. ON BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. They do it in the United States too!

Bendigo child protection worker on the run after police raid at his home

Cameron Allan, 44, is wanted for allegedly knowingly possessing child pornography.

It is believed Allan may be driving a white Ford Mondeo sedan with the Victorian registration number YVJ 107.

The He may be heading towards the New South Wales area of Wagga Wagga and Gundagai.

Anyone with any information should phone Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or log a confidential crime report to www.crimestoppersvic.com.au


NT children's commissioner calls for residential foster care homes to be shut down

TPhoto: Northern Territory Children's Commissioner Colleen Gwynne says resi homes are a flawed model. (ABC News)he NT Children's Commissioner wants residential foster care services to be shut down in the Northern Territory, saying many providers fail to give the support children need.

Colleen Gwynne says residential foster care, which houses children who cannot be placed with families, is not the best model and an alternative should be found.

The system came under heavy criticism after the ABC's Four Corners program revealed claims in other states that private foster care companies repeatedly failed to support staff and children.

NT Children's Commissioner Colleen Gwynne said similar stories existed in the Northern Territory.

"I would say it's not a good model," Ms Gwynne said. "We often let young people down."

NT child abuse reports skyrocketing, children's commissioner report shows

 Photo: Northern Territory children's commissioner Colleen Gwynne. (Supplied: Royal Commission into youth detention in NT) Almost 1,800 children have been abused or neglected in just one year in the Northern Territory, and Territory Families failed to protect almost a quarter of them from more abuse, a new report has revealed.

The NT children's commissioner has released her annual report, finding that the number of notifications potential harm to children has more than doubled in the past five years.

Last year alone, there was a 20 per cent spike in reports, with 20,465 notifications received by the department for 10,851 children, or almost two reports per child.

Almost half of all notifications related to neglect, and almost of third of cases related to emotional abuse.

Melanie Shaw given two years following secret court hearing

Melanie Shaw - UK political prisoner

On Wednesday 11 January 2016, Melanie Shaw, the whistleblower on the horrific abuse of children which occurred at the then county council-run Beechwood Children's Home in Nottinghamshire in the late 1980s, was given a two-year custodial sentence in a secret court hearing.

The nature of the charge against her is unclear and that information is refused when requested of court staff. The case took place late yesterday morning but it did not appear on any court lists until the hearing was past.

Melanie Shaw did not appear in person in court for this hearing, which was conducted by video link from her prison, as has also been the case with previous of her court 'appearances'. She states that without fail, whenever in the past she has given testimony by such video link, she has been cut off on the pretext that "you were shouting", which she denies.

The effect of this is to prevent her testimony from going on the court record, as well as to prevent her as defendant from hearing certain deliberations and assertions being made in the courtroom.

THOUSANDS of children from troubled homes will be returned to their families under a Coalition Government.

The Coalition plans to cap the removal of children for the next four years before DOCS would be asked to slash numbers by more than 20 per cent.

Under the plan, most of the more than 16,000 NSW children in foster care would be looked after by charities and the private sector.

Policy documents show the handover to the non-government sector would begin immediately if the Coalition wins the election.

The policy revelation came as the Coalition yesterday pledged a $120 million fighting fund for preventive health initiatives a day after The Daily Telegraph's People's Parliament unanimously voted for health policies to focus on prevention measures.

Liberal Community Services spokeswoman Pru Goward said that, despite fewer removals, children would be safer.

She said DOCS was now so overloaded it was failing.

Parents would be asked to enter contracts and prove they had combated problems such as drug and alcohol abuse and domestic violence for a period of up to two years before their children could be returned.

A family preservation model would be adopted, with a focus on early intervention.

Children unnecessarily removed from parents, report claims

Dossier indicates drive to increase adoptions is punitive for low-income families and alternatives exist

The research found a 65% rise in the number of children that are separated from their parents since 2001.

The push to increase adoption in England is punishing low-income women, who are increasingly losing their children due to poverty, according to research by Legal Action for Women.

A report to be presented at the House of Commons on Wednesday contains new research from the legal service and campaign group, which suggests the policy of increasing adoption has not reduced the number of children in care – as it was intended to – but has increased the number of those separated from their parents.

NSW Justice Young cracking down on corrupt Human Services officers

In NSW Supreme Court last week Justice Young tore strips from the Department of Human Services officers responsible for the removal of a baby boy using legislation that had not yet been passed in parliament.  It is believed they also filed the wrong forms - begging the question "How many Department Lawyers deliberately file wrong forms in order to win their case?".

The NSW Justice requested that the boy returned immediately, or at least have orders drawn up to enable him to be returned to his mother and father, however DoCS (Human Services) officers refused the request by the Justice, showing their absolutely complete and utter contempt for the law.

