"My Bad Experience with DCP West Australia"
- Details
- Category: Western Australia DCP
- Created: Saturday, 13 April 2013 23:30
- Written by pushedtothelimit
Hi Hannible and other victims. I have a horror story and I just found this forum. Sit down before you read this. In November 2005 I seperated amicably from my ex. I have 2 daughters with her and she had a 5 yo boy J when I met her. Upon moving out of the family home 15yo J decided he did not want to stay with his mother and threatened to move in with some known druggos down the road so I agreed to let him come live with me. My 2 daughters aged 8 T and 6 A stayed with mother and visited me every second weekend and so on.
6 months later mother decides she wants to move to Brisbane to be with her belligerent Samoan clan members. I refused to let her take the children interstate and next thing you know she is in Hilary's police station making allegations of child abuse. In about March 2006 I get a call from the police on my way home from work telling me I am under investigation and not to go near my kids. Around the same time I noticed J acting odd and becoming withdrawn. The cops land 3 VRO's on me 1 for her and each of the children. I confront J with the dilemna and he discloses that his mother had ambushed him at Aranmore Catholic College and threatened to have him beaten up if he doesn't take sides with her and help get the kids to Queensland.
I reported this to the so called Child Protection squad as it was then known and they ignored. Shortly prior to all this when the mother announced her plans I managed to obtain a full email file off the mothers computer and put it away basically forgotten. After getting the bad news I put thew eamil file into a computer and found several emails showing the mother cooking up allegations with 3 other female members of the clan. Her mother sister and auntie. I called the cops and told them we had evidence of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and still they ignored and refused to bring us in for an interview.
I went to the DCD office in Joondalup and insisted they interview me which was probably a mistake as the man hating feminist Kay Mander spoke to me for about 6 minutes then concocted a bullshit report and ran that into the family court claiming I was "obviously the overbearing partner in the relationship"
"73 at-risk children die in Queensland "
A QUEENSLAND child who had been placed in the care of an alleged sex offender was one of scores of children known to the state's child protection system who died in the year to July.
The Queensland Child Death Case Review Committee's 2011/12 annual report shows 73 children - from babies to 17-year-olds - died in the year who were known to the Department of Child Safety, eight more than the year before.
Of the 73, 27 died of disease or morbid conditions, five died of sudden infant death syndrome and undetermined causes, 11 perished in transport incidents, five drowned, four were fatally assaulted, and six committed suicide, one of whom was just nine years old.
The committee commended the department for carrying out "sufficiently comprehensive" responses to 63 of the children while they were alive. It said a further six cases were sufficient but contained minor errors.
"The DOCS/FACS NSW Protest against Corruption"
Meet at 9.00 am on 27 August 2013 outside the Downing Centre Criminal Courts 143-147 Liverpool Street SYDNEY.
This is the day that Jim Moore disgraced former Director General of DOCS/FACS NSW goes on trial for Domestic Violence - The Media will be in attendance to cover his trial.
Day TWO:
Protest continues outside the Electoral office of Pru Goward.
Meet at 10.00 am
288 Bong Bong Street BOWRAL NSW
This is a chance for all of us to unite in protest and present our struggle to the Media for our children. We need all family members victimised by DOCS/FACS NSW to attend, and ask that everyone be well dressed and well behaved - NO offensive language as we need to impress the media.
This will be our chance to be heard by the media.
Please start making plans for this protest and preparing your Banners to highlight the extensive failures of DOCS/FACS NSW.
"Foster parents blow whistle on Families SA"
FIRST ON 7: A network of former foster parents who have had children removed from their care has blown the whistle on a crisis within Families SA.
They claim the system is unjust and destroying lives - and the Minister concedes improvements need to be made.
While they can’t be identified, the foster parents have cared for hundreds of children over decades.
They are also united in the grief of having children forcibly removed.
“She was taken from our place kicking and screaming, singing out our names,” one woman told 7News.
Another said she was given a 35-minute window to pack her clothes, and described the removal as being ‘like a tragic death’.
Some of the carers had raised the children from babies.
In each case, allegations were made and the parents felt immediately labelled guilty.
“They said we were only in it for the money, and yet we weren’t only in it for the money – we loved those kids dearly with all our hearts,” one woman said.
They said they felt bullied, and don’t have an avenue to prove their innocence.
