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One of 20 children at risk over care deficiencies - Ireland
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Name and Shame Registers
Forced Adoptions
Adopted to death
NGOs and other system leeches
Disability Services
Family Law Courts
Childrens Court
Rights of the Child
Child Protection
Human Rights
Foster Care
Family Law Courts
Family Courts have always been known for dirty tricks, but recent stories to emerge from Britain show gutter tactics have reached new lows
Stockholm Syndrome. The solution for children who don't want to go to the abusive parent
A Broken System: Contempt Of Family Court
Scunthorpe mum tragically collapses and dies following family court hearing
Child custody rights for rapists? Most states have them
Child sex abuse case prompts review call
Cries of child abuse bounce back on mums
Evidence that Newcastle family courts erase parents
Court Ordered Abuse
The Family Court’s dilemma in cases of child sexual abuse
Suffer the children - Trouble in the Family Court
Mothers being forced to agree to shared parenting or lose their child
Scandal of 'unqualified' experts who advise our family courts: Decisions about the care of thousands of children routinely flawed
Free missing Watter twins from sexual slavery - part 1
My child did exist
Death by family courts
'Rest in peace, my special little man': Father of boy killed by mother was in bitter custody fight
Child protective services visited mum and kids hours before murder
Family court ordered child sexual abuse
Law Courts and Legal Matters
LCJ concerned about McKenzie friends ‘preying’ on vulnerable clients
US Supreme Court roundup: Ruling says Judges may be sued in civil rights cases.
Judicial Corruption
"Corruption in the High court of Australia revealed"
"Appeal Court Judgement - Kafkaesque Trial - Help Beth and Her Boys"
Judge Stephen McEwen terms child service officials "control freaks"
Former corrupt Queensland Attorney-General Kerry Shine busted appointing highly unqualified mates as judges
Legal whistleblower Bruce Bell framed for assaulting corrupt federal magistrate
Mum faces jail if she refuses to write to ex who slit her throat
"Judge Munby - Yes another plea from a parent who is abused by the UK families court who try to hide the crimes of their actions!"
"Sahin v. Germany, Application No. 30943/96, Judgement of 8 July 2003"
"Judges critical of mum jailing (by corrupt Judge Michael Jarrett)"
"US judge receives 28-year jail term for his role in kids-for-cash kickbacks"
"When Judges Award Custody to Abusive Parents"
Conflict of Interest - Judges on NGO Panels
"Girl raped after judge sends her to live at home of sex offender"
"Judge Carnage delivering Devastating Verdicts to Innocent Babies in Sydney"
Justice for none. Whistleblocked! Australian whistleblowing lawyer faces lifetime ban for exposing legal, judicial and government corruption
Corrupt Magistrates and Judges
How Many and Which Magistrates Ignored You're Affidavits ???
Magistrate Stella Struthridge violating Oath of Office
Sydney Magistrate Terrence Murphy blames mother for child being sexually assaulted in care
Judge Stephen Thackray no doubt a paedophile
"Magistrate Daynor Trigg tells open court that the laws of parliament do not apply to him."
"Coffs Harbour Family Courts, ICLs and Court Reporters - Coincidental Stuff Ups or Collusion on a Big Scale?"
Magistrate Cohen Proving White Australian Policy is alive and well in the Family Law Court of Australia today!!!!!!
"How Do We Get Rid of Corrupt Judges and Magistrates"
Magistrates can be Mad but Mothers can’t be Mothers
"Tas Attorney General Brian Wightman and Magistrate Mark Brett in Hot Seat for Destroying Records of Court and Public Office"
Federal Magistrate Michael Jarret blocking victims right to appeal by refusing to produce original reasons for judgement
Magistrate Carney devastating Sydney families
Magistrate refuses to use intellectual property to protect three year old boy from harm
Chief Magistrate Carolyn Huntsman, do you know the laws of the NSW Children's Court?
Chief Justice Robert French
High Court rejects ICAC's bid to investigate Crown prosecutor Margaret Cunneen
Federal judge declares constitution void, threatens civil defendant with death
Lawyers and Solicitors
"Lawyers of the Week"
"Is John Meehan accusing Alecomm of being a terrorist organisation ?"
"DoCS solicitor John Meehan blames mother over sexual assault of daughter, instead of predator-father"
Newest lawyer discovered trafficking children for financial gain
Sydney's dirtiest lawyer John Meehan of Campbelltown continues blackmail with support of OLSC
"Calls for resignation of DHS legal representative, as debate fires up over Meehans' multiple conflicts of intererest"
Dennis Chapman - Gosford Lawyer
"Who Says Man Can't Do TWO Things At Once! - Dennis Chapman Can!"
"Dennis Chapman. Solicitor at Gosford on the Central Coast in NSW, you must be so proud of yourself"
"Dennis Chapman attacks CAP members supporting parents in Children's Court"
Dennis Chapman. Solicitor at Gosford on the Central Coast in NSW, you must be so proud of yourself
Who Says Man Can't Do TWO Things At Once! - Dennis Chapman Can!
Dennis Chapman -The Dog that needs to learn to SIT
"Dennis Chapman -The Dog that needs to learn to SIT"
Michelle England - Crown Solicitor
"Crown solicitor for DoCS, Michelle England caught breaking the law again!"