Alecomm staff want the DoCS Lawyer whom filed the forms, knowingly, to be charged and removed immediately from practise, as this type of unethical and corrupt behaviour does nothing but further prove the deeply stemmed corruption in the system, and that DoCS Officers will go to any extreme to remove children from good parents.

The corruptness that has been shown to date in this case, is yet another reason why Pru Gowards recommendations for easier removal and adoption of children should be tossed out the window.  At least until they (DoCS) can adequately prove they are no longer a corrupt organisation. For further information on this case Click Here

"Justice for Hollie Greig - Quick Rundown of the Case"

justiceforholliegreigThis is a basic rundown of events regarding Hollie’s case:

Around two or three weeks prior to 17 November 1997
• Robert (Roy) Greig walks in on Dennis Mackie having sex with his own daughter, Hollie and tells Dennis never to touch his niece Hollie again.

17 November 1997
• Body of Robert Greig , a bar-manager and bachelor who loved life, found in burnt-out car on lonely road just outside Aberdeen.
• He had been well-liked and had no personal, financial or health problems and had no reason to take his own life.
• He was dedicated to his sister, Anne who was six years younger than him, and his Downs Syndrome niece, Hollie.
• He had been planning Hollie’s 18th birthday party and had bought her a beautiful bracelet.
• It was Hollie’s 18th birthday six days after Robert Greig died.
• He had campaigned tirelessly and raised funds for Downs Syndrome sufferers.
• Autopsy by Dr James Gr??? (Crown Office Pathologist) states that death was by smoke inhalation.
• Second autopsy doctor was Dawn Marie Chalmers, now Dawn Marie Kelsey who was a GP in Aberdeen but who has since disappeared.

May 2000
• Hollie is 20.
• Following violent disagreement with Dennis Mackie Anne leaves family home taking Hollie with her.
• Hollie tells Anne about abuse by Dennis and Greg, her brother, which started when she was 6 years old and that Dennis had threatened to kill Anne and Max, the family dog if she told Anne.
• Anne reports this to the Police Station in Bucksburn, Aberdeen.

21 July 2000
• Ms Elish Angiolini becomes Regional Procurator Fiscal for Grampian and the Highlands and Islands based in Aberdeen.
• Sheriff Graham Buchanan is apparently a close personal friend of Angiolini.

24 August 2000
• Hollie tells Anne of fourteen other abusers including  a Sheriff , two nurses, two social workers including one with responsibility for Hollie’s care, another two policeman, an accountant and a lawyer.
• After calling for progress report and to give the new information Anne is invited to Bucksburn Police Station.

25 August 2000
• Anne and Hollie give new information to Police Officer Leanne Davidson and Social Worker Nichola Foot at Bucksburn Police Station.
• PO Leanne Davidson then asks to speak to Anne alone.
• Whilst with SW Nichola Foot, Hollie is injected in her leg, called a liar and becomes disorientated.
• Anne discovers Hollie’s distress and, as Hollie is unable to explain what has happened, Anne then requests immediate medical attention.
• After three hours of waiting with no medical attention whilst being told a doctor could not be found, Anne takes Hollie home.

26 August 2000
• Anne takes Hollie to her own GP but the drug has now worn off and is now impossible to trace in Hollie’s system.

17 September 2001 / eleven days later
• Ten people from the local psychiatric institution arrive at Anne and Hollie’s home.
• Anne is forcibly injected, put into a van and taken to Cornhill Hospital in Aberdeen where she is diagnosed as schizophrenic by Dr Alastair Palin.
• Hollie is left behind screaming and given back to her father.
• Anne co-operates and is eventually discharged (date ?)
• At her own expense, Anne asks eminent psychiatrist Dr Ellen Smith for an appraisal after telling her about her “diagnosis” and the events surrounding it. (date ?)
• Dr Smith’s appraisal (documented) shows Anne to have no mental health problems.
• Anne returns home (date ???).

"Summary Justice in Stonehaven"

At Stonehaven Sheriff Court on Friday 17th February, summary justice was served on an Englishman (or Welshman as he reminds people) for upsetting Scotland’s paedophile community.

Ever since 26 January 2011 when the original charges were heard de novo and the original ‘solemn’ trial before a jury was commuted to a ‘summary’ Sheriff trial there had been an inevitability about the final outcome. No one foregathered at the court that morning was much surprised therefore when the sentence was delivered, least of all Robert.

Prior to the proceedings it was the usual scene outside the courthouse with a record 15 supporters holding up the medley of placards and the ‘Scotland’s Shame’ banner. I was pleased to meet one other lady who had bussed all the way up from London and it was particularly cheering to be joined by Stuart Usher, who has done more to singlehandedly expose judicial corruption in Scotland than any other individual and who first introduced Robert to Hollie’s campaign somewhere towards the end of 2008.

