
Residential care survivor calls for more support for children to stay with family

 Dan Freeman and his mumAfter living in foster care, residential care and being homeless, Dan Freeman is now back living with family. 

Dan Freeman is happy that he's back living with his mum.

His life has been turbulent. He has lived in what he describes as "unsafe" residential care facilities, foster care, and has been homeless — living in his car between Morwell, Wonthaggi, and Frankston in Victoria's south-east.

"I've been in foster care since I was two. I've been sexually assaulted by workers, I've been bashed," he told ABC Gippsland.

Sex abuse rife in Vic residential care

Most days in Victorian residential care, a child is sexually abused or exploited.

About twice a day, a child in the state's residential care system self harms or attempts suicide.

A damning report from the Victorian Commissioner for Children and Young People found the child protection system is "broken" and especially failing indigenous children.

It recorded 246 incidents in 2018/19 of children in residential care being subject to sexual abuse or exploitation by people outside their unit, as well as 63 incidents from within their units.

Vulnerable children choose prison over residential care: guardian

Children in state care are voluntarily choosing to stay in prison because they feel fearful and unsafe at residential care facilities, South Australia’s guardian for children has revealed.

In her annual report tabled in parliament yesterday afternoon, Guardian for Children and Young People Penny Wright said young people who are detained at the Adelaide Youth Training Centre and are also under guardianship orders had elected to remain in detention once they reached the end of their sentence because they felt “fearful and unsafe” at residential or commercial care facilities.

'If I don't come home I will just die': Letters reveal child's pleas to get away from her abusers

Abusers job or title:: Fostercarers

“I hate this place. Steve is an a---hole ... I cry myself to sleep every night. This place makes me frightened. It’s just not the same as being home. If I don’t come home I will just die.”

As a young girl, Kelly* wrote letters to her parents pleading with them to remove her and her brother Adam* from a Perth group home where they were wards of the state and allegedly abused by their carers.

Kelly wrote letters to her parents pleading to be removed from the Doubleview Group Home where her and her brother were allegedly abused.

Kelly wrote letters to her parents pleading to be removed from the Doubleview Group Home where her and her brother were allegedly abused.CREDIT:GRAPHIC

Kelly would threaten to run away from the state government-operated Doubleview Group Home, and on one occasion did just that before being brought back to the northern suburbs facility against her will.

Abuser Name or Alias:: Stephen and Susan Gale
Abusers Organisation:: Perth DCP - Doubleview Group Home
Type of Abuse:: Sexual

Bradyn Dillon's case worker 'does not know' why abusive father was not thoroughly checked

Abusers job or title:: Father


Nine year old Bradyn Dillon died in February 2016

Nine-year-old Bradyn Dillon died in February 2016.


The child protection case officer responsible for a Canberra boy murdered by his father has been unable to say why she did not carry out more thorough checks on his abusive parent when she was looking after the case in 2014.

Bradyn Dillon, 9, was killed by his father in 2016, when several weeks of violent attacks culminated in his death.

Abuser Name or Alias:: Graeme Dillon
Abusers Organisation:: Queensland Child Safety
Type of Abuse:: Physical, Death
Matter Resolved?: Ongoing

Twelve year old foster child goes on eight month school strike, begging to return home; CPS refuses to budge

Justin and Aliyah Banta during supervised visitation.

Aliyah Banta has been in thirteen foster homes over the last fifteen months in the state of California. She was a normal pre-teen girl when she was taken from her father, Justin Banta, for allegations of abuse. Since then, her father has been trying desperately to get her back. About to celebrate her second birthday in state custody, Aliyah says she has suffered the worst of America’s foster system, all because she exaggerated the details of a fight she had with her dad to a teacher at school. According to Aliyah, she lied. And the punishment she has received for it is way more than any child deserves. She has been physically threatened by other residents, forced to sleep on the floor, starved, covered in bed bug bites, had her property stolen, was kept from communicating with her father, and forced to live in substandard conditions that would get any family arrested for neglect.

