
NSW child-protection workers 'regularly' mislead court and needlessly take Indigenous kids: report

A damning review of Facs’ approach to Aboriginal families finds urgent reform is needed. 

Silhouette of little girl holding adult's hand at sunset

New South Wales child protection workers regularly give “misleading” evidence to the children’s court, often take the most traumatic option by removing Aboriginal children – including newborns – from their families, and operate in a “closed system” that needs urgent reform to make it more transparent and child-friendly, according to a new report.

Wyong DoCS prevents mothers from breastfeeding consequently deliberately HARMING NEWBORN BABIES: Government guidelines prove this.

This mother was left haemhorraging and with placenta still intact after DoCS Workers Tim Goble from Wyong and the Entrance DoCS ripped the baby from mums arms when she was just 2 hours old and still in the delivery ward.  You would think this too disgusting to comprehend but mothers and their children these days have less rights than animals, and DoCS workers think its okay to do this when even animals are left for a good six weeks before they are weened from their mum.

'Breastfeeding as a determinant of child health and well-being Food, or more specifically one’s diet is a principal determinant of health (Marmot and Wilkinson 2006). Conversely, inappropriate nutrition is a major burden of disease and therefore a significant public health issue (Marmot and Wilkinson 2006).

Breastfeeding is the best form of infant nutrition and is supported worldwide (Labbok 2006; Brodribb, 2004). The World Health Organisation recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and continued breastfeeding for 2 years and beyond to improve the health and well-being of children but to also have a significant role in reducing health care costs from ill health (WHO 1989).

‘Absolutely appalling’: 100 vulnerable children died in NSW last year

Report finds suicide among cohort reached five-year peak while risk of significant harm rose steadily, with Indigenous children over-represented.

About 100 vulnerable children died in New South Wales last year despite being known by the state justice’s system, according to a government report described as “absolutely appalling” by the national children’s commissioner.

Suicide among vulnerable children peaked to its highest level in five years while risk of significant harm reports have steadily increased for a decade, according to the NSW government’s annual report into child deaths.

Just over one in five of the 100 deaths were Indigenous.

It was the highest number of deaths found since 2011 and the third year in a row the case numbers had increased.

NSW Labor said the most vulnerable children in the state were being left behind and needed “urgent” state government support.

“Year after year the … government delivers platitudes instead of funding,” Labor’s spokesperson for family and community services, Kate Washington, said.

NSW child-protection workers 'regularly' mislead court and needlessly take Indigenous kids: report

A damning review of Facs’ approach to Aboriginal families finds urgent reform is needed.

New South Wales child protection workers regularly give “misleading” evidence to the children’s court, often take the most traumatic option by removing Aboriginal children – including newborns – from their families, and operate in a “closed system” that needs urgent reform to make it more transparent and child-friendly, according to a new report.

The Family is Culture review released this week is a three-year study of the case files of 1,144 Aboriginal children who entered the NSW out-of-home-care system between 2015 and 2016.

In the worst cases, the review found “children who did not appear to be at risk of harm were removed from their families”, the children’s court was “misinformed about vitally important information” and, in a deeply concerning finding, in some cases “the location of young people under the care and protection of the minister was unknown”.

A child
Child protection: governments found to be spending $500m a year without any real gains.

Calls for Queensland government to make report into child deaths available 

The Queensland government is facing calls to release a report into the deaths of 55 children, with one MP slamming the lack of transparency. 

Opposition child protection spokeswoman Amanda Camm has demanded that the Queensland Government makes report into child deaths available. 

The Queensland government is facing calls to release a report into the deaths of 55 children in order to help reform child protection. 

Of the deaths, which occurred last financial year, 10 were due to assault or neglect, six were by suicide and two drowned. 

A further seven died by “unknown” causes and nine had “sudden unexplained deaths”. 

Type of Abuse:: Death

The death of advocates involved in exposing child protection corruption

Those who have died exposing child protection corruption:

An ex- Georgian (US) Senator Nancy Schaeffer was a leading advocate against child protection corruption, working tirelessly to both expose and change the system.  She appears to be the first in a growing list of those being murdered to coverup corruption in the child protection racquet.  

A few days before Schaefer’s death, she announced the completion of a four-year documentary project she had personally funded to expose names and crimes against children.  Following her death, the documentary failed to surface.  Its whereabouts is still unknown.  Another indepth report of hers is available here.

Bill Bowen, a former firefighter and federal investigator was murdered just five months after Senator Schaeffer’s murder, and not long after the third in a series of short documentaries (“Innocence Destroyed”) on child protection corruption (reform) also. 

Child protection 'dishonest, dangerous'

generic unidentifiable kid in playground

Victoria's child protection services are in the firing line again today, with two reports accusing the system of leaving vulnerable children at risk.

In September, Victoria watched Community Services Minister Lisa Neville under siege after a damning report into failures by her department.

There was news of a Gippsland man accused of raping his daughter over three decades and fathering her four children, as well as strong calls for a major overhaul of the state's child protection services.

Another scathing report from Victoria's Ombudsman found the system slow to act, under-resourced and at times dishonest.

CPS worker defies gag order, exposes violent child sex ring in state foster system

Abusers job or title:: Foster Father

Sierra Vista, AZ — While many think that the state taking children from parents is a noble gesture to protect the child, all too often, the state removes kids from a bad situation and throws them into a situation akin to a horror film. Many times the children are taken from caring parents, who happened to hit a rough patch in their lives, and thrown into torturous and outright sadistic situations where they end up raped, tortured, and even murdered.

