Landmark Case has DoCS Raising the White Flag

A landmark DoCS case has DoCS NSW holding it's head in shame, and officially apologising to a mother who had all her children stolen by them illegally just a few years ago.  DoCS are also issuing a formal apology and the magistrate has ordered the matter be sent to the Administrative Tribunal for punitive damages.

The mother was a former ward of the state who also suffered horrific abuse at the hands of her abusers. 

As this case now proves that DoCS yet again use any excuse to steal children, we no doubt will see the DoCS barrister running for a gag order to supress the matter in the best interest of DoCS - not the children or family who are overwhelmed with joy.

It will be an illegal move on the part of DoCS and we're hoping that this time the magistrates will not illegally issue this order because no names have been disclosed, nor the identities of the children or family.  Laws allow for gag orders only for these reasons, or matters of national security, not to protect the corrupt lawyers, barristers or DoCS workers from the shameful knowledge the public gets to hear about them.

The magistrate also tore the DoCS barrister a new one for committing perjury in court, and the public now want to see the barrister charged as he bloody well should be.  This would set an example for other unscrupulous DoCS lawyers who continually lie and mislead the courts on behalf of their clients, and whom have caused the removal of thousands of other children from innocent parents.


+5 #2 janinecooperwright70 2010-12-27 22:17
I have a case against docs 1998-2000 though i find it difficult to find a solicitor to take the case on. Been a closed file now and classed as a historical case i have to find a good plaitiff lawyer.. most of the hard work is done as i have my FOI and most of th evidence is out of that.. i have a solid case and if youknow of a solicitors firm it will be worth their time and effort.
+6 #1 Guest 2010-12-22 09:05
Quote: "The magistrate also tore the DoCS barrister a new one".

Who is this magistrate? How do I get this magistrate to hear my case fairly?

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