
Another Norwegian family beat Barnevernet by publicising their case

Great news has arrived from Norway: parents Natasha and Eric Olsen Myra have won back their twins taken away from them immediately after birth due to the mother´s alleged mental retardation. However, the battle is not yet over as the Norwegian system is threatening the parents with 2 years of imprisonment for the abduction of their own children to Poland.

The whole story began when Natasha was 13. At that time she was growing up with her foster parents who, for the sake of higher social benefits, arranged for the following diagnosis to be written down in her medical records: “non-specified mental retardation manifested by misbehavior”. Although Natasha was fighting fit, her foster parents received significantly higher social benefits for two years on account of fraud committed by one of the doctors who was their friend.

Media coverage of Barnevernet scandals is working well. Norway is making a volt-face.

Media coverage of Barnevernet cases is slowly beginning to bear fruit in Norway itself. Last year´s developments might also bring hope to Eva Michaláková and her children. The present situation is in no way comparable to the one at the end of 2014.

The shift is enormous. And Norway itself is waking up to the fact that the faux pas of the local child-protection service are nowadays subject of public debate. I have written earlier about the story of Natasha and Erik whose twins were taken away on the basis of an extremely dubious expert opinion and then returned. This case was far from being the only one.

Is Medical Kidnapping big pharma’s new dirty decret?

Big Pharma has another dirty secret that mainstream media is intentionally keeping from you. Nope, it’s not another pharmaceutical class-action lawsuit for killing and maiming thousands. Nor is it the suppression or intentional sabotage of a natural substance for the treatment of cancer. This is something that is every parent’s horrifying nightmare… especially a parent who is well educated in natural and alternative health.

Imagine, just for a moment, that you get the devastating news that your 10-year-old son has been diagnosed with cancer. As a good parent, you want to learn as much as possible about treatment options and you immediately scour the web for information.

Educated mother sees the real side of child protection

My mom initiated victims services in her home town...and a few years later quit...hands tied when trying to help between RCMP and child welfare..she had enough...then worked with the FCFS...

So very educated (aka brainwashed)..hook line and sinker with lead boots. UNTIL she had to deal with the system personally. She got a real eye opener... She knows they're "Gods"... and always thought that anyways because of her "education" ..but she saw how they ACTUALLY operate and was none too happy with our "false gods." The rose colored glasses got smashed.

Our politicians, the authorities and other supporting networks of child protection need their rose colored glasses smashed too..see it for what it really is.

The rose coloured glasses effect

Funny you say "Rose colored glasses", because that's exactly what happened to me while working towards my BSW and trying to get the ones called "Child Protection" workers to PROTECT as per their mandate under the legislation in BC. I clearly and very concisely advised a "Social Worker" that I no longer wore the "rose colored glasses" she had on. The study of Social Work is nothing more than junk science, with all these "expected/desired outcomes", which boil down to government experiments on children and their families that have been made to APPEAR justified. They probably have a couple of "magic balls" too that make the delusional fairy tale endings as well. There is not ONE person in this world that can "predict" the future of a traumatized child with absolute precision. Trauma affects each and every one of them differently, as it does their families that have to pick up the pieces afterwards.

F**ked up FACS workers.

Why is it that when FACS remove kids from slightly dysfunctional families, they refuse to concede the effort the parents put in, or ever send them home.

You've given up drugs, you're doing counselling etc. putting it straight ... Do they want to sentence the kids to a lifetime of misery in OOHC?

Poorer life outcomes, more likely to take illicit drugs and alcoholism, more likely to be jailed?

You've done everything they've asked so why do they want to fuck your kids life up anymore than they have via the traumatic way they removed them.

The kids have run away, they are screaming to come home. They're extremely traumatised with what FACS did. That's not the least intrusive method.

The kids are miserable. They need to do the right thing and send them home.  All evidence proves that even kids from slightly dysfunctional families fare much better than if shoved in foster prison. 

Hitmen for the NSW Department of Community Services

These solicitors : Kim Rowley, Sam Nasti, Robert McLachlan, Kathryn Renshall, Ross Clarke and Barrister Peter Braine are the hit men for the Department and for the NSW Childrens Court.  They started a so called mentor programme when the childrens courts started in 1998.  [Their] Ex-clients strongly warn everybody to stay away from these solicitors, as they will pretend that they are working for you but have already made agreements with the department and the courts that your child will stay in care.

Peter Braine is a bully and talks down to women.  His favourite line is "Legal Aid does not pay me enough money to work on your case".  He complains about lack of money and does not take instructions from his clients.  He does not explain anything to you and will not answer emails or telephone calls.  He often states paying customers are on the top and legal aid clients are on the bottom.  He lies to his clients telling them false information and is abusive in his manner.  He is not to be trusted.  His office has paperwork all over the ground and he often loses important documents.  He will not put evidence in for you and often tells his clients false information so they will give up and walk away.

Top disability services provider Lifestyle Solutions investigated over series of deaths

One of Australia's most high-profile providers of disability services, Lifestyle Solutions, is under review by both the Victorian Government and the NSW Ombudsman after a series of deaths of its clients and other alarming reports about the abuse and neglect of some disabled people in its care.

Key points:
Failings were identified after four patient deaths
In one incident, a woman who had her legs amputated was left alone overnight and had no way to seek help
Victorian Government cancelled contract with Lifestyle Solutions after complaints

Australian Community Services Expenditure 2008

During the 2008-09 financial year there was $25.2b spent on direct community services activities and a further $4.0b on non-direct and related community services activities.

Total expenditure on direct activities comprised $13.8b by 'not for profit' organisations, $6.7b by 'for profit' businesses, $3.8b by Commonwealth/state/territory government organisations and $0.9b by local government. In addition, Commonwealth/state/territory government organisations provided funding of $9.5b to other private organisations and self-employed contractors for the direct provision of community services.

Source : http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/E7D70BC100648E8CCA25774B0015659D?opendocument

Decisions on behalf of your Children: The doctrine of ‘Parens Patriae’ in Australia

Patriae means ‘parent of the country’ in Latin, and refers to the common law doctrine by which the Sovereign has an obligation to protect the interests of those unable to protect themselves, such as children and mentally incapacitated adults.[1] For example, the State has a duty to protect children or the mentally ill who are abused or neglected.

In the earliest days of the doctrine in England, Parens Patriae was restricted to only the mentally incompetent, but in the seventeenth century, the Lord Chancellor extended the duty towards children as well.[2]Parens Patriae jurisdiction does not extend to mentally competent adults, deceased persons or unborn foetuses.

Norway's stolen children?

Why are so many parents in Norway claiming that the state is kidnapping their children? With a spike in cases in recent years and accusations of racial intolerance, Dateline asks whether these children are being saved, or stolen.

"We’d seen them on the ultrasound, felt all the movement in my tummy. The hardest thing was to come home empty handed,” mum Natasha Myra Olsen tells Georgina Davies.

When her and partner Erik had twin girls, Norway’s child protection agency, Barnevernet, turned up at the hospital and took them away.

Ontario’s most vulnerable children kept in the shadows

Child welfare system lacks accountability and transparency, with services for vulnerable children described as “fragmented, confused.”

Former youth in care share their stories about their experiences with the CAS, group homes, and foster homes.(JIM RANKIN / TORONTO STAR)
LAURIE MONSEBRAATENSocial justice reporter
JIM RANKINFeature reporter
There is a child in the Ontario government’s care who has changed homes 88 times. He or she is between 10 and 15 years old.
