Has Judge Garry Neilson outed himself for being a paedophile given he implied incest and paedophilia are OK?

Type of protection : Granting release

District Court Judge Garry Neilson has used a court of law to try to justify incest and paedophilia as being OK and acceptable to the public. What Judge Neilson has done is make it clear to everyone that he is a sick and perverted person who should be in jail. Judge Neilson said that “the community may no longer see sexual contact between siblings and between adults and children as “unnatural” or “taboo” and:

“District Court Judge Garry Neilson said just as gay sex was socially unacceptable and criminal in the 1950s and 1960s but is now widely accepted, “a jury might find nothing untoward in the advance of a brother towards his sister once she had sexually matured, had sexual relationships with other men and was now ‘available’, not having [a] sexual partner”.”

“He also said the “only reason” that incest is still a crime is because of the high risk of genetic abnormalities in children born from consanguineous relationships “but even that falls away to an extent [because] there is such ease of contraception and readily access to abortion”.” (Click here to read more)

This came to light during the course of an appeal in the Court of Criminal Appeal in the last few days and Judge Neilson has at least one similar previous judgement which needs investigation as well.

Judge Garry Neilson “who compared incest to homosexuality this week — and suggested it was no longer taboo — once gave an incestuous rapist a lighter sentence because he did not ejaculate inside his young niece or “treat her roughly”. (Click here to read more)


Judge Neilson is currently hearing a case that involves a man raping his sister. Justice Neilson made his scandalous comments during the course of the proceedings and disallowed certain evidence. The prosecution have appealed. From what I can tell they have appealed both the disallowing of evidence and also asked for another judge given Judge Neilson’s comments which clearly show he is a sick person and not fit to be a judge.

Circumstantial case that Judge Neilson is a paedophile

When Judge Garry Neilson started making the scandalous statements in court he knew what would happen. All judicial officers know what they say in court is recorded and dissected by many parties including the media and they are fully aware of the consequences. They also know what they say in court can be used as grounds for an appeal and then three judges will have a good look at what they said. Judge Neilson would have been fully aware that an appeal was guaranteed once he said what he did. So what was Judge Neilson’s reason for knowingly ending his own career?

1. It is one thing to defend a person accused of being a paedophile as they might not be guilty but that is defending the person not the act. The only people that I have heard of that defend paedophilia as an act or as a crime is paedophiles themselves. I have never heard of anyone else defending it as an act or as a crime.

2. Judge Neilson knew exactly what he was doing and he knew it would get media attention. It seems like a deliberate rallying call to other paedophiles to support the issue as they are under attack from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse which is currently in progress. (Click here to read more on their website)

3. Judge Neilson must be close to the mandatory retirement age of 70 so he would know there is little damage that can be done to him from a financial or career viewpoint. He will still get the full pension and I suspect this is part of his thinking in deciding to say what he has and when.

4. Judge Neilson should have been investigated previously given his scandalous judgement in the matter where he “gave an incestuous rapist a lighter sentence” as quoted above.

5. Judge Neilson could and should be charged with the criminal offence of Scandalising the Court as he would have been fully aware that he was undermining the public’s confidence in the courts before he said what he did. So why does he do it? In my view only a paedophile would say and do what he did knowing he was damaging the judiciaries reputation.

Peter Hollingworth when he was Governor-General of Australia defended a paedophile priest and Hollingworth was forced to resign. Neilson should not be given the luxury of resigning and should be sacked as soon as possible.

I spoke to the Attorney-General’s office on Thursday regarding Judge Neilson and they asked for my feedback (I am told they asked for everyone’s feedback who called that day as the matter had only been reported in the media a few hours).

I said words to the effect that “there is a good chance that Judge Garry Neilson is a paedophile as they get off on pushing the boundaries and he would have been fully aware that there would be media attention regarding his comments. He has to go as he damages the reputation of all judges and the courts while he is still a judge.” My viewpoint would not have been greatly different from most people I suspect.

I should give credit where it is due as the relatively new Attorney-General Brad Hazzard has moved fast and Justice Nielson has now been suspended from hearing criminal matters.

The SMH is reporting:

Mr Hazard had initially refused to be drawn on Judge Neilson’s comments while MRM’s trial was pending but in an about-face he issued a statement on Friday saying he had to refer the Judge to the commission because “confidence in the judiciary is a critical part of ensuring broader community support for the legal system”.

Mr Hazard said he was acting on behalf of the community and that he had also written to the Chief Judge of the district Court, Reg Blanch, requesting that Judge Neilson not sit on any criminal trials until the commission had examined his complaint.

It is understood that on Thursday a senior NSW official referred the NSW judiciary to the royal commission after it was determined it could be defined as an “institution”. (Click here to read more)

The commission referred to above that will investigate Judge Neilson is the Judicial Commission on News South Wales which is mostly a toothless tiger as they have no powers themselves and only make recommendations to the government. But at least that is a start and it must be noted that the Judicial Commission did recommend that the state government consider sacking Magistrate Jennifer Betts and Magistrate Brian Maloney in 2011. Both were directed to address parliament and show cause why they shouldn’t be sacked. (Click here to read more)

It is also noteworthy that Judge Neilson has also been referred to the Royal Commission into Child Abuse that is currently afoot. That is what should happen and it would be explosive to see Judge Neilson in the witness-box justifying his statements. There has been a very strong rumour for a long time that a paedophile ring operates in the Australian judiciary and I think it is something that has to be looked at closely especially given Judge Neilson’s comments.

There really needs to be an independent Royal Commission into the judiciary by itself but lets start with Judge Neilson at the Child Abuse Royal Commission. If the Royal Commission does not call Judge Neilson as a witness then the Royal Commission is saying that judges are above being accountable.

Admin: I will be in court next Tuesday defending myself for the crime of journalism against Kerry Stokes so I will not do another post until after then.

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Source : https://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/2014/07/11/has-judge-garry-neilson-outed-himself-for-being-a-paedophile-given-he-implied-incest-and-paedophilia-are-ok/

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