Dear Members of the Medical Licensing Board of the State of New South Wales
Greetings from New Hampshire, USA
My late husband George Maxwell, MD (Edinburgh) was the founding professor of Child Health (later called Paediatrics) at the University of Adelaide.
He was a particularly good man and he understood most of his colleagues to be particularly good. Since George was quite the discerner of human nature, I am inclined to think he judged the situation correctly. Thus, I deduce there must have been a special atmosphere in the profession that imparted high ideals.
He retired in 1988 and I have no idea what happened after that but surely the magic has gone. How do I know? I know because so many doctors have failed to help abused children and have gone along with an outrageous trend whereby the Family Courts of Australia hand the child over to a sex-abusing parent.
Physicians are aware of the problem. They twiddle their thumbs and say nothing. But finally one bloke speaks out. Russell Pridgeon. And what do you do? You revoke his medical license.
Makes me think that could be where the magic went. Perhaps it is you, or at least your guiding force, the Australian Medical Association, that has caused the high ideals to be trampled underfoot.
How many doctors today would have patients say this about them (I am copying from the GoFundMe page for Dr Pridgeon; he is now under arrest):
We will be behind you the whole way. Thank you for taking such good care of our babies over the years. — Amanda, Mark, Myla & Aprille Richards.
You 2 had the guts and courage to do what most of us think or talk about. Dr Pridgeon has been my doctor for the last 16+ years. He is caring and a very dedicated doctor. — Robyn.
Dr Pridgeon We think the world of you and support you. — The Vereykens
Priviledge to be a patient of this amazing man. These are the people you want in your corner when you can’t rely on the system of this Country. — S Moran
Dr Pridgeon is a wonderful doctor and a most compassionate human being. He did what he believed to be right. The Family Law Courts fail children everyday yet predators walk free. — Christine Lavallee
Dr Pridgeon has always supported and cared for me. — Lynn Firkin
Russell Pridgeon is a man of integrity and it is typical of him to have risked himself to help others in need. — Gus Ferguson
He has helped my family a lot over the years. Great doctor and my nan (Dawn) is now devastated that she will have to see someone else. — Hylda
No Better in America
Please don’t think I am picking on Australia exclusively. The land of the free and the home of the brave, so-called, is not winning any medals either. Doctors here suppress cures for cancer, kowtow to Big Pharma, and dispense the most wicked vaccinations with no apparent twinge of conscience! Ty Bollinger has collected many interviews with good doctors about those issues.
Also in the US, layman Bill Windsor has collected many stories of “medical kidnap.” (and he went to prison for his trouble). In one of his cases, the Mom escaped to Canada so her 6 -year-old son Vincent would not have to take Ritalin, but the FBI went to Canada and grabbed him. She has never been able to find Vincent again.
This is a new threat in Australia – not the medical aspect, but the chance that a stranger, who has been given temporary guardianship of a “disputed” child, will by the flick of a judge’s pen, be made the permanent guardian, and contact may be lost.
In Adelaide, Gumshoe is trying to help “Darlene” get past this problem for her daughter “Ellen.” (Code names reflect the gag order in section 121 of the Family Law Act).
Spend a minute and a half on this video (it is not a medical-kidnap case, but shows what a kid is feeling when the ties that bind are broken):
Are we living in odd times or what?
I say to doctors: bring back the George Maxwells! Bring back the magic!
— Mary W Maxwell is the Opinion Editor of
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