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Title Hits
Ignoring family ties: is it really best for children? 4091
13 reasons why adopted children are not lucky 4289
"The Forced Adoption Scandal that shames Britain" 6094
""No one should have the power to take children from their parents by force with armed police when they have not committed any crime and without evidence", letter to Goulburn Editor" 7333
Adoption Horror Story 7440
'I was stolen from my mother': The deeply disturbing truth about forced adoption 7609
Deborah-Lee Furness a disgrace to Forgotten Australians, Forced Adoptions and Stolen Generations worldwide 11207
Mother accused of abusing seven adopted children, forcing them to perform on YouTube 54455
Forced to sleep in shipping container: Perth girl claims adoptive parents abused her 54672
New Jersey couple held in abuse; one son, 19, weighed 45 pounds 55656
Iowa couple who starved and abused their black adopted children get two years probation, no jail time after guilty plea 61001
Damage control in Adoptionland 62831
Suicide Rocks Jackman 68075
Child removal and forced adoption amendments in NSW 77542
Over a quarter of adoptive families in crisis, survey shows 92402
Australia puts children at risk by ‘freeing up’ the adoption market 98472
UK research evidence base indicates that there is no firm evidence base for adoption to be promoted as the most benign solution for foster children. 105387
Up to eighty children adopted to two parents and then abused - POUND PUP LEGACY 165091