Why do child protection workers refuse to create care plans?
- Details
- Category: Tactics caseworkers will use against you
- Created: Saturday, 20 February 2010 15:58
- Written by Lancaster case
Isn't it in the child's best to ensure that a care plan (when it is actually needed) is delivered in a timely and efficient manner?
So how do DOCs get away with taking such infinite amounts of time to come up with care plans. We are not talking days here, after they have made a newborn baby a state ward, we are talking 4 months. When the newborn baby is denied its mothers colostrum it significantly decreases the babies immune system that the baby relies on for the rest of their life to keep them well. So if DOCs are going to assume a newborn into care one would imagine that they would have done their homework first to ensure that the decision they are making is most definitely the best decision possible for the child.
When it is possible for DOCs to Section 248 all documents on a person via the information exchange laws that exist between DOCs and basically all other authorities that have anything to do with the mother / child, then why do they first take a baby, and then drag the parents into a court room, practically ruining their lives, emotionally, physically, mentally and financially, and then order all the information be subpoenaed so that they, or their lawyers, can view the information that they could have requested without all the associated court costs and stress put on the family prior to delivering such devastating consequences to a family.
DOCs have the ability to view all the information they subsequently subpoena prior to court proceedings in any case. Wouldn't this demonstrate a major abuse of government resources which could be better spent on delivering services to a family that actually need it.
Well we know why the legal representatives don't care, and that;s because they get paid a substantial amount of money each and every time they sit on the chairs in the court room whilst one solicitor says to the other solicitor they need an adjournment to get this information and that information. It is quite disgusting watching the child's representative sitting there not saying anything except in the first instance "i think this is taking too long", and on the second instance "I think the care plan delivers the child home too early and the parents wont be able to cope and we will all be back here when they fail". With what information they had in their hands i would like to know because as far as i know, had the docs workers done their homework accordingly the baby would never have been removed in the first place. What the child's representative*a should have been saying is "what is all this falsified evidence doing in this care plan" and "how come the care plan states that there were 8 risk of care reports regarding the child, blatantly implying that they were in reference to the mothers failings, when in actual fact they were attributed to the grandmother whom had care of the child at the time. (which i might add was noted in the same document also)." *a(Oh, shit, it's Stephen Marks (again!)).
How can that child representative be acting in any other manner other than to furnish her own bank accounts. How can this be allowed to go on day in and day out in the children's courts with nobody doing a thing about it. Enquiry after enquiry is nothing, except further money shoved down the throats of somebody that doesn't need it. In cases Jillian and Jacinta and Georgia and Luke, what were the consequences of the docs workers disgusting and outrageous life destroying actions that were picked up by a more competent judge.
Were these docs workers sacked. Were they charged. Where is the system that shows that these incompetent soul destroying persons are being made accountable. There are so many documents on government waste and fraud, yet there is no basic system such as a SETONS system to enforce such actions and deliver appropriate consequences for all those involved. Its time for those persons to become accountable.
Central Coast DoCS have finally done a care and restoration plan for a baby girl that they SHOULD NEVER HAVE STOLEN - and it took 135 days.
How is this in the best interest of anybody except for DoCS staff to get their rocks off on control, and carers to steal the $6000 that should have rightfully gone to the parents.
Shame on lazy solicitors who let this happen and dont actually work for their client.