
Is our children’s welfare important enough to be an election issue?

With only six weeks until the next state election it is about time for the public to determine what the NSW State Government should be focusing on getting right over the next three year term.

What we at Alecomm have found interesting in this, and past, elections is all the ho-ha about economic and lifestyle issues for the middle and upper class population but very little for those that suffer at the hands of the Human [non] “Services”.

Is it the case that just because children don’t get to vote their needs are ignored by the public? Alecomm would like to point out to readers how history tells us that the needs of those without a say in Government are ignored.

The Women’s Rights movement only took off after women were given a voice in government. The Stolen Generation in Australia continued until Aboriginals were given a vote. So are our Children’s Rights being ignored just because society deems them too young to have a say in Government?

Politicians are quite happy to use the poor performance at Human Services for political point scoring in Parliament, and Ministers are quite happy to blame parents of children that are harmed.


However do politicians care enough about children to go beyond their political point scoring and blaming of parents to actually care about the deficiencies in “Human Services”. Do politicians really care about the nation’s children or is it largely a facade for the popular media like the Ombudsman.

Will politicians act on evidence of corruption in Human Services that leave children vulnerable?

Indeed Alecomm readers may even ask, are politicians even that disinterested in children’s welfare they couldn’t even be bothered to read the evidence that is available to them about the malfeasance at Human services?

Well Alecomm has been provided evidence indicating the lack of interest politicians really have in children when they are not using abused children for political point scoring.

Alecomm was told of one case that had, like all other cases we know of, been rejected by ICAC and the NSW Ombudsman. The parent in this case wanted an independent investigation into the fabrication of evidence in the Department of Human Services both before and during a criminal investigation. To date no independent investigation into the parent’s complaint has been done. In the light of a lack of investigation the parent requested both Houses of Parliament refer the matter to ICAC to force ICAC to investigate it.

The NSW Parliament consists of 42 Members of the Legislative Council and 93 Members of the Legislative Assembly making 135 Members of Parliament. On the ninth of December, 2010 there were emails sent to the 135 Members of Parliament. The letter outlined the basis of the corruption and gave details how to obtain the supporting evidence. The supporting documents were available online in encrypted form so only the Parliamentary Members could access the documents.

To date there have been only three responses to that letter, and despite the letter specifically requesting the matter be referred to the ICAC, it was instead referred to the Minister, [Hon] Linda Burney MP. Furthermore despite the letter being sent 100 days ago there has not even been an acknowledgement by Linda Burney or 90% of the Members of Parliament.

Are they accountable to the public for the job they do administering Government? Apparently NOT.


What is worse is the politicians are simply not interested in exposing corruption. The server logs shows that the file containing the documents proving evidence was fabricated and/or falsified was only downloaded about eight times. This indicates that only about 6% of our politicians are interested enough to care that the Government acts without falsifying evidence when considering the welfare of children (Image #1).


We have inquiries into “really important things”, like the power grid sell off, when coming up to elections. However even our leaders don’t appear to give a dam about corruption in the Child Protection Industry.

To us at Alecomm demonstrates a community gone haywire when the cost of electricity is considered more important than the welfare of our children.

Alecomm believes the NSW public has the right to demand a transparent child protection system that is accountable to the public and the taxpayers paying for it. NSW taxpayers should make removing the corrupt cover-ups in the NSW Child Protection Industry the issue for this election.

After all we are paying billions for something that is supposed to work so why doesn’t it?

Why does society consider electricity more important than the responsibility it has to our children?



Alecomm welcomes feedback from readers in the comments section below


+4 #1 RE: Is Our Children’s Welfare Important Enough To Be An Election Issue?Guest 2011-03-07 19:47
The children of Domestic Violence Victims have become Political Prisoners where the State imprisons them in order to make huge profits on these innocent little victims of the State itself.

The Labour Party in NSW is rotten to the core and more so the Child Protection Dpt who is trained up by their unethical heirechy who have ripped off Tax Payer funds by the Billions under the guise of Child Protection

Labour OUT ! Independents IN !

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