
DOCs Rally Updates

First of all, a huge thank you to all those who came to the Rally out front of Parliament House yesterday (Wednesday 24 Feb 2010), on behalf of NSGBD (New Stolen Generation By DOCs).  The morning was a huge success with a lot of publicity gained on the corruption within the child protection system, further shown by Pru Gowards statements in todays paper about the implementation of consent orders to be mandatory. 

Pru Goward states that consent orders are signed, yet all legislation under the 1900 Crimes Act states it is blackmail.  Ms Goward had promised the spokeswoman for NSGBD that she would meet with her yesterday to discuss all the issues surrounding the protests, yet failed to even turn up, another political figure showing their lacking of spine when it comes to the crunch on a real matter.

Just as the last stolen generation had to wait so many years before every man and his dog jumped on the bandwagon to collect funding to make money it looks like this stolen generation is copping the same attitude.  Unfortunately we will not wait that long for the sentencing to begin.

The Australian Crime Commission are aware of the gathering of evidentiary documents proving fraud / misleading documents / cases being contaminated by docs workers, and it is matter of time before the sentencing will begin.  For those docs workers who have had the upper hand for so long and destroyed so many lives, your time is running out.

 For those docs workers who cut back more visitation on women whom attended the rally yesterday --- we now have blackmail documentation, and you know what the penalthy for blackmail is ??? 10 YEARS.  Well done and thank you to you for making our job easier.

To those being persecuted and afraid to come because of the blackmail, don't worry, next time ... and keep the documentation coming.

 OUR NEXT RALLY IS PLANNED FOR PARLIAMENT HOUSE IN CANBERRA in three months.  Exact date yet to be set and we will be hiring buses for the day.  All those interested email us or NSGBD.

The public is slowly becoming aware of the system of corruption, and eyes are opening more and more and docs workers steal more innocent mothers babies.  For those hospital staff who so freely send in Risk of Harm Reports when there is no risk, you are not protected under the protected disclosures act, and you too will be prosecuted for your illegal actions.

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