
"Senior Mentoring Solicitor for NSW Children's Court Blames Mother for Sexual Abuse of Daughter."

Kim Rowley V1 95aeaKim Rowley, senior instructing solicitor for the Children's Court Independent Children's Lawyer Mentoring Program has recently objected to a newborn being left in the care of its mother.  The reason being that the mother rang the NSW Police and had her ex-husband charged after another sibling disclosed sexual abuse by her father.

As it stands, Kim Rowley - Independent Children's Representative for the newborn firmly states that the mother was not protective of her older child because of the sexual abuse  - so this is good enough reason for her to deny the newborn its mother, its mothers breastmilk, and its mothers love and security.

Children are quite often taken from parents because the Department of Community Services states that the parents haven't "Engaged the Services", however prior to the birth of the child, the mother actively and repeatedly tried to engage the services and was ignored each time.  The mother wanted to ensure her baby would be safe from the abuse of the system but, yet again, as she "engaged" the services, the services removed her child. 

In this case, before the sexual abuse of the older sibling, the mother only had part parental control of the child, with the Department of Community Services retaining the last say - which is exactly how they like it.  So when the mother was forced by the Department of Community Services to send the older girl to visit her violent father - the mother objected to it being unsupervised.  The mother tried very hard to protect her child but the department prevented her from doing this and made her hand over her child unsupervised, against her wishes, to the violent abusive father whom she left some years earlier.

Not long after the child disclosed of the abuse, the mother phoned the police, as any normal protective mother would do and proceeded to have the father charged.

A few days later, in the middle of the night, the Department of Community Services turned up accompanied by armed police officers to forcibly remove the children.  
{module Who's at fault ?}

Their reason being that the new husband had possibly sexually assaulted the child.  (One hell of a big fat lie).

The department and Joint Investigative Response Team (NSW Police) investigated the matter and as a result have laid two aggravated sexual assault charges against the father of the girl (not the new husband).

Now that the new husband has been exhonerated, and instead of apologising profusely for what they did, they are blaming the mother for the sexual abuse of her own daughter and using this as the reason not to return the children.

Now there's a newborn baby, and he too has been taken and shoved into the foster care system becuase of these evil lying thugs who claim they do no wrong.  Kim Rowley sits by and supports the actions of the department because she loves the hefty pay packet that she receives being part of the  child trafficking ring in NSW known as Department of Communiy Services - you know - the same department responsible for the Stolen Generation, the quarter of a million children whom were taken from unmarried mothers and the tolen trafficked migrants who were sold as slave labour and sexual toys for the rich in the mid 1920's.

Now there's (apparently) systems in place to prevent this from happening - and to determine "independently" what the best wishes of the child should be, and its done with Independent Children's Representatives.  How does Kim Rowley sleep at night?  How can she actually sit there, knowing the whole case, as she does, and argue that the children are better off in foster care?  Its the departments fault that the child was sexuall assaulted - not the mother - and they bloody well know it.

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+1 #3 angry mumGuest 2013-05-13 21:53
i know the person being spoken about in this story. she is the most loveliest mother & wife that any guy is lucky to have her u are a great mother n so beautiful n u deserve those kids back for the hell u went n still are going through trying like me and so many other parents trying at great lengths to protect ur children. Just like me u will not give up i know u love them all its a mothers gut instinct to protect don't ever think u did wrong u didnt know like most children they choose not to tell those who are closest to them out of fear. I should know when i did see my son n things that he did i knew he was afraid of Child Stealers Wodonga office & that he hates it when he cant see me in his sight he has separation problems from the two people . So yes I do know how u feel n where ur coming from im in the same situation right now. BUT JUST REMEMBER THEY LOVE U N THEY NEVER FORGET
+1 #2 Mentoring at its worst.Childrens Advocate 2012-09-11 05:00
Nice one ... The Corruption festers right throughout this unethical and immoral department and up the road and around the corner to the Senior Mentoring Solicitor's Office and all funded by the blinded tax paying public.

One really has to cringe when you hear the word protect uttered by this Government Dpt, NGO or Government paid lawyer.For thier tentacles are many.

Absolute power and control over families such as the couple mentioned above is thier modus operandi.

The tools they use to control other families in your areas as the fear factor that it will happen to them also.

They undermine the Family's independence of development, thought and cultural freedom and inveigles people to choose what is safe.We choose right over safe and so do our children.

The entire resources of State are lined up against these falsley accused families . They use the above case as such as a living example of thier absolute control viewed through the eyes of local Communities.

The Child Protection construct we oppose is international. But so too are the growing groups around the world who are standing up against thier denial to allow people thier rights to build a family without State domination.

Thier ultimate goal being a subservient puppet society of Big Business and State.

The insurmountable odds are being stacked against the innocent children of falsley accused families in order to have many thousands of these children used as profit bearing commodities under a regime style new age Government agenda.

+2 #1 RE: Senior Mentoring Solicitor for NSW Children's Court blames mother for sexual abuse of daughter.Humor 2012-08-28 13:43
This has got to be a joke right? Surely the taxpayers are not paying the wages of people of this lack of morality? Just the other day it was reported that a mother who left her baby to die was left alone yet a mother who ties to do something to help their children have them taken? What's the story?

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