
FACS deliberately forge evidence to remove Chase

Court was AGAIN adjourned at Broadmeadow Children's Court in Newcastle. If you are able, please front up and stand in peaceful solidarity for this broken family who are crying out for their baby.

There has not been a single finding supporting FACS' ridiculous claims of malnourishment presented to the courts or Marc and Cini. In the 3 weeks since Chase vanished from his mothers sight without a trace, there has only been adjournment after adjournment.

Child protection worker's dirty tricks - what you need to know

This material is an introduction to the operating procedure of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF), and most of the state child protection agencies around the country.  You won't find this stuff in the DCF policy manual, but it ought to be there, since most of the social workers use these tactics. I imagine that the social workers pass them on as oral tradition from generation to generation.

Their goal: Take as many children as possible from famlies, because the more children they take, the more federal reimbursement bucks the agency gets, the more power it accrues, and the more people it can hire. The primary interest of all bureaucracies like DCF is to get as much money and power as possible, in an ever upward spiral.

Their method: Dirty tricks.


Forget the law and regulations. Here is the real policy manual for DCF. Their employees do not fear the law or any consequences to themselves personally for harming children, since the law gives them substantial legal immunity, and even judges and lawyers are afraid of their power.

Confidential child protection files on sale at Alice Springs tip shop

The department cannot say whether the risk of the loss of the files has been fully mitigated.

Dozens of confidential documents, including a child protection investigation and a child death file, have been found at the Alice Springs tip shop, in a major privacy breach involving the Northern Territory Families department.

The files relate to 33 clients and staff members of Territory Families dating back to 2009.

Grand Chief ‘horrified’, as Alberta quietly allows organ harvesting from children who die in provincial care

“Having just learned of this policy, I am horrified, appalled and, quite frankly, mad as hell that this is happening and that it has been working quietly in the background for so long,” said Courtoreille in a statement.

With an already high number of Aboriginal children in care, a 2013 investigation conducted by the Edmonton Journal and Calgary Herald revealed a startling trend in the deaths of children in care in Alberta. The investigation uncovered that while only nine per cent of Alberta children are Indigenous they accounted for 78 per cent of children who have died in foster care since 1999.

Ontario passes ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing gov’t to take kids from Christian homes

Pro-family advocates warn Bill 89 gives the state more power to seize children from families that oppose the LGBTQI and gender ideology agenda, and allows government agencies to effectively ban couples who disagree with that agenda from fostering or adopting children.

Victorian school children now have involuntary weekly doctor visits: drugging without consent


In the Australian state of Victoria, a state program kicked in at the beginning of 2017 to mandate that children as young as 12 should see a doctor in school at least once a week, to receive drugs and medical treatment without parental consent.


According to the Herald Sun:


“Doctors will have the power to treat students as young as 12 in schools even if parents refuse their consent.


GPs will consult at 100 Victoria high schools for up to one day a week as part of a $43.8 million program.


Guidelines released on Thursday show that even if a parent “expressly states” that a doctor should not their child, the GP can if they deem the teen mature enough.”

Why is Ontario's Children's Aid Societies shrouded in more secrecy than CSIS?

Former Privacy Commissioner Ann Cavoukian : "As the law stands now clients of the Ontario Children's  Aid  Society under Wynne's liberals are routinely denied  a timely (often heavily censored) file disclosure before the court begins making life altering decisions and the "clients" can not request files/disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act nor can censored information reviewed by the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario or the federal counter-part." 

As far back as 2004, Ontario's Privacy Commissioner has lobbied for oversight and accountability for the Children’s Aid Society and been completely ignored.

Fatal Care: about the series

In 2009, the Edmonton Journal asked the government of Alberta how many children had died in its care that year. The government couldn’t provide a number, nor could it answer other questions about foster care deaths. It was not new; reporters had been having trouble getting this information for years. So, the Journal put in a request to see all internal government reports related to the deaths of children in care from 1999 to 2009. The government declined, citing privacy issues. But in June 2013, after a four-year legal battle, Alberta’s access to information commission forced the government to release information on each child that had died in its care between 1999 and 2013.

Fatal Care: The deaths of Alberta children in government care

Fatal Care, Publication ban lifted

In the last 14 years, 145 children have died in government care, nearly triple the number previously reported by the province. Many, like the child this father mourns at a gravesite west of Edmonton, were just infants.
The Alberta government has dramatically under-reported the number of child welfare deaths over the past decade, undermining public accountability and thwarting efforts at prevention and reform. A six-month Edmonton Journal-Calgary Herald investigation found 145 foster children have died since 1999, nearly triple the 56 deaths revealed in government annual reports over the same period.

Former prisoner infected girl under state care with hep C before fatal overdose, inquest hears

Maria was found dead in a house in Melbourne's western suburbs in 2013.

A 16-year-old-girl who died of a drug overdose while in Victorian state care had previously been infected with hepatitis C by a recently released prisoner, an inquest has been told.