How the child protection system failed to keep Maggie safe

To remove or not to remove? Knowing when to take a child out of a toxic environment is a fraught question.

Maggie* was just 13 when authorities removed her from her family and took her to a motel room.

She left with a single plastic bag containing a change of clothes.

She was scared, lonely and unsure about what would happen next.

Separated from her mother, grandmother and siblings for the first time, hugging a soft pillow was the only thing that brought comfort.

Child protection authorities believed they were removing Maggie for her own good.

But over the next four years as a ward of the state, she spiralled into a world of alcohol, drugs and sexual abuse in a system that was meant to protect her.

Teen, 14, beats tot boy so badly his small intestine explodes. He’ll now face adult charges for murder & abuse: Police


A Virginia teenager accused of beating a young boy to death has been officially charged as an adult, court officials confirmed.

ABC 13 reports that according to the Norfolk Commonwealth’s Attorney, 14-year-old Robert Bolsinger-Hartshorn is facing a second-degree murder charge in connection with the 2018 death of Larkin Carr, 4. The suspect is the son of Hank Smith’s girlfriend, Catherine Louise Seals. Hank Smith is Larkin’s father.

Larkin and his younger brother, 3, were staying with their father, Smith, on a trial basis in his Norfolk home when the alleged abuse began. After temporarily living in foster care, the boys moved in with their dad and Seals in July 2018. Bolsinger-Hartshorn and Seals’ toddler daughter also lived in the home.

Bolsinger-Hartshorn waived his preliminary hearing on Wednesday after Norfolk Juvenile Domestic Relations Court Judge Robert Smith III ruled the teen would face charges as an adult. The suspect is also facing charges as an adult for strangulation, malicious wounding, and child abuse.


Larkin’s cousin, Margie Thomas, told CrimeOnline she was relieved to learn that if convicted, the teen would likely get a lengthier sentence.

“I am overwhelmed with joy knowing he is being held accountable and charged as an adult. He took the life of my sweet baby cousin and knowing this gives us peace. We promised to be Larkin’s voice and this is the first step to justice.”

How do you protect your children from predators? Join Nancy Grace and a team of world-class experts for the online course ‘Justice Nation: Crime Stops Here’.

“Absolutely Nothing” Done to Stop the Abuse: Prosecutors

As CrimeOnline previously reported, Bolsinger-Hartshorn is accused of beating, kicking, slapping, starving, and torturing Larkin, who passed away in November 2018. Seals is accused of doing “absolutely nothing” to stop the abuse, according to court documents filed at the Norfolk Circuit Court.

Bolsinger-Hartshorn called his mother on November 12, 2018, and said Larkin was unresponsive. Seals, who said she was not at home when her son contacted her, called 911.

Detective Matthew Nordan said earlier this year that he spoke to Seals several times following Larkin’s death. The detective said Seals changed her story multiple times, but ended up admitting she witnessed Larkin throwing up throughout an entire weekend before he died.

Seals allegedly admitted she saw a “brown-reddish substance” in the boy’s vomit, according to The Virginian-Pilot. She reportedly claimed she didn’t take Larkin in for medical help because he didn’t have a fever and had slowly started eating again.

The following Monday, as Seals dropped her daughter off in Virginia Beach, Bolsinger-Hartshorn called her about Larkin. She then decided to call 911 for assistance.


Larkin was subsequently taken to the Children’s Hospital of the Kings Daughters (CHKD). Doctors noticed the boy had a black eye and bruises all over his body. He died in the hospital on the same day.

According to court documents, an autopsy noted Larkin had blunt force trauma to his head and abdomen. He had around 70 to 90 bruises on his body, according to WAVY. The autopsy indicated Larkin also had 10 welts on his scalp and a blow so severe that his small intestine ruptured.