"More havoc and destruction from the HARPIES in WA DCP - Natalie MacDonald, Lisa Devine and Kristina Fraser"
Hi All,
My first post, I too have had a bad experience with what you call DOCS, here in Western Australia they are called Department of Child Protection (D.C.P), it has been 7 months since they decided to start on me and the misery and stress is still going on today, I have had 3 of these harpies after me so here is my story.
Please take note that I have carefully edited out the children’s names for their own protection, I have 3 children but they do not live with me now.
To begin with I am or was a single parent, in mid May of 2009 my daughter decided to come and live with me, my daughter also asked if a friend could also come and live with us as the friend was having issues at home, I said it would be ok providing it was ok with the friends mother, to which it was, at this point I was made aware that the friend was a DCP client, so I went to the local DCP office to have a discussion with Lisa Devine about my options by way of seeking help for the friend, to which I was told that they cant give out details, however, I never asked for details of the friend, then this harpy said to me, that this is a big ask of you to take on a child you do not know as well as your own biological child, are you sure you can handle 2 14yo, I said that I will try, by treating them the same without any favouritism, the conversation ended ok enough and I left their cave.
In early June 2009, I picked up both my daughter and her friend from the local bus terminal, got them settled in and enrolled at the local high school, all was going well, no issues nor problems at all, just like a normal family, both girls made friends and were quite happy.
In early August 2009, this is where my nightmare began, my daughter decided on having a 15th birthday party and wanted to have friends attend, which I said ok; the party went well, no fights or screaming, quite a sedate party, then 2 days later, the misery began, I took them 2 to school as I did since they arrived all ok, about lunchtime, I got a SMS from my daughter asking if her friend came home as my daughter couldn’t find her friend, I replied that her friend did not come home, I went to pick up the 2 from school at 3pm, and was then accosted by a male (Brent Montgomery) who was asking me about the party.
I said the party was ok why? He then said well we want to come and collect friends belongings from you, again, I asked why and what was going on, the male just turned and walked away, my daughter then appeared and was visibly upset when, my daughter got into the car, I asked her what was wrong, my daughter replied that the friend was taken out of school earlier, by two adults a male and a fat female, we went home, about 45 minutes later a govt plated car appeared, and both the male I spoke to plus the fat female came out, the friend was in the back seat and also came out, visibly upset, I let the friend inside to get the belongings, the fat female demanded to go inside, I asked what the problem was, she refused to tell me, with that I refused her entry to my home, she then became aggressive, to which I just laughed at her, calling her an idiot, the male never made a move on me as I was considerably bigger than him, 20 minutes later they left with the friend, leaving me with a very upset child to comfort.
"My bad experience with DCP West Australia"
I have a horror story and I just found this forum. Sit down before you read this. In November 2005 I seperated amicably from my ex. I have 2 daughters with her and she had a 5 yo boy J when I met her. Upon moving out of the family home 15yo J decided he did not want to stay with his mother and threatened to move in with some known druggos down the road so I agreed to let him come live with me. My 2 daughters aged 8 T and 6 A stayed with mother and visited me every second weekend and so on.
6 months later mother decides she wants to move to Brisbane to be with her belligerent Samoan clan members. I refused to let her take the children interstate and next thing you know she is in Hilary's police station making allegations of child abuse. In about March 2006 I get a call from the police on my way home from work telling me I am under investigation and not to go near my kids. Around the same time I noticed J acting odd and becoming withdrawn. The cops land 3 VRO's on me 1 for her and each of the children. I confront J with the dilemna and he discloses that his mother had ambushed him at Aranmore Catholic College and threatened to have him beaten up if he doesn't take sides with her and help get the kids to Queensland.
I reported this to the so called Child Protection squad as it was then known and they ignored. Shortly prior to all this when the mother announced her plans I managed to obtain a full email file off the mothers computer and put it away basically forgotten. After getting the bad news I put thew eamil file into a computer and found several emails showing the mother cooking up allegations with 3 other female members of the clan. Her mother sister and auntie. I called the cops and told them we had evidence of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and still they ignored and refused to bring us in for an interview.
I went to the DCD office in Joondalup and insisted they interview me which was probably a mistake as the man hating feminist Kay Mander spoke to me for about 6 minutes then concocted a bullshit report and ran that into the family court claiming I was "obviously the overbearing partner in the relationship" The facts are my ex tried to kill me twice in 10 years and was herself compelled to undergo anger management for her Samoan temper and child bashing.
I was then compelled to challenge the VRO's in Joondalup court and start proceedings in the family destruction court of WA. Eventually I was interviewed by the cops and they did not lay charges of course because the whole thing was a frame up.