Key points:

  • The inquest is examining the actions of Maria's carers in the lead up to her death
  • The decision not to call an ambulance when Maria was found drug affected has been scrutinised
  • The case is shining a spotlight on how high-risk children are treated in state care
  • The prisoner was allegedly allowed to send letters sexually grooming Maria Liordos to her residential care unit, and sexually assaulted and used drugs with her after he was released.

Maria was found dead in a house in Melbourne's western suburbs in 2013 in the early hours of the morning, after allegedly using drugs earlier at the residential care unit, which was operated by the Salvation Army's Westcare agency.

Much of the evidence already heard by coroner Audrey Jamieson revolves around actions by Westcare staff on the night of Maria's death, and whether or not an ambulance should have been called given her drug-affected state.

"Belmont Baby Death"

Page: 28728

Ms PRU GOWARD: I direct my question to the Minister for Community Services. Will the Minister commit today to having the case involving the death of a baby in Belmont in December 2007 re-investigated, after revelations that a whistleblower, a caseworker from the Department of Community Services, had submitted a warning report recommending an urgent risk assessment of the family but that was never passed to police or the Child Death Review Team? Given his report could have significantly changed the then murder investigation, will the Minister have the case re-investigated? Or, will the Minister cover it up? I have his affidavits if the Minister would like access.

Ms LINDA BURNEY: This is a terribly sad case that occurred three years ago. I ask members to listen carefully, in particular the member for Goulburn. Despite investigations by the Coroner and the New South Wales Ombudsman, the cause of death could not be determined and the baby may have been still born. In fact, this little baby probably never took a breath. I will repeat this just to make it absolutely clear.


The SPEAKER: Order! Members will listen to the Minister in silence.

Ms LINDA BURNEY: Separate investigations by the Coroner, the police and the Ombudsman have been carried out and not one of those experts or professionals has ever identified any grounds to substantiate a charge of murder—

The SPEAKER: Order! The Leader of the Opposition will cease interjecting.

Ms LINDA BURNEY: —or found any basis to support the allegations of a cover-up.

Mr Barry O'Farrell: He does not have access to the case worker.

Ms LINDA BURNEY: If you can just hold your tongue for one minute, you will find out.

The SPEAKER: Order! A question has been asked on a serious matter and the Minister is giving her answer. I again ask members to listen to the Minister in silence.

Ms LINDA BURNEY: How utterly irresponsible of the member for Goulburn to start smearing a family with the gravest of possible charges, all without a shred of evidence to support such a charge. The member for Goulburn evidently launched this crusade against this family not only without evidence but also without any thought of what those kinds of allegations do to the other children in the family. They do not deserve this. I know from some of the letters I have received from the member for Goulburn that she fancies herself as a bit of a social worker. She now seems to think she is also a judge and a jury.

Ms Pru Goward: Point of order: Standing Order 129—it was a very direct question: Will the Minister re-investigate the matter?

The SPEAKER: Order! Members will come to order. The Minister's response is clearly relevant to the question.

Ms LINDA BURNEY: The allegations of a cover-up in this matter are simply absurd. Community Services conducted an internal review to examine whether there was anything the agency could learn from this case because there are always things we can learn, or might do differently with the benefit of hindsight. We recognise that and that is exactly why a review of this case was conducted. The Opposition knows all of that because it has a copy of the review report. The Opposition requested information under freedom of information and it was provided. The Opposition also asked questions on notice, which were answered. So where is the cover up? Where is the secrecy? The internal review focused on the way the case was managed prior to the tragedy. Community Services was never made aware of the pregnancy, nor received any reports about the existence of the unborn baby, until the discovery of the body. The mother in question kept her pregnancy to herself.

All information about this case, including findings of the Coroner and police were provided to the Child Death Review Team. Furthermore, all of the Community Services information about this family was provided to the Special Commission of Inquiry. Where is the cover up? It would be laughable if it were not so horrifying to think that the member for Goulburn is holding herself up as ready to take on the responsibility of the Community Services portfolio. Families in New South Wales be warned! I am aware that the employee of Community Services was quoted in a media report. I am concerned about confidentiality. The investigation of that staff member had nothing to do with this case. This matter was completely unrelated to the death of the baby in Belmont. Any allegation of that kind is serious and an investigation was undertaken. The findings of that investigation led to disciplinary action, which was eventually settled in the Industrial Relations Commission.  (Source : http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/prod/parlment/hansart.nsf/V3Key/LA20101201015?open&refNavID=HA8_1)

Justice for Kyisha Griffiths Cottom

Kyisha Griffiths Cottom was removed from her mother by the NSW Department of Community Services because she was a victim of domestic violence.

Like most cases involving DoCS, the mother was crucified, not offered any assistance or support to be able to leave the situation, and she was turned instantly into a surrogate for the system that pretends to care for children and families.

Caseworkers chose their normal "modus operandi", and just ripped the kids from the parent who loved them, gave them to complete strangers and tried to pretend that they just have a complete new family now, and this stranger who is female, they must refer to now as "mummy".

In the time period that Kyisha was "under the care" of the department, she was moved around more times than fifteen foster homes - not exactly stable now is it.  She was then repeatedly returned to Allambi House Group Home which is where she died of a drug overdose.
