Father who raped his son up to five times a week for three years and committed his first sex crime at just 16 will serve just TWO years in jail

Judges name: Paul Smith
Judges title: Judge Paul Smith
Judges position: Magistrate
Paedophile protected: Suppressed
URL if not listed in article : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7463779/Father-raped-son-three-years-committed-sex-crimes-serve-just-TWO-years-jail.html
Paedophile protectors court location: Southport District Court
Type of protection : Granting release
  • A Queensland father has pleaded guilty to raping his son over a three year period
  • The offender raped his son anally and orally and as often as five times per week  
  • He had allegedly previously assaulted his two-year-old niece and other children
  • He was sentenced to five years in jail to be suspended after serving two years

A father who raped his son up to five times a week for three years will serve just two years behind bars.

The Brisbane man, 41, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has  pleaded guilty to raping his son anally and orally between 2002 and 2005.

The man had already been convicted for sexually offending against multiple children and first committed sex crimes when he was 16-years-old, the court was told.

After sexually offending in his youth, experts warned that the man was a high risk of offending again. 

Southport District Court heard the man had offended against many children, including his two-year-old niece.

Gold Coast Bulletin reported that Judge Paul Smith called the man's crimes 'horrific.'

His defence barrister Stephen Kissick told court that the offender was sexually abused as a child.

The man has been sentenced to five years in jail to be completely suspended after serving two years behind bar after pleading guilty to numerous charges. 

Source : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7463779/Father-raped-son-three-years-committed-sex-crimes-serve-just-TWO-years-jail.html

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