Judge Convicted for "Worst of the Worst" Child Porn

Abusers job or title:: Magistrate in Family Court
Judges name: Judge Brett Blomme
Judges title: Family Court Judge
Judges position: Judge
Paedophile protected: he is the paedophile
Type of protection : Granting release

Confirms Judges Should NOT Be Deciding Custody

Former Family Court Judge Brett Blomme was convicted for use and dissemination of extreme and sadistic child pornography.

The confiscated images and videos showed prepubescent children posing in lewd and lascivious positions, underage children performing sexual acts on adults, and adults sexually abusing minors as young as toddlers. Blomme also targeted children for sex online.

Former Judge Brett Blomme [left: as judge; right: in mug shot]
Former Judge Brett Blomme [left: as judge; right: in mug shot]

The Wisconsin Federal District Court judge presiding over Blomme’s trial described the images as "sadistic treatment of toddlers," "extreme victimization" of young children and "the worst of the worst" kind of porn.

Prosecutors found 27 videos and images which Blomme had shared amongst organized groups of perpetrators. These are undoubtedly just the tip of the iceberg since Blomme admitted to having a long addiction to child porn.

Every time an image of child sexual abuse is shared, it re-victimizes that child.

U.S. Attorney Timothy O’Shea


Blomme was indicted on 7 counts of distributing child pornography and was facing 175 years in prison and a $700,000 fine. But, not surprisingly, he received a super-sweetheart plea deal. He was sentenced to just 9 years in prison and a $5000 fine. And he likely will get out early.

Abuser Name or Alias:: Various child victims
Matter Resolved?: Ongoing

[Another] Judge (Ryan) sympathises with Children's Court guard who had sex with 'worldly' 14-year-old

Abusers job or title:: Children’s Court Security Guard
Judges name: Christopher Ryan
Judges title: Judge
Judges position: Judge
Paedophile protected: Franco Abad
Paedophile protectors court location: Melbourne Children’s Court
Type of protection : Granting release

A County Court judge who released a former Children's Court security guard on a good behaviour bond after he had sex with a 14-year-old has been criticised for his remarks about sex.

Child abuse survivor advocates have denounced Judge Christopher Ryan's comments from the bench as unacceptable and ill-informed.

Abuser Name or Alias:: Franco Abad, 30
Abusers Organisation:: Melbourne Children’s Court
Matter Resolved?: Yes

Australia’s paedophile epidemic being covered-up by judges

Type of protection : Granting release

Australia has an epidemic of paedophiles and as a country we need to face up to it and deal with it. The courts are a key area that the paedophiles are getting support and protection from and I will give multiple recent examples in this article as finding the examples is not hard as there are many of them.

This website is meant to focus on judicial corruption and it is impossible to ignore the links between the judiciary and paedophiles. In recent times we even had Judge Garry Neilson use the sanctity of the court to defend paedophiles which only another paedophile would do. While Judge Garry Neilson was meant to be suspended from hearing sex abuse cases he is still a judge. (Click here to read more)

Paedophile Judge Garry Neilson

Make no mistake the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was only the tip of the Iceberg. Over the next year or so it will be a huge issue as the government deals with the recommendations of the Royal Commission and as more people have become empowered by the Royal Commission to raise issues that have long been hidden or covered up. Social media has also had a huge hand in empowering people to raise complaints.

Until magistrates and judges start treating child porn as child abuse, as a violent crime against vulnerable innocent kids, then we, as a society, are also disgraced.

Abusers job or title:: Deputy Principal at Catholic Victorian school
Judges name: Michael O’Connell
Judges title: Judge
Judges position: County Court Judge
Paedophile protected: Quentin Paul Smith - Catholic School Vice Principal
Paedophile protectors court location: VIctoria
Type of protection : Granting release

Let me be blunt. Until magistrates and judges start treating child porn as child abuse, as a violent crime against vulnerable innocent kids, then we, as a society, are also disgraced.

For somebody to buy, or share, or look at this muck, some poor kid has suffered. Dreadfully.

