Why do child protection workers refuse to create care plans?
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Category: Tactics caseworkers will use against you
Created: Saturday, 20 February 2010 15:58
Written by Lancaster case
Isn't it in the child's best to ensure that a care plan (when it is actually needed) is delivered in a timely and efficient manner?
So how do DOCs get away with taking such infinite amounts of time to come up with care plans. We are not talking days here, after they have made a newborn baby a state ward, we are talking 4 months. When the newborn baby is denied its mothers colostrum it significantly decreases the babies immune system that the baby relies on for the rest of their life to keep them well. So if DOCs are going to assume a newborn into care one would imagine that they would have done their homework first to ensure that the decision they are making is most definitely the best decision possible for the child.
Why are there so many government documents "supposedly" available that are not ??? Why does the government hide this information that should be available to the public ???
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Category: Tactics caseworkers will use against you
Created: Sunday, 11 July 2010 10:37
Written by Alecomm
Alecomm finds it quite amusing how many times, when researching for alecomm and public, that items are not available, even when they say they are. Hundreds of documents, documents that would serve to be positive to the community JUST not available, even though government purports that they are. Also interesting is how much information under the Attorney Generals department, covering "Law Courts Limited", a government owned business for the sole purpose of income, is not available either. It is a government business, and the government is funded by the tax payers dollars so why can we not see the financial information on this business, that just so happens to accomodate the purposes of "court procedures" in its revenue?
Are there items in there that show just how beneficial it is for the members of the board to keep court procedures going, at the expense of families and lives, just so this business can cash in a few more dollars and waste more of the governments (tax payers) dollars on actions that are completely unnecessary and against all human rights conventions of which we, australia, signed.