Scotland children murdered in paedophile snuff films

Children in Scotland have been filmed being murdered in so-called "snuff movies".

A LEADING charity says often brothers & sisters are made to have sex with each other, & that animals are also involved.

Scots children are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Two leading charities say they have spoken to victims of ritual abuse including rape and murder stretching back decades.

Kate Short, founder of Kilmarnock-based childhood abuse charity, Break the Silence, said: “In the worst cases (people) have been forced to watch the making of snuff movies. It’s the extreme, barbaric type of terror that can lead to serious personal disorder.”
Kate also said, often brothers and sisters are made to have sex with each other, and that animals are also involved.

She added: “This is something that has been going on forever and I can’t see it ever stopping.”

The claims were reported by the Scottish Sunday Express.

Scotland is the only part of the UK which doesn’t currently have an investigation into historic child sexual abuse.

Another leading charity, Dundee-based Izzy’s Promise, also backed the claims.

Project co-ordinator Joseph Lumbasi said: “Eighty per cent of people who contact us are brought up right here in Scotland. Children are born that are never registered. There is pornography, sick films. Horrific things are happening and nobody is getting caught.”

Scottish Labour’s justice spokesman Graeme Pearson MSP, said: “The Scottish government continues to duck and weave on the issue, refusing demands to hold a public enquiry to enable us all to know what is the situation here in Scotland, and how we can protect vulnerable young people.”

Police Scotland said it took all allegations of abuse “incredibly seriously”, while Education Secretary Michael Russell MSP is due to make a statement to the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday. DailyRecord

TWO leading charities have claimed that children in Scotland have been filmed being murdered by paedophiles in what are known as ‘snuff movies’.

Kilmarnock-based childhood abuse charity Break the Silence and Izzy’s Promise, of Dundee, have claimed that ‘horrific things are happening’ and that they ‘can’t see it ever stopping’.

Kate Short, founder of Break the Silence, told the Scottish Sunday Express: “In the worst cases (people) have been forced to watch the making of snuff movies. It’s the extreme, barbaric type of terror that can lead to serious personal disorder.”

Ms Short said that siblings were made to have sex with each other and that animals were also involved, adding: “This is something that has been going on forever and I can’t see it ever stopping.”

Project co-ordinator for Izzy’s Promise Joseph Lumbasi added: “Eighty per cent of people who contact us are brought up right here in Scotland. Children are born that are never registered. There is pornography, sick films. Horrific things are happening and nobody is getting caught.

“We’ve dealt with people have been involved in gang rape ceremonies, animal slaughters and all sorts of things in secret places.

“People who talk to use are relating us their experiences from when they were maybejust eight, nine or 10 – kids, really.”

The Scotland on Sunday revealed today that a public inquiry into historical child abuse in Scotland was being prepared by the Scottish Government, with ministers looking at creating a high-profile investigation into allegations of abuse carried out at care homes, educational institutions, by religious orders and leading members of the Scottish establishment.

Education secretary Michael Russell is due to address Holyrood on child protection and will cover the issue of historical abuse in Scotland.

Although his statement is not thought to include an official announcement of a public inquiry, the Scotland on Sunday understands that ministers and officials are working behind the scenes to set up an inquiry in the coming months.

Police Scotland have said that it takes all allegations of abuse ‘incredibly seriously’, with a spokesman adding: “If anyone has any concerns they should contact us on 101.” Scotsman

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