And yet, again and again, child exploiting pervs walk free. No jail. Take this week. The case of 50-year-old Quentin Paul Smith. He was a Catholic school Deputy Principal in Victoria.
He spent his weekends getting high on drugs and watching child pornography. He wrote on a paedophile chat room: “Pervy hung male here — he’s keen for kids”.

Abuser Name or Alias:: Quentin Paul Smith
Abusers Organisation:: Catholic school in Melbourne area
Matter Resolved?: Yes

Father who raped his son up to five times a week for three years and committed his first sex crime at just 16 will serve just TWO years in jail

Judges name: Paul Smith
Judges title: Judge Paul Smith
Judges position: Magistrate
Paedophile protected: Suppressed
URL if not listed in article : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7463779/Father-raped-son-three-years-committed-sex-crimes-serve-just-TWO-years-jail.html
Paedophile protectors court location: Southport District Court
Type of protection : Granting release
  • A Queensland father has pleaded guilty to raping his son over a three year period
  • The offender raped his son anally and orally and as often as five times per week  
  • He had allegedly previously assaulted his two-year-old niece and other children
  • He was sentenced to five years in jail to be suspended after serving two years

A father who raped his son up to five times a week for three years will serve just two years behind bars.

The Brisbane man, 41, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has  pleaded guilty to raping his son anally and orally between 2002 and 2005.

The man had already been convicted for sexually offending against multiple children and first committed sex crimes when he was 16-years-old, the court was told.

Anger over the judge who freed paedophile

Abusers job or title:: English Judge

CHILD protection groups were in uproar last night after a controversial judge freed a convicted paedophile – who then raped a 10-year-old boy.

It is not the first time that Judge Julian Hall has drawn fury over his handling of child sex cases. Last night charity campaigners called for his decisions to be examined by the Attorney General and suggested it was time that he quit or was sacked.

The storm broke after it emerged how offender David Cullen, 48, who has a long record of sex attacks on children and has served time in jail, was allowed back on the streets by Judge Hall.

Abuser Name or Alias:: Judge Julian Hall

Another paedophile judge, Judge Madgwick

Abusers job or title:: NSW Criminal Court Judge

“There’s no suggestion that, other than the offending, he hasn’t been a model citizen,” Judge Madgwick said.

Source : https://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/2747642/bravehearts-calls-for-magistrate-doug-dicks-dismissal/

Abuser Name or Alias:: Judge Madgwick
Abusers Organisation:: NSW Criminal Courts
Matter Resolved?: Ongoing

Bravehearts calls for magistrate Doug Dick's dismissal

Magistrate Dick granted the continuation of bail conditions for Maurice Van Ryn after he pleaded guilty to a string of child sex offences in Bega Local Court.

Bravehearts founder and chief executive officer Hetty Johnston wrote to NSW Attorney General Brad Hazzard and NSW Chief Justice Thomas Bathurst to express “grave concerns” about the decision to grant bail.

In the letters, Ms Johnston called for the immediate dismissal of Magistrate Dick and the review of all his decisions made over the past 24 months.

Van Ryn pleaded guilty to 12 separate offences involving children under 16, including the most serious, “persistent sexual abuse of a child”, which carries a maximum sentence of 25 years’ jail.

He was committed to the District Court for sentencing on February 2, 2015.

However, after his bail was continued despite the guilty plea, NSW Attorney General Brad Hazzard called for an urgent review into the circumstances and urged the DPP to step in and appeal the decision.

Community concerns were heightened further when it was discovered Van Ryn had committed one of the offences while already on bail for a separate child abuse matter.

In June 2014, Van Ryn was arrested and charged over an act of indecency with a child under 16.

It is believed to have been this matter that prompted other victims to come forward with their stories of abuse that go back at least 10 years.

He was released on bail.

However, he committed a further offence – an assault with act of indecency – in July this year.

A spokesperson for the NSW Department of Justice said while Van Ryn did not breach any imposed bail conditions, he did commit a further offence while on bail.

“By any measure, this decision [to grant bail] is unforgiveable, unfathomable and unacceptable,” Ms Johnston wrote in her letters.

