"Justice for Hollie Greig - Quick Rundown of the Case"

justiceforholliegreigThis is a basic rundown of events regarding Hollie’s case:

Around two or three weeks prior to 17 November 1997
• Robert (Roy) Greig walks in on Dennis Mackie having sex with his own daughter, Hollie and tells Dennis never to touch his niece Hollie again.

17 November 1997
• Body of Robert Greig , a bar-manager and bachelor who loved life, found in burnt-out car on lonely road just outside Aberdeen.
• He had been well-liked and had no personal, financial or health problems and had no reason to take his own life.
• He was dedicated to his sister, Anne who was six years younger than him, and his Downs Syndrome niece, Hollie.
• He had been planning Hollie’s 18th birthday party and had bought her a beautiful bracelet.
• It was Hollie’s 18th birthday six days after Robert Greig died.
• He had campaigned tirelessly and raised funds for Downs Syndrome sufferers.
• Autopsy by Dr James Gr??? (Crown Office Pathologist) states that death was by smoke inhalation.
• Second autopsy doctor was Dawn Marie Chalmers, now Dawn Marie Kelsey who was a GP in Aberdeen but who has since disappeared.

May 2000
• Hollie is 20.
• Following violent disagreement with Dennis Mackie Anne leaves family home taking Hollie with her.
• Hollie tells Anne about abuse by Dennis and Greg, her brother, which started when she was 6 years old and that Dennis had threatened to kill Anne and Max, the family dog if she told Anne.
• Anne reports this to the Police Station in Bucksburn, Aberdeen.

21 July 2000
• Ms Elish Angiolini becomes Regional Procurator Fiscal for Grampian and the Highlands and Islands based in Aberdeen.
• Sheriff Graham Buchanan is apparently a close personal friend of Angiolini.

24 August 2000
• Hollie tells Anne of fourteen other abusers including  a Sheriff , two nurses, two social workers including one with responsibility for Hollie’s care, another two policeman, an accountant and a lawyer.
• After calling for progress report and to give the new information Anne is invited to Bucksburn Police Station.

25 August 2000
• Anne and Hollie give new information to Police Officer Leanne Davidson and Social Worker Nichola Foot at Bucksburn Police Station.
• PO Leanne Davidson then asks to speak to Anne alone.
• Whilst with SW Nichola Foot, Hollie is injected in her leg, called a liar and becomes disorientated.
• Anne discovers Hollie’s distress and, as Hollie is unable to explain what has happened, Anne then requests immediate medical attention.
• After three hours of waiting with no medical attention whilst being told a doctor could not be found, Anne takes Hollie home.

26 August 2000
• Anne takes Hollie to her own GP but the drug has now worn off and is now impossible to trace in Hollie’s system.

17 September 2001 / eleven days later
• Ten people from the local psychiatric institution arrive at Anne and Hollie’s home.
• Anne is forcibly injected, put into a van and taken to Cornhill Hospital in Aberdeen where she is diagnosed as schizophrenic by Dr Alastair Palin.
• Hollie is left behind screaming and given back to her father.
• Anne co-operates and is eventually discharged (date ?)
• At her own expense, Anne asks eminent psychiatrist Dr Ellen Smith for an appraisal after telling her about her “diagnosis” and the events surrounding it. (date ?)
• Dr Smith’s appraisal (documented) shows Anne to have no mental health problems.
• Anne returns home (date ???).

27 October 2000
• Ann receives letter from Brian Adam MSP – her representative in the Scottish Parliament concerning the case, three months after Angiolini takes office.

??? in 2001
• An explanation of Hollie’s Downs Syndrome condition was described by Police and medical experts.
• She was found to be a competent witness and could be taken seriously.
• Hollie tells Anne for the first time about her Uncle Roy (Robert Greig) discovering her father having sex with her at their home.

12 July 2001
• Letter sent from Angiolini’s office to Anne and Hollie’s solicitor concerning the case, despite Angiolini saying she knows nothing about it.

December 2001 ???
• Following further Crown Office delays and pressure from Anne and Hollie, Anne receives a letter from them advising no further action will be taken due to insufficient evidence.

7 May 2003
• Document in Robert’s possession, written by Police Officer Innes Walker (now Chief Inspector), states that eleven people have been interviewed.
• This contradicts Police earlier stating that only two people were interviewed – Dennis and Greg Mackie (two years later).

Date ???
• Following help from her advisors, Anne is awarded GBP13,000 by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) despite there being no recorded crime committed. Where were these funds paid from ?

Date ???
• Robert Green is invited to bring the case to the public’s notice and to obtain justice for Hollie and Anne but experiences the same problems of inaction and blockage.

October 2006
Ms Elish Angiolini installed as Lord Advocate for Scotland.

19 April 2009
• A News Of The World journalist picks up the CICA payment of GBP 13,000 and runs a story on Hollie.
• Anne and Hollie now live in a Shropshire village where they fled to following threats and abuse.
• A local Shropshire newspaper also picks up the story.
• Interest is shown by BBC Scotland in Glasgow.
• Renowned senior investigator Mark Daly approaches Anne and Hollie saying BBC would like to do a big story, and asks for BBC exclusivity.
• Documented evidence of false statements and contradictions, kept by Anne, is passed to Mark Daly.
• Programmes for BBC TV Scotland and BBC Radio Scotland are commissioned, with a full national broadcast by Panorama.
• Six weeks of discussion with the BBC Team follow, with promises of worldwide interest.

