Corruption within the foster care system

A major problem in the United States that children are victims of every day is the corrupt foster care system. This is a topic that has appeared in far too many news headlines, most all of them being negative. Being someone that has never had to experience the foster care personally, I decided to read a few stories written by foster children in order to understand and empathize better. The traumatic incidents other kids had to go through led me to doing more research on the subject and learning just how much we need to bring more attention to this.

There are many reasons why kids are put into foster care, some more innocent than others. A common case is that parents simply can’t afford to support their children and are either forced to give them up or see them as being better off in foster care. Then there are those cases where parents have been reported for abusing or neglecting their children. Along with this goes reasons why people decide to become foster parents. Of course, some people do have good hearts and simply want to help/care for children with no home. But, there are also those who see fostering as a chance of self-benefit. If someone decides to be a foster parent, they will receive anywhere from $400-$800 per month (depending on the circumstances and state) while the child is in their care. This money is meant to pay for the child’s basic needs, yet many decide to use it for themselves.

Just like everything else, money is what runs the foster care system. Although in this case, it has led to the neglect of innocent children.

What you don't know about foster care

According to a 2011 AFCARS (the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System) “Yearly, referrals to state child protective services involve 6.3 million children and approximately 3 million of those children are subject to an investigated report.”

According to this report, in 2012, CPS took an estimated 650,000 to one million children from their homes, playground hospitals and parents. The same report suggests that only 6 percent or less (39,000 out of the 650,000 to million) were in any real danger or “high-risk” environments.

The more children in foster care, the more money a local CPS agency receives from the federal government, with the funds distributed throughout the community. Funding recipients include: teachers, attorneys, doctors, judges, therapists, caseworkers, foster parents, coaches, sub-agencies such as Family First and Head Start, insurance companies, consultants, outside contractors, and watchdog agencies, to name but a few. There is a profound conflict of interest between those in an authoritative position to protect children (CPS caseworkers and the earlier named affiliates) and the fact that those same people (and their associates) can financially benefit from the act of placing children in foster care.

Ninety-six percent of foster parents are on disability, unemployment, or workers’ comp, or have low-income jobs, resulting in children getting placed with unqualified, and often times, abusive recipients. Many foster parents are emotionally unstable or mentally incompetent, and a large majority have criminal records. Ninety-three percent of foster parents use the system for perverted and/or financial gain, using children as currency, to pay rent, place food on the table, pay the cable bill, etc. These financial incentives have led to unintended consequences, attracting pedophiles, predators, drug addicts, and sadists.

The National Child Abuse & Neglect Data System (NCANDS) reported that, in 2012, 1,545 U.S. children died from child abuse. For many years, the Children’s Bureau (a department within DHS/CPS) reported 1,000 deaths a year within the CPS system. The Children’s Bureau also rounds off to the nearest thousand – so if the real tally of children dying in state custody is 1,499, only 1,000 will be reported.

Shockingly, this leaves only 46 children, nationwide, killed outside of Child Protective Services, a government program designed to protect children.

Children are dying at alarming rates in foster care and nobody is bothering to investigate

foster-children-died-1508357234.jpgCHILDREN IN THE for-profit foster care system are dying at alarming rates, but the deaths are not being investigated, and autopsies are not even being attached to the now-closed case files, a two-year investigation has found.

The investigation, conducted and released in rare bipartisan fashion by the Senate Finance Committee, looked closely at one of the largest private providers of foster care services, the MENTOR Network.

The companies and agencies charged with keeping foster children safe often failed to provide the most basic protections or take steps to prevent tragedies, the investigation found.

Serious failings in foster care services

Inspections of two private foster care providers have highlighted serious deficiencies, including a case where foster carers were not visited for two months following a “significant event”.


The inspections by the Health Information and Quality Authority (Hiqa) found that of the seven national standards assessed at the Care Visions Fostering Service, all seven were non-compliant, of which five were identified as majorly non-compliant; while of the seven standards assessed at the Oak Lodge Fostering Service, five were majorly non-compliant.

Thousands of children in the UK Foster Care System are being sold to Paedophile Rings

According to a growing number of reports, thousands of children are simply disappearing from the UK Care System (the equivalent of the “Foster Care” system in the U.S.) every year, and what is said to be happening to them is too awful to contemplate.

On May 7, 2018, an article published in The Independent, titled Hundreds more children ‘farmed out’ to care homes miles from where they live despite pledge to cut number, reported that the number of children in the UK who were being sent to residential homes hundreds of miles away from where they live had risen by 64 percent. 

The Independent reported that, last year alone, over 9,000 of the children who had been sent away to these homes had gone missing. She stated that:

There has also been a surge in the number of sent-away children going missing from their care homes, with the number of incidents more than doubling – from 4,380 in 2015 to 9,190 in 2017.

Another few horrible facts to behold about criminal foster care:

The stark horrific reality of state sponsored kidnapping is having its dramatically negative toll on America and its people.  The emphasis on Termination of Parental right and selling them into adoption trafficking schemes is sick and twisted, yet it’s happening all over the USA. Sellable children ripped from their families to be sold to another family is called foster servitude. This is a long way from the idea in 1853, Charles Loring Brace founded a program that would become the foundation of modern day foster care.

There are thousands of horrified stories from survivors of criminal CPS/DHS. Parents and children alike yet no one seem to be able t fix it because the corruption runs deep. The money is too good.

Opioid epidemic highlights twisted machinery of foster care system

Millions of Americans recovering from drug addiction amid the opioid crisis face a looming danger of losing their children as social workers are tempted by twisted incentives to separate families even over smaller lapses in parental judgement.

With 20 million Americans needing addiction treatment (pdf) and more than two million hooked on opioids, many families struggle to maintain a wholesome environment for their children. With federal funding on the line, even well-meaning workers of the Child Protective Services (CPS) are then nudged to label parents unfit and funnel hundreds of thousands of children to the shelter and foster care system, where the children often end up faring even worse, at times facing abuse.

Constitutional rights violated by DHS-CPS Child Protection Services

Crazy CPS AgentsStop CPS Corruption

In order to put a stop to CPS corruption all Americans must have a thourough understanding of their rights as a United States Citizen and regularly excercise them!

Under The Constitution of The United States Of America

"No man who is in a position of authority over them is above the law. Those who have been victimized have the real ability to seek civil and criminal punishment against those who use the authority of the state to act outside the law with impunity."