Welcome to Gosford Family and Community Services
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- Category: Gosford FACS
- Created: Friday, 17 September 2010 10:21
- Written by Alecomm
Lindsay McVaney Plush, you certainly look very enticing, though not so sure your outfit portrays the kind of caseworker we as the public would like to have in charge of the lives of our children. This docs worker is based at Gosford and see's to it that children and their parents are never reunited, in fact her and her colleagues will use their crown solicitor and your tax payers dollars to argue away your basic human rights. Don't you Lindsay?
Michelle England, fantastic crown solicitor, atrocious child protection solicitor, successfully argued in court a few months ago that a grandmother was not an appropriate person to be having contact with her grandson because she exercised her article 19 rights under the convention of civil and political rights to freedom of expression. Lindsay doesn't like how people gather at AltNews and Alecomm for support in this downtrodden child trafficking system and took the rights of the boy to have regular contact with his grandmother and now gives the grandmother 3 visits of 1 hour per year.
Nice girl Lindsay.
Her and her advocates also violate the human rights of mothers who are victims of domestic violence, and entitled to SPECIAL PROTECTION OF BOTH MOTHER AND CHILD, and takes children whom the mother has never harmed and puts the children with foster carers way too old to look after the child instead of supply the support that one would imagine a human services officer would be supplying, and now gives the mother 6 visits of 1 hour per year to the mother.
Furthermore she has just taken custody of 2 newborn twins...
Whom the mother had difficulties relating to the birth of her first-born child and no doubt will sell these babies off too into "litigation land" where lawyers and NGOs and foster carers will make at least $2 million dollars out of these children before they turn 18. You need to take a good look at these cases Lindsay, and see where you are seriously going wrong and correct your mistakes - neither mother has ever harmed their children so why not do the right thing and work FOR THE FAMILY instead of those who benefit by the destruction of the family.
As far as Alecomm see's it, YOU Lindsay are the only one to have abused these two newborn boys. How you ask? Well firstly you are denying them their rights to bond with their mother, and everybody knows this causes long term psychological damage to the children. Secondly you are denying these children their right to be breastfed. Why in Gods name are you pushing to destroy this family when you could have easily let the babies be placed with the mother, her mother and the childrens father? If you thought there was serious risk of harm, given that the mother never technically harmed her first born, why wouldn't you leave the bubs with the grandmother and mother under supervision? Wouldnt this be the least intrusive action upon both the family and mother and children? You may be surprised but your overreacting and paranoid dillusional actions are lifedestroying and some day Lindsay, you WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!