Hearing for Heroes who helped hide mother and children from paedophiles

Protest Friday!
Hearing for Heroes Who Helped Hide Mothers & Children

Friday, December 7th: 9:00 am
Brisbane Magistrates Court
Brisbane, Australia

If you cannot make the protest in Brisbane, you can comment, share and like this post and sign the petition to the Attorney General. Make your voice heard: let the powers-that-be know that we the people support these heroes.

"We [helped mothers] because we cannot abide the thought of children being raped...This was one of the greatest privileges of my life to be able to help these children escape the horrific abuse inflicted upon them."
- Dr. Russell Pridgeon

Dr. Russell Pridgeon, Patrick O’Dea and Cassie Watters must appear for a hearing on Friday in Brisbane on details of their cases and trial dates.

Supporters will be protesting in front of the court.

They were arrested in “Operation Noetic”, a two-year sting instigated by family court judges to catch mothers in hiding and their supporters who helped them flee exes who were sexually abusing their children. Cassie was in hiding for four years to protect her children from the sexual abuse they had disclosed to her and to many professionals.

Cassie's father, Arthur Doubleday, 83, was also indicted along with a 78 year-old woman and others, effectively terrorizing the small community of brave and elderly citizens who help mothers protect their children when Family Court fails them.

Dr. Pridgeon, 64, who police claim “masterminded” the “criminal child-stealing syndicate”, is charged with “conspiracy to defeat justice” and related charges. He is facing 25 years in prison.

All three were released on bail pending trial. Pridgeon and O’Dea was also released on bail.

SIGN PETITION: https://www.change.org/p/attorney-general-christian-porter-dismiss-charges-against-dr-pridgeon

Previous posts with more info:
Hero Doctor Who Helped Mother Hide Kids Pens Powerful Letter

Prime Minister’s Apology Includes Children Sexually Abused at Home

Major Bust: Heroes Helping Mothers Arrested in Sting Operation



[Pictured: Dr. Russell Pridgeon (left); Cassie Watters (middle); Patrick O'Dea (right)]

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