
"Stop DoCS Stealing Innocent Children Without Evidence"

I am a sole parent and a victim of a paedophile grandfather with medium standing in society where he manipulated the police (threatened CMC investigation) and DoCS and I went to gaol for no reason other than his desire to sexually assault my daughter. I have DVD evidence of the interviews warning DoCS this will happen. My daughter was sexually assaulted, unfortunately....DoCS didn’t care for my warnings at the time, nor my mother’s warnings. Now my daughter (At 17yo now) wants to sue DoCS for their mistake. The court will decide who the real paedophile is GF v DoCS.

(Source : http://forums.altnews.com.au/blogs/scarred-forever-docs/stop-docs-stealing-innocent)


+3 #1 RE: Stop DoCS Stealing Innocent Children Without EvidenceJD 2012-11-02 19:07
The whole system is set up to abuse the innocent and reward the guilty; this is the New World Order (NWO). Twenty years ago I was sexually abused by a doctor and was locked away in a hospital for trying to get help. Then when I took the case to lawyers I was locked away in another hospital where I was suffocated and tortured, drugged then sexually abused by the staff. I eventually took the hospital to court but the emotional scars remain. During my fight for justice I learnt just how corrupt the system is and knew if I ever had a child they would take it from me, so I didn’t have any children because I couldn’t handle losing a child and knowing that they could destroy its life like they had destroyed mine. Now I know they can destroy anyone’s life and they will do this because it is the NWO plan.

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