Intimidation, bullying and threats from rogue DHS child protection caseworkers
- Details
- Category: Unaccountable caseworkers
- Created: Wednesday, 19 September 2012 11:37
- Written by Alecomm2
DHS Workers currently in court today have been using the peoples fundamental rights to freedom of speech and to associate with and impart ideas, in an effort to trash mothers whom have had their children removed unlawfully.
Seven DHS Workers including Sally Twycross are currently sitting in court proceedings wasting thousands of hard earned tax payers money because they do not like the fact that they have been named and shamed on various websites across the internet. There is nothing illegal about this, in fact, it's the mothers fundamental rights to take such actions considering the amount of abuse her now three year old son has suffered since being taken by DHS when he was just five months of age.
DHS have even recruited the mothers former solicitor in another effort to harass her prior to court. This solicitor, who now has absolutely nothing to do with the matter, approached the mother early this morning and told her that if she did not remove the articles within twenty four hours - that she would be talking to the police. The DHS workers currently sitting on asses in court wasting DHS funds are Lisa Arnold, Tanya Bradbury, Sally Twycross, Allison Johnstone and another worker who appears to be deaf.
The solicitor currently harassing the mother's name is MARIO VACCARO. Alecomm staff a preparing to formalise a complaint to the Office of the Service of Legal Commission in Victoria regarding Mr Vaccaro's behaviour this morning as it is completely unacceptable, and in any case, if lawyers are going to do pro-bono worker for a client, maybe they should consider working for the clients that are currently being denied legal aid, instead of these vultures with their unlimited war chest funded by the taxpayers.
On another note, wasn't it that long ago that the Minister for Child Protection in Victoria was waffling on about how they just don't have enough money to protect the children in their care ??? Now you know why!
On behalf of Alecomm and all the other innocent child protection victims - we would like to wish the child stealing profiteers a lovely day.