Independent Childrens Representative
Articles on solicitors colluding together
NSW lawyer struck off for producing false evidence
Legal Aid
NSW Legal Aid - Care and protection matters
Constitutional Issues
Proposed Referendum on Queensland Constitution
Senator Culleton's submission to the High Court
The corrupt foreign Parliament of Australia and it's spin doctors
Case Law
Significant court case judgements
"Judge: Foster care system violates children's rights"
Law Reform
Australian Senate Reform Act of 2016
Legislation and Acts
"Crimes Act 1900 - Section 545C - Knowingly Joining or Cointinuing in Etc an Unlawful Assembly"
"Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011"
"Crimes Act 1900 - Section 546A - Consorting with Convicted Persons"
"Crimes Act 1900 No 40 Part 4B - Section 249K - Blackmail Offence "
"Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Act1993 - Section 47 - Protection of Complainant Against Retribution"
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ACT 1986 - Section 50 : Form of court attendance notice
Crimes Act 1900 - Section 93Q : Conveying false information that a person or property is in danger
Crimes Act 1900 Sect 93Q - Conveying false information that a person or property is in danger
Mental Health Act 2007 - Sect 97 - Electro Convulsive Therapy Register
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 - Section 162 Rights of Children and Young Persons in Out-Of-Home Care
Crimes Act 1900 - Sect 327 - Offence of perjury
Crimes Act 1900 - Sect 43A Failure of persons with Parental Responsibility To Care For Child
NSW Crimes Act 1900
Child and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 - Sect 248 Provision and Exchange of Information
Crimes Act 1914 - Sect 15GE Meaning of serious Commonwealth offence and serious State offence that has a federal aspect
Protected Disclosures Act 1994 -Sect 28 False or misleading disclosures
Public Sector Employment & Management Act 2002 - Part 43 Meaning of “misconduct” (1988 Act, s 66)
Children & Young Persons (Care & Protection) Act 1998 -Sect 253 False or misleading statements
Crimes Act 1900 - Sect 192E Fraud
"Cartel Provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 - Section 44zrd"
Civil Liability Act 2002 - Sect 5B General principles
Crimes Act 1900 - Sect 249K Blackmail offence
Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 -Sect 7 - Meaning of hostage-taking
Nurses & Midwives Act 1991 -Sect 4 Meaning of “professional misconduct” and “unsatisfactory professional conduct”
Crimes Act 1900 - Sect 87 Child Abduction
Civil Liability Act 2002 - Sect 5C Other principles
Public Sector Employment & Management Act 2002 - Part 41 Objects of this Part
Public Health Act 1991 - Sect 10AB Proceedings for offences under this Part
Employees Liability Act 1991 - Sect 5 Act not to apply to serious misconduct of employee or to conduct not related to employment
Health Care Complaints Act 1993 -Sect 9 How is a complaint made?
Community Services (Complaints, Reviews & Monitoring) Act 1993 - Sect 13 Review of situation of children and other persons in care
Health Services Act 1997 –Sect 117A Duty of chief executive to report certain conduct
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection Act) 1998 - Sect 33 - Investigation if allegation made against staff of Department
Children and young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 - Section 9 - Principles for administration of Act
Community Services (Complaints, Reviews & Monitoring) Act 1993 - Sect 27 Additional grounds for investigating complaint
Civil Liability Act 2002 -Sect 5 Definitions
Protected Disclosures Act 1994 - Sect 3 - Object
ICAC Act 1988 No 35 - Offences
"WA DCP - Children and Community Services Act 2004"
"Crimes Act 1900 No 40 - Section 249M - Menaces"
"National Disability Insurance Scheme (NSW Enabling) Bill 2013"
"Crimes Act 1958 - Section 63A Kidnapping"
"Crimes Act 1914 Section 34 - Magistrate Exercising Exessive Oppression"
"Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1988 - Section 63 - Evidence of Prior Alternative Action"
The Practise of Removing Newborn Babies by Nurses when the Mother hasn't even passed the Placenta
"Western Australia's new Mental Health Bill for Children, making Sterilisation, Psychosurgery and Electric Shock Okay! --- Completely violating the International Covenant on Childrens Rights"
ICAC Act 1988 No 35 - 93 Injury to witness or person assisting Commission
"Cartel Provisions - Competition and Consumer Act 2010 - Section 44ZZRD "
" Crimes Act 1900 No 40 - Section 545B- Intimidation or annoyance by violence or otherwise"
"Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples) Bill 2010 (No. 2)"
"Surveillance Devices Act 2007 - Section 11 Prohibition on Communication or Publication of Private Conversations or Recordings of Activities"
What Do Foster Kids Say - Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 No 157 - 9 Principles for administration of Act
"Surrogacy Bill 2010"
"Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2010"
"Crimes Act 1900 - Section 351B - Aiders and Abettors Punishable as Principals"
Federal Court of Australia Act 1991 No. 181 of 1991 - Sect 3
"Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amewndment (Homelessness Reporting Age) Bill 2010"
"Crimes Act 1900 - Section 545B - Intimidation or Annoyance by Violence or Otherwise"
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 - Sect 46PO - Application to court if complaint is terminated
"Highlights of the Judicial Misbehaviour and Incapacity (Parliamentary Commissions) Bill 2012"
Legal Profession Act 2004 - Sect 730A Duty to report suspected offences
Is your child in OOHC ten years old? They can legally apply to come home.
The Director-General’s obligation to disclose corrupt conduct
SLAPP - Strategic lawsuit against public participation
"Have you been SLAPPED?"
"Australia needs an anti- SLAPP Statute"