Protective parents revolt against family law injustices

On June 27, 2014, protective parents drew a line in the sand and said “no” to the court-sponsored human sex trafficking of nine year old Lexi Dillon. Parents from four counties stood firm inside and outside Judge Glenn Salter’s Courtroom where they were prepared to battle a secret judicial lynching of Lexi’s protective parent Ruby Dillon.

Custody had previously been awarded to an alleged child molester who is not allowed in the United States, reportedly for national security reasons. The alleged child molester Matathep Srikureja is not an American citizen but rather a Pakistani whose only citizenship is in Thailand. He reportedly has a history of meeting with Jihadist groups in secret, and it is suspected that this and Lexi’s credible claims that he molested her are the reasons the U.S. Government will not allow Srikureja in the country.

While government officials have an apparent concern about the safety of the public, they appear to have no concern at all for the safety of an American child who says Srikureja repeatedly molested and took lots of naked pictures of her.

Doctors, police reports and therapists have substantiated the girl’s accusations against her father Srikureja. One of the father’s attorneys had reportedly been an arms dealer, providing arms to Middle Easterners.

After learning of the abuse, Judge James Waltz gave full custody to Srikureja and prevented the mother Ruby Dillon from seeing her daughter Lexi to punish Ruby for getting her child medical help when she needed it. The doctor discovered the father’s abuse. In California, whistle-blowing is considered a crime while child molestation is over-looked by family court judges like James Waltz and Glenn Salter. The mother Ruby Dillon has a record of being a positive role model for her daughter and a loving person. She is a dentist who is widely respected.

When it was clear Srikureja had abandoned the child in view of the fact that he had not seen her in ten months, Ruby hoped she would regain her rights. On May 6, 2014, in order to counter Ruby’s attempt to regain custody of her daughter, Judge Salter obtained the identities of everyone in the courtroom and then kicked the audience out of the courtroom. Then Salter had Ruby arrested on a warrant Salter himself issued in that session. The heinous crime: a six year old traffic infraction. Salter set bail at $15,000. As the charges were baseless and likely illegal, they were dismissed – but not by Salter.

On June 6, 2014, Salter lifted a travel ban that would have prevented the foreign alleged child molester from taking the girl to a sex slave ring in Thailand. With each hearing, comes a new violation of nine year olds Lexi’s right to be free from sex. The public has become concerned about the tendency of judges to give full custody to rapists and killers while excluding protective parents from the lives of their children. Recent statistics reveal that more than 58,000 American children are abused each year solely because the family law system is broken.

On June 27, 2014, there was a heavy law enforcement presence at the courthouse. Protective moms and others asked questions and it slipped out that there was a plan to arrest Ruby no matter what and it did not matter that she had broken no law. Supporters of Ruby Dillon filled all the seats with additional supporters having to stand out in the hallway. Judge Salter entered the courtroom and saw all those eyes and ears about to pay attention to the proceedings. He again ordered the courtroom cleared. Press TV reporter Brett Redmayne-Titely stood and asked, “What are you hiding Judge?” People present observed that the bailiff appeared to reach for his gun. After leaving the courtroom, observers noted that the Lexi Dillon case was not on the list of cases to be heard that day in that courtroom. On the official roster, the name was whited out – kept a secret. Informed parents explained that the secrecy makes it possible for illegal rulings to take place. Parents and victims of the system are demanding that that family law hearings be made public and that TV cameras and video-recordings be used to protect the children.

Removal from the courtroom did not discourage the audience. The supporters of Ruby and Lexi stayed at the courthouse. Some went downstairs and took to the sidewalk with a bull horn to inform the public of events in Salter’s courtroom. Others stayed outside the lynching chamber and waited for word on events taking place inside.

Ruby’s attorney filed a California Code of Civil Procedure 170.1 (recusal for cause) motion against Salter. Under the law, all proceedings are to stop when such a motion is filed. Then the law requires a different judge to hear and rule on the motion before any more proceedings may take place before the judge whose recusal is sought. The recusal statute in the State of California is clear and unequivocal on this. But in family law courts in California and particularly in Orange County, the law is rarely if ever followed. The failure to follow codified law in Orange County is largely the responsibility of family law Presiding Judge Clay Smith. One of his jobs is to make sure that, when a 170.1 motion is filed, the proceedings stop until the recusal motion is decided. In violation of the statute, Salter continued on in total disregard of the law. This made anything that took place from then on illegal and the proceeding, itself, illegal.

But where was Ruby? Her attorney Ron Funk came out and said that the Judge planned to issue a bench warrant if she did not show up. How can a judge issue a bench warrant against someone who does not show up to an illegal proceeding? Judge Salter had not yet had his fill of illegalities. Not only did Salter continue, but he had an in absentia hearing wherein he placed Ruby’s rights on trial. A witness called against Ruby who dared to testify in support of her was subjected to so much apparent bullying that the witness left the courtroom in tears. At the end of the session, Salter set a bond for Ruby for $25,000 for missing the illegal hearing. The alleged molester had failed to appear at every proceeding over an eleven month period and also failed to appear at this illegal hearing, but Salter threw the book at Ruby for failing to appear at an illegal proceeding where Salter planned to arrest Ruby for no legitimate reason if she showed.

So what it next? Salter has set the second day of his illegal hearing for 1:30 P.M. on July 7, 2014, in L60, Lamoreaux Injustice Center, 341 The City Drive South, Orange, CA 92868. Will Judge Smith remember his role as family law presiding judge and call off the illegal hearing until the statutorily-mandated recusal hearing takes place? The public plans to watch and to stand up in support of Lexi’s right to be with her mother Ruby. Buses are being prepared for the occasion. To the world, Ruby is a hero – a symbol of a mom who is putting her daughter’s safety and welfare above her own. Her struggle is giving rise to a new civil rights movement – a movement wherein children will have the right to be with parents they love and who love them.  (Source :

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