“Nice day for it,” observed the young female Grampian police officer passing our demo, as if we’d arrived on a day-trip to the seaside. A little flock of ‘witnesses’ including the high priestess then appeared from various vehicles, vividly clad for the occasion in varying shades of bright red and magenta, adding a gala touch to the occasion – well this was their big day, wasn’t it?

Then it was into court, a thankful release from the northerly breeze which still retained the nip of winter. Determined not to go down without giving the Sheriff one last piece of his mind, as before Robert declined to confirm he was George Robert Green before launching into a tirade from the dock. He disregarded Bowen’s injunction to be quiet and sternly reminded the Sheriff that justice must not just be done but be seen to be done, which had not been the case here. The Sheriff had not disclosed his 10-year relationship with Dame Elish Angiolini who had been cited by Counsel for the Defence yet had been excluded from the proceedings. This had demonstrated a clear conflict of interests which had led directly to the disappointing outcome in his trial. The Sheriff should have recused himself, therefore he, Robert Green would be pursuing the matter at the relevant level – the Sheriff himself could shortly himself be under investigation. Yes, I am George Robert Green.

The niceties as to Green’s identity over, Procurator Fiscal Stephen McGowan opened for the Crown. Looking as usual as if he’d just been caught in an indecent act behind the bike-shed and mumbling his words he referred the Sheriff to “1995 legislation” in which a sentence for the offence of breach of the peace could be indeterminate, ie. at shrieval discretion. In other words, you have the Crown’s full permission to lock Green up for as long as you like. After all he’s gone around accusing people of sexual offences and murder, has he not?

Oh, the wonders of summary justice! No need to consider whether there was any substance to the accusations or whether the 27 in the witness-stand in January had had entirely the right reasons to be upset, or whether a murder might actually have taken place in 1997, yet had not been investigated!

"Claims of COVER UP as Judge jails anti-abuse campaigner for ONE YEAR to justify £1/2 million cost of trial started by ex Lord Advocate Angiolini"

Anti abuse campaigner Robert Green is sentenced to ONE YEAR in jail for handing out leaflets calling for abuse inquiry. IN what many legal observers have branded a STAGGERING decision, Sheriff Principal Edward Bowen sitting at Stonehaven Sheriff Court earlier today took the unprecedented step of jailing the well known anti-abuse campaigner Robert Green to ONE YEAR in prison, for a ‘crime’ which can be traced back to Green’s arrest in February 2010 by Grampian Police officers on orders from the Crown Office for the heinous offence of attempting to hand out leaflets calling for an inquiry into allegations of child abuse raised by downs syndrome victim Hollie Greig and her mother, Anne Greig who were forced to flee Aberdeen some years ago after Grampian Police and Scotland’s Crown Office refused to investigate allegations of child abuse by an alleged paedophile gang based in the area.

The stiff sentence issued by Sheriff Bowen, who, it is claimed, failed to declare relationships with key figures central to the case which included the now former Lord Advocate Dame Elish Angiolini DBE QC (née McPhilomy) brings to a close for now, Scotland’s most expensive ever Breach of the Peace trial which saw a record HALF A MILLION POUNDS spent on the investigation & trial of Mr Green, a case which tunnelled through the Scottish Courts system for over two years at huge cost to taxpayers.

A legal insider speaking this evening to Scottish Law Reporter branded the one year sentence as “excessive”, putting it down to the judge needing to justify the enormous amount of money & effort spent on bringing Mr Green to trial.

He said : “The sentence has little to do with justice, rather it appears more to do with the Crown Office, Police, the Court Service and a collection of questionably motivated ‘others’ needing to take someone’s head off to justify the enormous amount of taxpayers money they have spent on their vindictive pursuit of Mr Green.”

The record spend of at least half a million pounds on the case included FIFTEEN PRE TRIAL HEARINGS at Stonehaven Sheriff Court, 18,000 travel miles for the accused, trips by Grampian Police Officers to England to search & raid homes & seize property including computers & documents, Crown Office staff being flown into Aberdeen especially for the case, and a witness list which at one point totalled SIXTY ONE persons.

The Hollie Demands Justice campaign issued a Press Release, stating it very much regrets the decision today of the Sheriff Court in Stonehaven to deprive Robert Green of his Liberty.

The Hollie Demands Justice campaign said : “Despite breaches of Mr Green's human rights and repeated irregularities in law and process by the police, the legal profession and the court system since Robert Green was first arrested in February 2010, the Sheriff Court in Stonehaven, Sheriff Principle Edward Bowen saw fit to curtail his freedom, sentencing him to 1 year in jail (9 months for Breach of the Peace, 3 months for Breach of Bail conditions).”

“Robert has been a most robust and valued campaigner on behalf of Hollie Greig and her mother Anne, in seeking justice for the wrongs inflicted upon Hollie, exposing the lack of a duty of care from those in positions of trust, the perjury of Grampian Police and highlighting the nefarious nature of the legal system and the Establishment in both Scotland and England.”