“Van Ryn admitted guilt, admitted committing the most horrendous offences against the most vulnerable members of our community.

“In addition, as the Crown argued, this is a man who has the financial means to abscond if he so wishes and as such poses a flight risk.

“There is absolutely every justification for his detainment pending sentencing.

“When he committed these offences he forfeited his right to be considered above the rights of victims, children and the community.”


THE confessed child sex offender and former head of Bega Cheese, Maurice Van Ryn, also has links with the Shoalhaven area.

Ryn held the position of non-executive director and chairman of Probiotec Limited, which has two separate facilities in Nowra.

Although not having any direct contact with the local operations, Mr Van Ryn was chairman from its listing on the Australian Stock Exchange in November 2006 until his resignation in August this year.

Mr Van Ryn is likely to remain on bail if he can arrange effective electronic monitoring and prove his family members have put up a $700,000 surety, Sydney’s Downing Centre District Court has been told.

Last month Mr Van Ryn, the chief executive officer of the cheese company for 14 years, pleaded guilty to 12 child sex offences related to attacks on six boys aged eight to 16 at Tathra on the South Coast between 2006 and 2014.

In a decision that brought an angry reaction from some in the community, Bega Local Magistrate Doug Dick then granted the 59-year-old bail under strict conditions.

NSW Attorney General Brad Hazzard intervened, asking for a review of the decision and on Thursday the matter returned to Downing Centre for a review hearing.

The Crown argued there was an unacceptable risk Mr Van Ryn would flee if allowed to remain on bail, asserting that he had considerable wealth and a property in Thailand – a country with which Australia does not have an extradition treaty.

Crown Prosecutor John Bowers said there was evidence from one of Mr Van Ryn’s victims that the 59-year-old had confessed to “interfering with a young boy in that country”.

Mr Bowers also argued that Mr Van Ryn represented an unacceptable risk to the community, stating that, after being charged earlier this year, he molested a teenage boy who had previously been a victim of his attacks.

He said the offence had involved Mr Van Ryn “kissing” the teenager and had “occurred in the context of the previous incident involving the same boy, and in the context of 10 years of offending”.

However, counsel for the defence, Steven Hodges, said his client was undertaking regular treatment to address his paedophilic urges.

The court was told this took the form of “chemical castration” – dosing a patient with chemicals to dramatically reduce their libido.

In relation to the risk of flight, Mr Hodges said that as someone outside the “criminal milieux” his client had no means of organising illegal flights out of the country, nor did he have sufficient funds at his disposal to do so.

Despite evidence that Mr Van Ryn was receiving payment of $15,000 monthly, Mr Hodges said “There’s no cash…and his bank accounts are overdrawn”.

He said the man would agree to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet and to be under “virtual house arrest” at a unit in the Bega Valley..

His mother had agreed to put up a $200,000 surety, while his wife had agreed to put up $500,000.

Acting Judge Rodney Madgwick appeared to accept that these conditions would mitigate the flight risk, which he described as “the key sticking point” in the case.

“There’s no suggestion that, other than the offending, he hasn’t been a model citizen,” Judge Madgwick said.

“[The prospect] of people being very much reduced in their circumstances [as a result of losing the surety] would cause such a man to stand and face his punishment.

“If the bracelet system can be made to work, and the sureties, then I think those conditions would satisfactorily mitigate the risks that he would flee.”

The matter was to return to court on Friday and would then be adjourned until early next week when the defence will need to demonstrate that electronic monitoring arrangements can be implemented on the South Coast.

Judge Madgwick is then expected to make a decision on bail. 

Source : https://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/2747642/bravehearts-calls-for-magistrate-doug-dicks-dismissal/

Magistrate Graeme Curran sentenced to two years and four months in jail for indecent assault

Editors notes: Has retained magistrates license
Abusers job or title:: Magistrate

A man wearing glasses walks as television cameras film him.


Graeme Curran will be eligible for early release in December next year.


Sydney magistrate Graeme Curran has been sentenced to two years and four months in jail for indecently assaulting a teenage boy in the 1980s.

