
Dad murders mum: Gets custody

Judges name: Judge Barbara Roberts and Kerri Foley
Judges title: Family Court Judge
Judges position: Judge
Paedophile protected: Murderous father protected and given custody

Kids: Still Property of Men Courtesy of Family Court

A Texas Family Court judge granted custody of Anne-Christine’s son to his father, who had confessed to murdering her in a most sociopathic way right in front of the boy.

Children may not be property of fathers on paper anymore, but Anne-Christine’s case is a good example of how the old boys have ensured perpetuation of this most coveted patriarchal perk in practice.

In 2010, when Anne Christine and her first husband divorced, he was given primary custody of their young son, even though she was his primary attachment figure. Not surprising.

Abuser Name or Alias:: Ex-husband
Type of Abuse:: Physical, Death
Matter Resolved?: No

Domestic violence shouldn't be a culture war. Can't we all agree killing women and children is wrong?

Abusers job or title:: Father

Hannah Clarke sits with her three children on a picnic rug with a fruit platter and holding flowers.

lPHOTO: Hannah Clarke and her three children were murdered this week by her former partner.

How on Earth did an abhorrent crime like domestic violence become entangled in Australian cultural wars?

It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment commentators began to talk about the domestic violence "industry" comprised of "feminazis" who complain too much about men, and to imply, without evidence, that hordes of women like to fabricate stories of abuse.

Abuser Name or Alias:: The father
Abusers Organisation:: Family Court of Australia
Type of Abuse:: Death
Matter Resolved?: Yes

Tributes flow for ‘loving’ Brisbane mum who attempted to escape her family’s killer

A makeshift memorial is growing as the grieving community deals with the horrific crime.

On Wednesday, Hannah Clarke and her three children set off on their school run.

Within 12 hours, they were all dead at the hands of her estranged husband.

Clarke died in hospital on Wednesday night after suffering “horrific” burns when she and her three children were doused in petrol by the children’s father, Rowan Baxter.

Her children - Aaliyah, 6, Laianah, 4 and Trey, 3 - died in the car after it burst into flames on a quiet suburban street in Camp Hill in Brisbane’s east on Wednesday.

Canberra boy Bradyn Dillon begged not to be sent back into the care of father, who later killed him

Abusers job or title:: Father of Braydn Dillon

Bradyn DillonBradyn Dillon was murdered by his father Graham in February 2016.

The mother of murdered Canberra boy Bradyn Dillon says her son begged not to be sent back into the custody of his father, whose brutal bashings would culminate in his death.

Dad burns daughter alive in bitter custody battle

Editors notes: Zoey Pereira, 3, burned to death by her father
Abusers job or title:: Father
According to the New York Daily News,Pereira was in a bitter custody dispute with the child’s mother Cherone Coleman, 36. Coleman allowed Zoey to visit with her father this past weekend, and now that decision will haunt her for the rest of her life.  “I always thought he was going to hurt me, I never thought he was going to hurt my daughter,” the grieving mother said.
Abuser Name or Alias:: Martin Pereira
Abusers Organisation:: Family Court
Type of Abuse:: Physical, Death
Matter Resolved?: No, Ongoing

'Rest in peace, my special little man': Father of boy killed by mother was in bitter custody fight

The heartbroken father of a boy murdered by his mum on the Yorke Peninsula has told 7 News he was locked in a bitter custody battle.

VIDEO Father of boy murdered by mum on Yorke Peninsula in custody battle. Source: 7 News

He claimed he had raised serious concerns about the boy's welfare to authorities but says it fell on deaf ears.

'We've got some bad news for you': Jacob was killed by his mother before she took her own life. Photo: 7 News

When police officers knocked on Mick Clarke's door yesterday, his heart sank.

Child protective services visited mum and kids hours before murder

Social workers performed a welfare check the morning the Adelaide family was killed.

Adeline Rigney-Wilson and her children were visited by child protective services just hours before her partner allegedly killed them.

Mother dies of stress and lies from family court

​We are sick and tired of the family courts making statements without evidence, or proof.  Sadly most people by now have forgotten about Hayley Gascgoine, the young mother who died five minutes before the judge gave the verdict. Many professionals said her death was not caused by stress, it was other factors, or something else, - or even down to using drugs because she went to the toilet, previous to her collapse.
The toxicology report proved that she was clear.  Our professionals cannot be trusted, not in any aspect, not one word.  No one who has not witnessed, or been a part of the family court process has a clue about just how abusive these environments are. 