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Title Hits
"The Battle for our Courts has begun and is mounting, day by day!" 4587
"DHS Caseworkers and Misuse of Government Funds – How do we make them accountable." 4587
"Jeremy Sammut, the Centre for Independent Studies and the use of tainted data in the creation of reports into child protection" 4623
"The Failure to Protect Foster Children and Children on Medicaid" 4630
"Another young girl commits suicide after being removed by Katherine child protective services in the Northern Territory" 4646
"Adelaide abuse inquiry hearing to go ahead" 4667
"Child Protection in Northern NSW lets Sexual Offender visit his Victims once a month" 4708
"This article is being removed from online sources everywhere ..." 4711
"What Statutory Authority is not mentioned here?" 4711
"UK Establishment Closes Ranks as Organised Child Sex Abuse Network Leads Back to No. 10" 4716
'I was chosen': Child adopted by alleged paedophile tells harrowing tale of abuse at Retta Dixon 4764
"Annette Rearden - Manager at CatholicCare Campbellown NSW" 4765
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance 4782
"Is it Discrimination toward a Newborn Baby to treat them different if there is Child Protection involvement?" 4791
"Child abuse inquiry reopens in Sydney" 4793
"Liberal and Labour History: The Condensed Version" 4799
NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet Boards and Committees Registrations 4800
"Money and Banking" 4833
"Household Composition and Risk of Fatal Child Maltreatment" 4849
Million Dollar OOHC Reports with Million Dollar Answers 4857
Newsflash - Rank Your Lawyer Register Open 4890
CPS worker defies gag order, Exposes violent child sex ring in state fostercare system 4891