Australian governments own statistics prove children are safer at home than in foster care

At June 2010, there were 1.36 million children under 15 years of age in NSW 1

Nationally there were 35,895 children in out-of-home care on 30 June 2010 2

As at 30 March, 2011, Labor left NSW with 17,931 children and young people in out-of-home care 3

122 children (88%) of deaths of children were residing with their families at the time of death 4

11 children (8%) were under the Parental Responsibility of the Minister for Family and Community Services & six children were in other care arrangements, such as a disability residential service, or with extended family members 5

Therefore the rate of children dying whilst with family is 1 per 11,147 and the rate of children dying is out of home care is 1 child per 996 foster carers / residential facilities, and proves, without a doubt that children are safer at home.

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