10 June 2009
• Robert Green receives phone-call from distraught Mark Daly.
• All programmes and paedophilia investigations have been cancelled despite written confirmation.
• Mark Daly, Cathy Long (BBC Radio Scotland) and Liam MacDougall (Panorama) silenced with threats of job loss if they continue with this or any other paedophilia investigations in Scotland.
• Mark Daly unable to discuss the case further with Robert.
• Mark Daly writes apologetic but unfair letter to Anne saying he believes her story.
• Robert Green presses BBC Director General Mark Thomspon and head of BBC Trust Michael Lyons for explanation.
• No help is offered, just contact details given for the BBC Complaints Department.

August 2009
• Shot is fired through window of Anne and Hollie’s home in quiet Shropshire village but bounces off window.
• Up until now the police have done nothing.
• Robert Green emails Alex Salmond (who he has contacted previously regarding the case and the role of the Lord Advocate) to advise that if anything happens to his clients he will hold him responsible.
• Robert also contacts Chief Constable of Grampian Police in Aberdeen to advise him likewise, as his clients’ lives have been threatened.

8 September 2009
• Following the gunshot, two officers sent from Grampian Police to Shropshire.
• Robert, Anne and Hollie meet at a main Police Station in Shrewsbury and are taken to a house where rape victims are interviewed.
• Anne interviewed upstairs by one Grampian Police Officer accompanied by two people from the Mercia force.
• Hollie interviewed downstairs by second Grampian Police Officer, Lisa Evans, accompanied by Shrewsbury area Police Officer and a Social Worker acting as witness.
• Robert not allowed to be present at either interview but permitted to listen from behind a partition door, to Hollie’s interview.
• Hollie interviewed for 3.5 hours while Robert takes notes.
• Hollie reiterates information and is fully consistent with all documents and her previous testimonies, saying she was raped “over and over”.
• Hollie gives all names and states that most rapes took place at home of Sheriff Buchanan’s sister, Evelyn Buchanan.

17 November 2009
• Scottish publication, The Firm, run a strong story attacking Angiolini’s involvement based on Robert and Anne’s paperwork.
• Angiolini’s office apparently threatens to put them out of business failing a full, immediate retraction and apology, which is done.

4 December 2009 onwards
• Robert has applied more pressure and some Scottish media, including The Firm and Press & Journal in Aberdeen have been actively putting out information.

• Robert receives letter from Andrew MacIntyre, Head of Victims and Diversity at the Crown Office (date ???)
• MacIntyre insists to Robert that Elish Angiolini cannot recall Hollie’s case as she was not in-situ at the time, even though she became Procurator Fiscal five weeks before Anne and Hollie reported the abusers’ names to the Police. MacIntyre states that other members of her office must have been dealing with the case.
• MacIntyre and Angiolini appear to be unaware of Anne’s letter from Brian Adam NSP – her representative in the Scottish Parliament – dated 27 October 2000.
• Robert and his Scottish team have established that no other people have been interviewed by Grampian Police except Hollie despite 24 people (16 abusers and 7 other child victims besides Hollie) being named in the interview in Shropshire on 8 September 2009.
• Robert knows that during an earlier investigation in 2000 only Dennis Mackie was interviewed, and his son Greg Mackie two years later.
• Document dated 7 May 2003 by Police Officer Innes Walker contradicts this.
• Angiolini has apparently been secretly using private eminent Edinburgh law firm Levy & McRae to take action against The Firm. (date ???)
• Robert contacted Peter Watson, their senior partner to ask if they had been dealing on behalf of Angiolini and who is paying fees. (date ???)
• Watson sends offensive reply and refuses to answer Robert’s question. (date ???)
• Robert says he holds privileged document (date ???) which proves Watson is acting for Angiolini and that he is threatening defamation to one of the information providers.
• General threats have apparently been sent to every editor in Scotland – high-level attempt to intimidate Scottish and UK press – and Google have also been threatened (dates ???)
• Police Officers Terry Major, Leanne Davidson and Innes Walker all appear to have served to prevent the course of justice.

• Robert spoke with Dr James Gr??? (Crown Office Pathologist) regarding Robert Greig’s “suicide”.
• During the interview Dr Gr??? appeared very nervous and said he felt Robert was trying to implicate him in the death.
• Robert explained the rarity of someone committing suicide by setting fire to themselves, and this was more likely to be a cover up for murder and to destroy evidence.
• Robert asked Dr Gr??? why there had been no inquest into the death and was told that the decision was taken on the known facts as there was no known motive for murder.

February 2010 (date of Robert Green’s presentation)
• Robert applies for the autopsy of Robert Greig (date ???)
• After a nine-year wait Anne finally receives a copy of Robert Greig’s autopsy report on New Years Eve 2009.
• All that time the Crown Office had ignored her attempts to obtain it.
• Anne had also previously been told that she would not understand the autopsy and that, rather than send the it direct to Anne, the Crown Office would arrange for a doctor to phone and explain it to her.
• The autopsy details a large amount of alcohol in Robert Greig’s stomach resembling whisky, which he hated even though he was a bar manager.
• Also detailed was severe damage to his skull, two broken ribs and a broken sternum, all pointing to a severe beating.
• One of the people who “rescued” Robert Greig from his burning car (and received a bravery award) was known to Anne.
• This same person was an oil rig worker, also known to Dennis Mackie, who gave his own alibi as an oil rig, and was possibly another member of the rape gang.
• All members of the rape gang are now potential murder suspects.
• Looking back, Anne says she thought Robert Greig had something on his mind that he wanted to tell her about shortly before his death but the last thing he would have wanted, after discovering Dennis Mackie raping Hollie, was to leave Anne and Hollie to his mercy.

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