Curran, 69, stood trial earlier this year and was found guilty of seven of the nine charges against him.

Abuser Name or Alias:: Graeme Curran
Abusers Organisation:: NSW Magistrates Court
Matter Resolved?: No, Ongoing

Foolish decision: Magistrate would not share bed with teenage boy if he had his life over again, court told

A NSW magistrate accused of indecently assaulting a teenage boy in the early 1980s denies he assaulted the boy, and would not share a bed with him if he had his life over again, a barrister has told a court.

Graeme Bryan Curran, 68, has pleaded not guilty to nine charges of assault with an act of indecency after he allegedly assaulted the boy during a boat trip, at a motel in Bega, and in a "ritual" at his Sydney home where he ran his hands over the boy's naked body after they slept in the same bed with no clothes on.

Graeme Curran arrives at Downing Centre District Court on Monday.

Graeme Curran arrives at Downing Centre District Court on Monday.

Photo: AAP

Mr Curran does not dispute that he sometimes slept in the same bed with the boy, including to save costs on holidays, but denies there was ever touching or that they slept in the nude.

In closing submissions to a NSW District Court jury on Monday, Mr Curran's barrister Phillip Boulten, SC, said sharing a bed with the teenager is "in retrospect perhaps the most foolish decision the Accused has ever made".

"If he had his life over again, you can bet he wouldn't be doing that again," Mr Boulten said.

Mr Boulten said he intended to outline to the jury twenty "worrying features in the evidence" of the alleged victim, including "a history of hypnotism" and the fact that his memories of one assault were "recovered memories" which did not appear in his first police statement.

The trial earlier heard from Dr Gregory Cook, a psychiatrist who treated the man in the early 1990s. Dr Cook denied he performed hypnotism on the man, and said he specifically warned him that if he was given a relaxation treatment it could be "medico-legally undermining" if his case ever went to trial.

Mr Boulten said the jury must ask themselves "serious questions" about the alleged victim's reliability, suggesting the man "made things up", had a "barrow to push" and made allegations that became more serious over time.

"[He] may well be lying. He may well be fudging the truth. He may well be exaggerating. He may honestly believe every single word he said," Mr Boulten said. "He may be wrong for any number of reasons."

Mr Boulten said his client was "exemplary" in his character and had given a strong and consistent denial in his evidence to the trial.

 "The accused is not guilty of the nine charges," Mr Boulten said. "He did not indecently assault [the boy]."

Crown prosecutor Mark Hobart, SC, said the court is "not a court of morals", but a grown man sleeping in the same bed with a teenage boy showed a pattern of "grooming or conditioning" which escalated to touching.

Mr Hobart said there was no denying that Mr Curran is a person of good character, but even people of good character commit offences. He said Mr Curran had a "distinct weakness" of sexual attraction for a young boy.

"You think this is something this boy has made up?" Mr Hobart said. "You think this is a total lie? Or do you think he's telling the truth after all these years?

"The Crown says not only is he not making it up, but the Crown has proved its case beyond reasonable doubt. The Crown suggests you will find the Accused guilty”.

Top prosecutor Power 'sorry' for child porn

Disgraced former New South Wales crown prosecutor Patrick Power has apologised for his actions after serving six months in solitary confinement for possessing child pornography.

Paedophile priest gets three months jail for raping three boys by NSW Supreme Court’s Justice Hoeben

I have seen some scandalous and corrupt judgements but I can’t remember any worse than paedophile catholic priest Father Robert Flaherty being sentenced in August 2016 to a non-parole period of 3 months jail for abusing and raping 3 boys. It is plainly obvious that the judges involved need to be investigated themselves.

I have collated a list of paedophile judges and suspected paedophile judges below and emailed the list to all the NSW Supreme Court judges giving them an opportunity to respond before I published their names. I am also in the process of sending a formal complaint to the relevant authorities regarding paedophiles in the judiciary and not all my evidence is in this article but I will focus on making a fair and reasonable case against the 4 judges in the Father Flaherty matter.