Next came the big shock. I got to read the interview transcript of what was ultimately a 47 minute horrendous interrogation of my then 8yo daughter in a star chamber with a fat lesbian copper and man hating feminist from DCD as it was then known. The detective sergeant was outside the star chamber giving instructions via an earphone to the lesbian. When my daughter refused to make allegations about her father they began bullying her and insisting. At the 30 minute mark they sent her outside to get some more instructions from the mother alone. When she came back the bullying continued and eventually they has to stop the torture when T began complaining about the duration of this horror show. They then openly attempted to verbal her. The next thing they had to give her first aid as she had rubbed all the skin off her fingers and caused them to start bleeding.
By the time I got half way through reading this horror I was incredibly upset and shocked at the mistreatment and obvious singlemindedness of these stupid cops. I phoned Detective dickhead Sergeant Taylor and told him I will have his guts for garters over this.
"Re: My Bad Experience with DCP West Australia"
The maggots at this department are off their friggin trees. They are targeting me & my husband for "Emotional trauma, neglect & abuse" because as far as they are concerned, we failed as parents for "not" following through in counselling after my daughter, some years ago, made allegations of sexual abuse by a boy up the road. I tried to present them with the FACTS & this one woman (I forget her name, but we refer to her as The Demon) kept cutting me off & talking over top of me. NOTE ; where you see *other state* or similar, this refers to things/issues or docs in another state that I wont disclose knowing that the tossers troll these forums....
Here are ALL the facts, that my husband (as they totally crucified me & wouldn't let me speak) was able to put across, but they are totally ignoring.
1: My daughter has an extensive history of not only lying about almost everything (she is almost 15 & still does it), even small things that dont need to be lied about, but has repeatedly made NUMEROUS allegations about this type of stuff (being stalked, molested, raped, felt up...everything you can think of) against NUMEROUS different people.
2: She has told many many different versions of the allegations that dcp are using against us, not only to me, but also the school & *other state dept* DCS.....almost all the versions are recorded.
3: We sent her to a youth counselling service. I talked with her about why she had to go. That no matter what she had to talk to these people about what had happened to her & that it's a good thing (counselling), becasue I was unable to do for her what they could. She came out of that appointment with her arm wrapped around the counsellor & he said "She's fine mum, she just wants to spend more one-on-one time with you". I asked if she had talked about things that happened to her, he said "Nope. I don't believe there is an issue with what you sent her here for, she just wants more 'fun time' with her mum". So we left & my husband & I were left feeling a little bemused.
4: At the time of this allegation, BOTH police & *the other state* DCS were involved. We informed the school & docs of the outcome of the counselling session. Now here's an interesting point...THE POLICE NEVER FOLLOWED ANYTHING UP CONCERNING THE ALLEGATIONS (probably because they didnt know which version to run with?? maybe) & DOCS NEVER FOLLOWED UP ON OUR DAUGHTER, US, OR WITH ANY FURTHER REQUESTS OF COUNSELLING!!!! (what does that tell you??)
5: We, a couple of years later & with many "strange" behavioural issues concerning our daughter & also after many of the people in our 'circle' mentioning her strange oddeties started to think that thay may be something more sinister was at play, so to speak. We considered the possibility of mental illness & arranged ANOTHER appointment at a youth counselling centre but specifically targeted for a referal to a specialist. 5min after my daughter went into the room I recieved a phone call to have a "chat" with the lady my daughter saw. I went in, sent my girl to the car with my husband. As soon as my daughter was out of the building, the woman said "I have no idea how you have managed to live with her if she's like that often!" When I asked why, she stated that my daughter had let loose one of the worst tirades of verbal abuse, (all she had said is hello & her name) she had encountered in her job & then stated that she was writting up an immediate referal to a specialist at the local hospital. I asked if I could take it to the *state* mental health society, she said that I could. So we did. Twice we saw them & twice we were told "She's normal, she's a sweety. You just have to deal with her normal tween behaviour. She will grow out of it".We stated that we weren't ok with that & tried to point out the things of concern, not just from our point of view, but from the point of view of every other adult, young & old, in her life. Again we were told "Normal. Good bye" (I have since been told that this standard practice & that specific centre in, they "prefer" the kids that try to harm animals or try to burn down buildings...???!!!). Deflated, we thaught we could do no more. We attempted, yet again, to get her into some form of counselling probably a year later after her behaviours had worsened. We also tried Family Counselling. Our daughter refused, even when I said I would pay her to just sit there.....She out right refused. There was nothing we could do. No way we could actually "force" her.
