"Can the child protection trafficking racket be defined as a terrorist act?"

Child Protection Terrorist-ThumbnailSection Section 100.1 of the Criminal Code defines a terrorist act as ‘an action or threat of action’ which is done or made with the intention of:

  • advancing a political, religious or ideological cause; and the ideological cause would be "the (purported) protection of children"
  • coercing, or influencing by intimidation, the government of the Commonwealth, State or Territory or the government of a foreign country or intimidating the public or a section of the publicEach and every day the public whom deal with child protection agencies livbe with coercion, intimidation and extremely cruel tactics inflicted upon them by rogue agents who are never made accountable for their actions.

Action will only be defined as a terrorist act if it:

  • causes serious physical harm or death; many children have die each year in the name of child protection.  Many parents have heart attacks and strokes and get diabetes, all caused by the stress of so-called child protection.  They also end up homeless and debit ridden in order to try and preserve their family in which the child protection worker, with their unlimited government tax-payer funded war chest, is trying to rip apart in the name of control.
  • seriously damages property; the financial disruption caused by child protection agencies causes people to lose everything including homes.
  • endangers a person’s life; taking newborn babies direct from the womb without investigation causes not only long term damage to the bubby, but can also leave the mother haemhorraging as she is prevented from natural healing via the breastfeeding process.
  • creates a serious risk to public health or safety; or with child protection so out of control and unaccountable NOBODY is safe and these thugs cause a very serious risk to public health in general and safety.  No child is safe when the working mechanisms of any child protection system are thwart with corruption.
  • seriously interferes with, seriously disrupts, or destroys, an electronic system.  

Action will not be a terrorist act if it is advocacy, protest, dissent or industrial action and is not intended to cause serious physical harm or death, endanger the lives of others or create a serious risk to the public health or safety.

The definition of a terrorist act has been criticised as being so broad its meaning is unclear.[21]


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