Larkin Carr [Family Handout]
When authorities questioned Bolsinger-Hartshorn, he said his mother left him in charge of the two boys on November 9. He reportedly admitted to punching Larkin repeatedly, slamming a chair into his stomach, and holding his head down that day. A few days later, Larkin passed away.


Father and his Girlfriend Charged

Smith said he typically left his two boys with Seals while he worked. Seals then left the boys in the teen’s care on numerous occasions, according to court documents.

Seals was initially charged with felony child abuse and neglect in connection with the boy’s death, but her charges have since been upgraded to homicide. Smith has been charged with child abuse and neglect.

Larkin’s trip to the hospital in November marked the second time he’d been taken in with injuries. In September 2018, Larkin and his brother were brought into CHKD with noticeable injuries.


Patterns of Abuse and Lies: Prosecutor

Initially, the boys’ father and the teen told authorities that the little boys harmed each other while playing, but medical experts said the injuries weren’t caused by young children their age.


Catherine Seals [Police Handout]
Prosecutors said the teen consistently abused both boys while watching them over a span from July to November. He’s accused of pushing them, taking away their toys, beating them, and making them hang from pull-up bars.

“Larkin would tell me that the 14-year-old would hit him,” Larkin’s mother, Tracy Quiñones, told CBS 17. “It was told to me that what Larkin was saying wasn’t true and everything was fine.”

Quiñones noticed bruising on both boys during previous visitations with them. She said she reported the incident to Norfolk Child Protective Services, but nothing ever came of it. Quiñones said CPS visited Larkin’s home and determined “everything was OK.”

“When they had checked the home and checked everything out, they had told me that everything was OK,” Quiñones said.

On January 30, Seals’ defense lawyer argued that her bail should be reduced since she wasn’t home at the time boy died, but still called emergency services to get him help. Judge Lauri D. Hogge, who said she was “speechless” after reviewing graphic images of Larkin’s tiny bruised body, denied the woman’s bond.

“I may go vomit,” the judge said.

Both Seals and the teen remain behind bars without bond. Bolsinger-Hartshorn’s case is scheduled to go before a grand jury on October 24. Seals’ trial is scheduled to start on November 13 at the Norfolk Circuit Court.

Check back with CrimeOnline as additional details become available.

For the latest true crime and justice news, subscribe to the ‘Crime Stories with Nancy Grace’ podcast.  Here is a related episode. 

Source : https://www.crimeonline.com/2019/10/10/teen-14-beats-tot-boy-so-badly-his-small-intestine-explodes-hell-now-face-adult-charges-for-murder-abuse-police/

Foster mom pleads guilty in death of 3-year-old girl in Brooklyn Park, Minn.

Foster mom pleads guilty in death of 3-year-old girl in Brooklyn Park, Minn.

Sherrie Dirk pleaded guilty on Friday to unintentional murder for the girl's death.

A foster mother has admitted to her role in binding a three-year-old girl with sheets, leading to her death in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota in 2017.


Thirty-four-year-old Sherrie Dirk pleaded guilty Friday to unintentional murder for the death of the girl. Her husband, Bryce Dirk, also pleaded guilty to charges connected to the girl's death last month.

According to prosecutors, on November 6, 2017, Sherrie Dirk immobilized the girl by binding her with three sheets and left her alone in her room with the door closed for hours. Neither foster parent checked on the girl during that time, until four hours later when Bryce finally went in and found the three-year-old child wasn't breathing. Prosecutors say one of the sheets was found around her neck.

Bryce Dirk will be sentenced for his role in the case next month.

Investigators found the girl was severely dehydrated and malnourished. Since arriving in the Dirks household, she had also lost weight, dropping from the 98th percentile in weight for her age to 5th shortly before her death.

Sherrie Dirk is expected to serve between 25 and 35 years in prison when she is sentenced on December 3. Bryce Dirk is expected to face 12.5 years behind bars when he is sentenced next month.

Paedophiles getting working with children checks, whistleblowers claim

Family minister Gareth Ward has promised an investigation into whistleblower claims.

