AFP corruption scandal sees top cops involved in a 'mafia-style group' investigated - as its revealed members used 'dirt files' to keep their shady deals a secret

  • 'Mafia-style' gang has been busted at the centre of the Australian Federal Police
  • It is feared the officers have been conducting illegal scams for nearly ten years
  • Four officers have been suspended so far, and others may follow, sources said
  • The embattled AFP is now facing its biggest corruption scandal in decades
A corruption scandal is threatening to engulf the Australian Federal Police after a series of dawn raids ended in the suspension of four protective service officers.

The 'mafia-style' group is now under investigation, embroiling the federal force in its biggest scandal in decades.

It is feared the group have been operating under the radar for nearly ten years, but the officer who considers himself 'the Don' is allegedly still at work. 

Four officers are now suspended, and others may follow, after raids at their homes and workplaces, according to News Corp.

The scandal is threatening to engulf the Australian Federal Police.Among wide-ranging allegations are that the officers siphoned off ADF-funded assets for their personal use, including a series of pricey cars, as well as major credit card fraud.

The officers involved are alleged to have formed a tight-knit clique, which had 'deliberately abused positions of power for personal gain at the expense of government departments'.

They allegedly used fear and intimidation to make sure others kept quiet about their illegal goings-on, threatening to 'destroy colleagues' lives'.   

This includes keeping 'dirt files' on them, as well as giving them unfair rostering.

The alleged scam includes the private use of a 4WD Pajero worth more than $50,000.

Four officers from the Australian Federal Police have now been suspended as an investigation is undertaken (stock image)

Four officers from the Australian Federal Police have now been suspended as an investigation is undertaken (stock image)

They are also accused of using petrol for personal use, and misappropriating office furniture and equipment.

It is also alleged that the same officers were involved in travel rorts and falsifying AFP records and time sheets. 

Reports suggest it is the biggest fraud investigation in the national force since the Harrison inquiry in the 1990s.

The scandal, which is shrouded in secrecy, led to the sacking of seven officers.

Sources fear it could even lead to a royal commission to investigate the actions of AFP protective service officers. 

The investigation was launched last year after a tip-off.

It led to the discovery that a defence force-funded car was missing from the Defence Force's Garden Island base in Sydney. 

Commissioner Reece Kershaw is understood to have called in the corruption watchdog, the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity.

A Defence spokesman said: 'Defence expects the highest standards of behaviour from all staff working within the Defence Estate. Allegations of misconduct are taken very seriously and investigated.

'Defence is co-operating with the Australian Federal Police investigation into this matter. Any further queries regarding these allegations should be directed to the Australian Federal Police.' 

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