Trigger warning

When I collected my daughter yesterday afternoon from.... I can't honestly remember what number placement this is... She disclosed details of her attempted suicide...

She has endured 2 year's sexual abuse by a foster carer's son-in-law from 2011 - 2013 she aged 11 to 14....then a group home where the house not only backed onto her old foster carer's back year but her perpetrator could see through her bedroom windows. She was further psychologically tortured by the staff at this group home....

My daughter is still with me today luckily, however I had not been told by DCP Bunbury Western Australia about her hospitalization for attempting suicide...

My little girl, only 14-15 at the time, attempted to use a knife to slash her wrists, "but I found it too blunt and tried scissors instead".
She failed to cut deep enough into her wrists so instead "I broke the scissors and just started cutting.. I couldn't stop... My arms, my legs, my stomach." she told me how she was bloodied and and no one noticed. She then told me "all poisons were loved away, so I went to the boys toilet, where I knew they kept a bottle of Bleach for when the boys do a number 2....i drank the entire bottle before someone noticed that there was blood and I had locked myself in."
She goes on to tell me, "*** the carer, took me to hospital, she was the reason I was there mum. She was so cruel telling me no one wanted me, I was a f"**k up... That no one loved me and she was my only hope" my daughter spent 2 days in hospital while a psychiatric team assessed if she should be moved to a specialist hospital in Perth.... Not once was I informed of this. I had been begging for my baby to come home, along with her siblings.. And now they can contact me, all sorts of nightmare stories are emerging.....

Children are dying in foster care. The system is inhumane and beyond cruel!! I would never have know about my babies suicide attempt unless she had been successful. I have warned dcp that if things did not change, I would be greeting body bags.... I never expected I was that close to it being the truth!