An investigation has been ­ordered into shocking claims that the Office of the Children’s Guardian has been handing out working with children checks to paedophiles.

 Source : https://amp.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/paedophiles-getting-working-with-children-checks-whistleblowers-claim/news-story/518056a2b49503863350cbfe7dbdc005

'Vulnerable children being sold to paedophiles and desperate couples


Errol Goetsch of the Justice and Reconciliation Centre says social workers targeted vulnerable families that were usually uneducated, poor or had more children than they could afford. Picture: Eric Gay/AP
Pretoria - The Department of Social Development said it would look into the claims that social workers were selling children to paedophiles and desperate couples who could not have children.

Only after getting full information on the matter would the department provide a clearer picture.

The allegations were made by Errol Goetsch of the Justice and Reconciliation Centre.

According to him, social workers targeted vulnerable families that were usually uneducated, poor or had more children than they could afford.

Goetsch said the demand for children to be abducted and sold in South Africa was extremely high.


He said adoption clients posed as foster parents and paid social workers a lot of money to get a child that would be used for their own personal gains.

“The problem is social workers know all the loopholes and the system so well and the Child Court works hand-in-hand with child protection organisation with the same social workers that lie to them to get what they want,” he said.

According to Goetsch, social workers had the right to remove children from their homes without the consent of the parents.


Even when one party was unsuitable to be a parent, the child still gets stripped away from their homes.

“Often these children are too young to speak for themselves and even if they are old enough, when they get to court they are left outside the building and the social worker speaks on their behalf.”

He said when they took a closer look at the profile of social workers, it usually was Afrikaner men with an affiliation to a Christian organisations or background.


He said courts usually trusted someone with a Christian background and normally did not suspect illegal behaviour from them.

He said the very same social worker who removed the child was appointed to investigate the case in question.

Goetsch said one of the huge cases that he worked on in Bloemfontein was about a brothel owner who bought teenagers from a social worker and used them as sex slaves.

He said he presented the case at the Children’s Court in July, and he had still not gotten a reply.

“This was one of the huge cases I have ever worked on. It had all of the elements and everything was explained in detail on how the children got removed and sold.

“One child said they had been raped several times, and now nothing is being done about this,” he said.

A woman, who wished to remain anonymous, said it had been three years since her daughter was taken away from her.

She said her child was taken by a private social worker who was appointed by the father. The father's parents owned a foster home.

“When I saw the story about child abductions in the newspaper I saw how similar it was to mine and I just got scared and thought maybe this was not happening to me alone.”

She said she had gone to the Department of Social Development and lodged a complaint, but had not received a reply.

“No lawyer has been able to help me because the social worker lied about me in court and said I was a bad mother and I do not have anymore money to pay for different lawyers,” she said.

Source : https://www.iol.co.za/pretoria-news/vulnerable-children-being-sold-to-paedophiles-and-desperate-couples-34427829

Four options available to anyone unfortunate enough to be Tagged by the Department of Child Abduction

Option 1: If you can get access to alot of dollars, get a decent QC. The earlier in the game, the better. But, even then, it depends on what has already been said and done by the child slavers, as this tends to create a problem, even for a seasoned lawyer. The child slavers have a beaut knack for dragging things on, if they really desire your child, to break the emotional connection between parent and child, to control the child, and indirectly, you... and this to you, means lengthy heartache and alot more money. So, to keep it short, with a QC, you'd be looking at anywhere from $50,000 to $1,000,000 to wasted money and still no children home.. until they’re 18 and totally stuffed physically and psychologically. 

Option 2: Make arrangements with friends, or "find" new friends that will assist you to "get" your children back and support you all with board/lodging and effectively hide yas until you can sort it out on the slavers battlefield (court). At least, that way, you maintain your family connection (bond) and if you get kids back early enough, the slavers would not have had enough time to screw with them (in multiple ways).