Speaking in response to the sentencing of Mr Green, Annie Greig, the mother of Hollie said : “Hollie and I would like to publicly thank Robert Green for his bravery, his tireless work and his dedication to Hollies cause, her search for justice. We consider ourselves most fortunate to have found such a man of principle to act and campaign on our behalf, whose selfless actions have taken him into conflict with those who would abuse their power and powerful connections to evade justice. Our disappointment with the legal system in Scotland now knows no bounds. In our opinion Robert Green should be awarded a medal, not a criminal conviction.”

Mrs Greig continued : “It is our hope that Robert's legal team will mount a speedy and energetic appeal on his behalf to release him from this enforced loss of his liberty that he most certainly does not deserve and we now state publicly that we will have fears for his well-being whilst in prison. We will hold responsible and accountable those who have seen fit to incarcerate him should any interference with his being or any harm befall him.”

“I would like to thank all the wonderful people who have supported Hollie, Robert and myself during this long and ongoing campaign, especially those who have repeatedly made the long trip to Scotland regularly giving support to Robert during his many hearings. Both Hollie and myself extend our heartfelt wishes, our thoughts and our prayers are with Robert today.”

Speaking to one of our reporters late today, a Crown Office spokesperson commented : "Following a trial on summary complaint at Stonehaven Sheriff Court, George Robert Green (27/03/46) was convicted of breach of the peace and breaches of bail. Sentencing is a matter for the court."

However, the Judiciary for Scotland declined to comment to one of our journalists, a spokesperson stating : “The Judicial Office does not comment on individual cases.” No sentencing statement has been released from the Scottish Court Service.

No statement has yet been released by Green’s defence team on their further plans, which many expect to include an appeal. However, one observer to the trial told Scottish Law Reporter tonight : “Robert’s jail sentence for daring to stand up to the powers that be is nothing short of evil.”

He continued : “How can it be that someone who campaigns on behalf of a little girl who the authorities appear to agree was abused, gets sent to jail, while the same authorities have never bothered to fully investigate the allegations or arrest anyone for committing the abuse they themselves say took place.”

A reminder of previous events in the trial of anti abuse campaigner Robert Green can be viewed in earlier coverage by Scottish Law Reporter HERE and further coverage of the Hollie Greig case along with a recent investigation into the knighthood of Angiolini, apparently recommended by the Scottish Government.

Sheriff in £1/2Million trial of anti abuse campaigner failed to declare relationship with Lord Advocate on Northern Lighthouse Board ‘lawyers club’ . Sheriff Principal Edward Bowen who heard Scotland’s most expensive ever Breach of the Peace trial of anti abuse campaigner Robert Green and subsequently found Mr Green guilty of committing a breach of the peace over an attempt to hand out leaflets in Aberdeen during February 2010, is today alleged to have failed to declare a relevant relationship with one of the central characters of the trial, former Lord Advocate Dame Elish Angiolini DBE QC who served as a Commissioner along with Sheriff Principal Bowen on the Northern Lighthouse Board together with a large, if curious gathering of senior members of the legal profession, the judiciary & prosecutors which includes the current boss of the Crown Office, Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland, and his deputy, the Solicitor General, Lesley Thomson.

NMG0505123Former Lord Advocate now Dame Elish Angiolini employed Cayman Islands hopping lawyers from Glasgow. Reporting on the background of the case, Robert Green was arrested by Police on 12th February 2010 in relation to a breach of the peace alleged to have been committed in Aberdeen when Mr Green attempted to hand out leaflets regarding the anti-abuse campaign. It was also revealed the then Lord Advocate, now Dame Elish Angiolini had employed private law firm Levy McRae to serve interdicts on Mr Green in connection with his campaign to ‘out’ alleged abusers of downs syndrome victim Hollie Greig. Glasgow law firm Levy McRae who later represented shamed former Glasgow City Council Boss & Cocaine addict Steven Purcell, proceeded to threaten several media outlets & journalists over their reporting of the case, covered by Scottish Law Reporter HERE & HERE. The Glasgow City Council Purcell cocaine scandal caused some newspapers to ‘evaluate’ their relationship with Levy McRae, details of which were featured in a report here : HERE.

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskillJustice Secretary Kenny MacAskill worked at, has ties to same law firm used by then Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini in interdict case. As details of the case began to be reported in the wider press, it emerged the Scottish Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill had links to LEVY MCRAE, the law firm employed by the then Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini in legal action against Mr Green. Mr MacAskill has made no comment on the fact he served his apprenticeship at Levy McRae and also worked at the firm for a considerable time during his years as a solicitor before he entered politics, while he is thought to have backed Dame Angiolini in her actions at the time. The revelations were reported by Scottish Law Reporter at the time, HERE.
