"Australian Governor Generals' Involvement In Police Murder & Cocaine Cover Up While Director Of The Qld Law Society 1990's"

bluelightdiscountsThe position of Australian Governor General is endorsed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and the nations of the Commonwealth.  Empowered in office by laws to as she see's fit, or even remove the PM of Australia Kevin Rudd from office.  Prior work history of the Australian Governor General Quentin Bryce as Director of the Queensland Law Society, early 1990's has now been totally Edited out from the Australian Governor Generals Web Home Page.

Fear not there are numerous copies of the Australian Governor Generals' web home Page prior to the Australian Government editing out the evidence, as does many state libraries.  In the 1990's as a Director of the Queensland Law Society Quentin Bryce personally orchestrated a Queensland Government coverup of a magnitude seldom seen in any 2nd or 3rd world corrupt nation.  It involved covering up evidence of Queensland Police involved in Murdering Queensland Police and Queensland Police involved with the Melbourne underworld importing cocaine into Airlie Beach Queensland and Queensland Police attempting to Murder eye witnesses to their crimes and Queensland Police threatening to Murder eye witnesses of their attempted murder attempts.

Why?, as amazing as it may seem improbably its a well documented fact that involved a Queensland Police officer Detective Paul Wilson trying to murder Mr Matthew Banks in 1988 in the Airlie Beach Hardware store on a Friday morning at about 8:50 am, give or take a minute or two, while Mr Banks was officially at work, (covered by Queensland Workers Comp ), purchasing goods from the Hardware store.

Queensland Police Officer Detective Paul Wilson was also officially working at the time.

The attempted murder was eye witnessed by an Australian Government Accredited Accident and Safety Officer.

Close friends and associates of Queensland Police Officer Detective Paul Wilson and also involved in Paul Wilson's cocaine Import empire Mr Bruce Virgo Queensland Solicitor of Airlie Beach, were quick to aid Paul Wilson by unlawfully filing Public Liability Insurance claims against the Hardware Store insurance company.

A year later when it became obvious then Legal Action was taken against the junior lawyer Mr James Grevell involved working for Cowling and Virgo. Mr Grevell did know all the facts regarding the attempted murder and also did his best to keep Mr Bruce Virgo's direct involvement from his client Mr Banks.

Then came a Legal Action by a 2nd lawyer Mr Barry John Ross of Gladstone Queensland to sue for damages and compensation the 1st Lawyer James Grevell (which meant suing the Queensland Law Society Insurance Company), (which was the same Insurance company for the Queensland Police and Queensland Workers Compensation ) - which was not his client Mr M. Banks direct *instructions to Mr Ross.

Mr Ross found it in his personal interests to repeatedly ignore his clients instructions to sue the Queensland Police and Queensland Workers Comp, (both Queensland Workers Compensation and Queensland Police Department covered by the same public liability insurance company), as was we later discovered the yet again the same insurance company for Queensland Law Society.

All Good Bedfellows under the protection of one insurance company; ENTER ; The Australian Governor General Mrs Quinten Bryce Director of the Queensland Law Society the *Only person with Direct Access to a corrupt Supreme Court Judge friendly to the Main Insurance company for the Queensland Government and Queensland Law Society that was being sued for $350k -$400k for professional negligence by Mr M. Banks on instructions from his Queensland Law Society Member Mr Barry John Ross.

DAMAGE CONTROL DIRECTOR ; The Australian Governor General Quinten Bryce used her position as Queensland Law Society Director to see the main eye witness for Mr Matthew Banks, the Australian Government Accredited Accident and Safety Officer never testify in the supreme court of Brisbane in 1995 nor any eye witness statement appear in the supreme court of Brisbane in 1995.

The Australian Governor General Mrs Quintin Bryce orchestrated an attempted Murder coverup of Mr M.Banks that involved Mr Banks previously seeing Queensland Police Officer Detective Paul Wilson flee a crime scene, where another Airlie beach Queensland Policeman was found shot dead.

Thus Queensland Police Officer Detective Paul Wilson some time later discovered Mr Banks and another eye witness a woman had seen him flee that crime scene, Queensland Police Officer Paul Wilson soon after demanded Mr Banks become his security officer for his cocaine import empire.

Mr Banks refused and was advised By Queensland Police Officer Paul Wilson " GET OUT OF TOWN OR YOU WILL BE HAVING AN ACCIDENT ! ".

Mr Banks investigated Queensland Detective Paul Wilsons cocaine import empire and has valuable evidence regarding many aspects that should have been heard in court.

Eight years after his serious life threatening injuries Mr Banks recieved only $25k after Mrs Quintin Bryce the Australian Governor General and then director of the Queensland Law Society, covered up the evidence to assist the Insurance Company for the Queensland Government Workers Compensation and the Public liability Insurance company of the Queensland Police Department and the Insurance company for the Queensland Law Society in the Supreme Court in Brisbane in 1995.  (Source : http://kevinruddaustpmqldpolicedrugsmurder2n.blogspot.com/2009/12/australian-governor-generals-involvment.html)

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