Beth Breen, a former employee of Arizona DCS recently broke her gagging order and went on Northwest Liberty News where she detailed the horrifying treatment suffered by a young girl named Devani at the hands of the state foster system.

According to Breen, she is not supposed to speak about the case because of the gag order, but is anyway because the information is vital and the order unconstitutional.

Breen explained that she was a driver for a 5-year-old girl whose stay in foster care ended with her being permanently disfigured and fighting for her life in ICU because of her bureaucratic ‘protection’ within the system. The child, who is referred to as Jane Doe in a lawsuit, but whose real name is Devani, was taken from her parents because they had substance abuse issues.

Abuser Name or Alias:: David Frodsham
Abusers Organisation:: Fostercare System
Type of Abuse:: Sexual, Death
Matter Resolved?: No

Child Protective Services and the business of taking your children

Across the country, children are being taken from loving homes by government agencies collectively known as Child Protective Services. Although these agencies are supposed to protect children, they are actually the engine that drives a multi-billion dollar industry.

This industry, which includes social workers, psychologists,  lawyers, judges, the police, and foster care, revolves around governmental management of children and families. It profits every time a new child is placed into the system. And its survival requires a constant supply of fresh children.

To feed the machine, CPS has become increasingly intrusive to the point where your child might be taken away from you for something as small as asking a doctor for a second opinion.

Medical Kidnapping

Consider the case of Baby Sammy Nikolayev.

Anna and Alex Nikolayev took their 5-month old baby, Sammy, to Sutter Memorial Hospital for treatment of flu-like symptoms. But, after seeing the staff in action, they didn’t like the care that Sammy was receiving:

  • At one point, Anna questioned the antibiotics Sammy was being given and was alarmed that the nurse administering the treatment didn’t know why the child was receiving them. Anna claims that a doctor later said that Sammy should not have been receiving the medication.
  • When the doctors started telling the Nikolayev’s that Sammy needed heart surgery, they decided they wanted to get a second opinion:
    Anna argued with doctors about getting a second opinion. Without a proper discharge, she finally took Sammy out of the hospital to get a second opinion at Kaiser Permanente.
  • The doctor at Kaiser examined the baby and concluded that it was perfectly fine for him to go home with his parents. But, the doctors at Sutter disagreed. They contacted CPS, who sent out a social worker. That social worker contacted the police.
  • The day after Sammy was cleared by the Kaiser doctor and sent home with his parents, police raided the Nikolayev’s house and abducted 5-month old Sammy.

God is giving the parents and people victory! Judges,attorneys, doctors, CPS all in trouble!!!

Shareable Graphics for Human Trafficking Awareness — InterpretationThanks for being a loyal email subscriber. We are so elated to be able to fill you in on all the powerful blessings that God has bestowed upon our movement and nation. I’m sure you have witnessed the massive amounts of arrest and or discipline,  which we told you were coming, that have taken place in the last couple of weeks. What may shock you is the number of arrest involving doctors, lawyers, CPS workers, government workers and other people in positions of trust.

Why is this Important???

Think about this, our very own government came out and told that 88 percent of the children found in the hands of traffickers came directly from CPS and foster care.

Former Community Services worker sued for failing to protect sisters from sexually abusive stepfather

After suffering years of sexual abuse at the hands of their stepfather, two sisters are suing a former community services case worker and the NSW Government for failing to protect them.  The women, known as TB and DC, say that despite knowing about the abuse and documenting their complaints, both the department and the former officer did not report it to the police.

Lawyers for the pair say it is the first time a Department of Community Services (DOCS) worker has been personally sued for not protecting children at risk. The former worker, Carolyn Quinn, is now a high-profile child protection consultant and was appointed by the minister to the NSW Carers Advisory Council.

The abuse of the two girls began in the 1970s when they were five and eight.  Their stepfather repeatedly raped and indecently assaulted them. He took sexually explicit photographs of the pair and regularly beat and threatened them.  The court heard that their stepfather would beat the girls with a leather strap, threaten them with a knife and handcuff them. 

In early 1983, one of the sisters phoned the then-Department of Youth and Community Services (now DOCS) to report the abuse.  Ms Quinn interviewed the girl and prepared a report detailing their story.

Sisters abused by Stepfather awarded $1.5m

crime-sceneTwo sisters who sued the state of New South Wales for failing to protect them from their abusive stepfather have been awarded almost $1.5 million in damages after an eight-year battle for compensation.

The women, known as TB and DC, were repeatedly raped and indecently assaulted by their stepfather when they were children in the 1970s and 1980s.

The payout marks the end of a long legal battle for the sisters, which began in 2008 when they sued the state and their former community services case worker for negligence in the NSW Supreme Court.

They claimed that despite knowing about the abuse and documenting their complaints, both the Department of Community Services (DOCS) and the officer did not report it to the police. They alleged that had the abuse been reported, they would have been protected from further abuse.

The former case worker, Carolyn Quinn, is now a high-profile child protection consultant and a former member of the NSW Carers Advisory Council.

Last year, the sisters lost their initial claim, with Justice D ruling that while the department had failed in its duty of care to report the abuse, he did not accept that the abuse continued after DOCS was first notified in 1983.

Justice Campbell ruled Ms Quinn did not owe the girls a duty of care and even if she had, she had fulfilled that duty by reporting the abuse to her superiors.
