Why in God's Name Do We Still Let Catholicare Within 40 Feet of Our Precious Children ??? --- Doesn't History Show That Catholicare CANNOT BE TRUSTED. Under ANY Circumstances.

The figures are in :

  • The Netherlands: More than 200 Catholics have until now reported sex assaults.
  • Germany: Over 250 sex assault cases are under investigation.Austria: A series of accusations of sex abuse have surfaced recently.
  • Ireland: Two reports in 2009 document sexual and physical abuse on a huge scale in Catholic institutions.
  • USA: An independent commission in 2004 received 10,667 accusations of abuses by Catholic priests from 1950 to 2002.
  • UK: A monk who ran a Catholic school was given 8 years prison for decades of child sexual abuse. Two other monks were convicted for sex assaults in 2007.
  • Australia: In 2008, there were 107 convictions in sex abuse cases connected to the Catholic Church.
  • New Zealand: There has been a series of accusations of sex abuses in Catholic schools.
  • Canada: In 1989 a newspaper exposed sex abuse in a Catholic children home in Newfoundland, after which 300 previous children homes have reported sex abuses!
  • ArgentinaBrasilPeru: the Philippines and Senegal have all reported similar cases. – Source: Norsk Telegram Byrå and DPA


#2 Guest 2010-11-03 17:21
Whether recent abuses or going back through generations of Australian history it seems the Not-For-profits and Charities are not policed or punished in any way when abuse occurs within their ranks to children.

I've yet to find proof that government protected People Before Profit.

Oi Oi Oi!
#1 Guest 2010-10-19 10:10
Catholic Preists/Pedeoph iles are in the news everyday of the week.

This is the very reason why the church BANISHED Mary MacKillop ( Saint ) If you ask me ........Making Mary MacKillop a SAINT is a HUGE PR farce for the Catholic Church re Spin Spin Spin.

Wonder what Dear Mary would think of the Catholiccare caseworkers who DESTROY SIBLING BONDS and leave children with ABUSIVE foster Carers.

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