Now, these are the FACTS that are not only RECORDED or DOCUMENTED, but that I tried to point out when we had a meeting at their cave & they CHOSE to IGNORE!!!. The demon woman actually screamed over the top of me & consistently cut me off. I can't help but wonder if she treated me so harshly knowing that I have a mental illness (that I controll by attending my REGULAR psychological appointments & medication) to get me to fire up at her. It worked, because the first instance I made a comment that was nothing bad or negative in the slightest, she snapped & snarled her trap at me in a very nasty & drogative manner (we had a 3rd party present who confirmed that demon woman was completely rude & horrible toward me at all times), I replied with "Are you ****ing kidding me?" (refering to her demeanor & attitude....immature maggot that it is!) & then stood up & said I was having a time out other wise I was gonna be of no use in there. I walked out came back 5min later & she was 10x worse! The guy at the meeting (again, im bad with names) in the cave stated that I clearly have impulse issues to which I replied "No, I don't think I do. If had acted on my initail impulse, I would have thrown a chair at someone's (pointing at demon woman) head. Instead I took a time out"...(Positive reaction that I have learned thanks to my psych!!!) demon woman may or may not have heared this as she was talking to the case manager. From then on, demon woman talked over me, cut me off & verbally bashed me every single time I tried to speak. In the end, I was reduced to a blubbering mess & just sat silent & crying, refusing to speak because of the verbal abuse that would be dished out to me. All 3 of them at some point ripped shit through me. Both my husband & the 3rd party present felt that I was treated VERY un-fairly.
Now, here's something REALLY screwed up....My child, at my request, is temporarily staying with a friend, dcp agreed to this arrangement as they stated that they "Do not want to take legal control of the child". My friend has agreed that as well as normal counselling, she would like a proper assesment for mental illness....the same thing all of us that know & love the girl want. DCP have instructed this friend that she is NOT allowed to get her ANY counselling appointments, NOT allowed to even take her to a gp & NOT allowed to take her to a psycologist!!!! Are they on freakin crack? Remember they are accusing ME of emotional damage, neglect & abuse, because as far as they are concerned all that I had TRIED to do for her in that regard fell through or got shut down in some way, shape or form!! I am going to call legal aid & seek advice as to if I can arrange the necessary appointments.....It is in my daughters BEST interests that I try AGAIN. Can they stop me? They stated that they dont have NOR do they want to assume "ownership" so to speak....that means that legally I am still in controll, doesn't it? I will always do what is best for my child, even though these two-faced, back-stabbing, hypocritical MORONS are trying to state otherwise. She at the very least needs counselling, as do my husband & I, in order for her to come back home, where she belongs. She is extremely violent which is why she has been sent off (again, AT MY REQUEST & SAY SO), so that she can get on top of that without being near us & constantly getting violent just to get her own way. Should she be here, she wont follow through on anything we put to her. She has, however agreed to do it whilst she stay at my friends. They (the demons from hell) did not send her away...WE the parents did! Not that satans minions give a shit....as far as they are concerned, & I QUOTE : "You failed to help her in the ways she needed it. You were neglectful & you have commited emotional abuse & harm in diong so" WTF???? I am so furious. They are the biggest bunch of useless F***WITS I have EVER encountered in my whole life. Something needs to be done about how they "do business". But I doubt that we, the REAL VICTIMS, have a leg to stand on. As far as the government is concerned, we are bad parents (???) simply because they say so....how is that even fair? God I'm angry, but seeing that I'm not their only victim has helped....even if only a tiny bit.
"Ex-Victoria child protection worker now menacing Queensland parents"
This woman is Sarah Bebbington, she was formerly known as Sarah Streeter when she was working for DHS Victoria. This lady has been allowed to submit into affidavits uncorroborated medical statements about a mother, which in turn were used to remove her six week old baby.
Sarah Bebbington accused a mother of having cardiomyopathy, tracheitis and was repeatedly allowed to use such information in front of various Victorian magistrates over the past four years as the initial and main reason for removing the baby from the mother.
The mother did have tracheitis and epilepsy, but the medication she was on resolved the issues. Unfortunately no matter how many times this matter was brought to the attention of the courts, the lies and gross exaggerations of this woman went unpunished. Instead the mother was punished.
Gosford Hospital Midwives are Massive Promoters of Child Trafficking
This mother had her baby stolen just minutes after this photo was taken. No prior investigation, just a hand full of false accusations, and risk of harm reports filed by low-life nursing staff (alison) at gosford hospital.
Do you know that Alison considers herself to be more qualified than this mothers doctor, as she filed risk of harm reports stating that there was a risk of harm because the mother was taking medication that her doctor had prescribed ???
She then filed another risk of harm report stating that this mother had her previous child taken by docs also. What a filthy liar you are alison midwife at gosford hospital.
Alison also filed risk of harm reports stating that this mother had had "little" if any ante-natal care. This was another lie and doctors reports from this mothers surgery and reports from both wyong and gosford hospital proved this also.
Human Services Legal Staff will now write a letter to our nameservers whinging again about this picture - they will say we can't put it up because this child was involved in proceedings - but under the legislation ANY CHILD THAT MAY BECOME SUBJECT TO CARE PROCEEDINGS may not have their photo published.
This means that no child in Australia may have their photo published because Human Services MAY take legal action in the future. Are these guys for real? This child should have never been taken and as a result never have been subject to care proceedings.
This beautiful baby was not allowed her colostrum. Was not allowed to be breastfed. Was not even allowed to be looked at or held by her own family for the first four miserable days of her life. They even stole her brand new clothes. She was denied her right as a baby to her family, a mothers bond and her breastmilk. And as far as Linda Burney stating no child is taken without prior investigation, the recording of this situation proves Linda, you are a liar.
This baby was not allowed to go home for almost 5 months of her life. There was no reason for it. There was no investigation. All there was was DOCs caseworkers and managers, and legal representatives adjourning the case further and further in order to cause as much possible harm to both mother and baby, and father and family as possible. This mother, and the babys father, and family had to pay over $40,000 to have their beautiful baby girl returned.
This mother is not alone, nor is this baby. This is an every day happening with the Department of Community Services, and their co-conspirators at various hospitals around NSW particularly Randwick, Gosford and Wyong. Tweed Heads is up there also ... they take babies from parents who haven't even had children!
Chrystal Bell - Cootamundra DoCS worst caseworker finally sacked!
A big thank you for the DoCS Management who finally sacked Chrystal Bell from the Cootamundra DoCS Office. Chrystal Bell, a young DoCS Worker, originally joined the neonazi child stealers to have her own child returned after she fell victim to the department some years ago.
Chrystal Bell had over 200 complaints about her work ethics in just a few short years, but it took this many official complaints before something was done. What ever happened to the three warnings that government workers used to get, before they were given the boot? This is why we call it child trafficking and not child protection, which it is supposed to be.
Changing the Legislation to Prevent Abuse by DOCs Workers is Extremely Simple
A person must not, in any application under this Act or the regulations or in connection with an inquiry made by the Director-General in relation to any such application:
(a) make a statement, or
(b) furnish information, that the person knows to be false or misleading in a material particular.
Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units.
Delete : "Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units ". Insert "Automatic penalty: 5 penalty units and 12 months imprisonment", and
GUARDIANSHIP ACT 1987 - SECT 105 False or misleading statements
A person shall not, in any application under this Act or in connection with an inquiry made by an officer in relation to any such application:
(a) make a statement, or
(b) furnish information,
that the person knows to be false or misleading in a material particular.
Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units.
Delete "Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units". Insert "Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units and 12 months imprisonment"
DoCS NSW Blatantly Abusing Civil Rights of American Mum
An American Citizen (with children stolen by DoCS NSW) is presently appealing to the (citizenship) tribunal as they wanted to deport her on March 9, 2011 - WITHOUT HER CHILDREN because DoCS refuse to let the children be with the mother. The children are not allowed their (rightful) US citizenship. The daughter is possibly being sexually abused and the son possibly has autism or adhd.
The mother chose to stay with her husband even though he commited domestic violence - due to his commitment and success in the DV and CALM programs, and due to many positive changes in their marriage, though if not for children being held prisoner in Australia, she would prefer to be home in the US with her husband, parents, brother, sister and friends.
Ruth (DIAC WORKER) wanted to know how they met and why she did not apply for permanent residency earlier. The husband and and her had met on a game called 'WOW' (over the internet). She visited and was invited to stay for the full 3 months. By then they were in love and she was pregnant. Because of her history of having premmies and the baby causing seizures she was on bed rest and had lost her job in the US. She was not medically allowed to fly home and could not afford the $2000+ to apply for a visa.
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Western Australia Department of Child Protection
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