Until magistrates and judges start treating child porn as child abuse, as a violent crime against vulnerable innocent kids, then we, as a society, are also disgraced.

Abusers job or title:: Deputy Principal at Catholic Victorian school
Judges name: Michael O’Connell
Judges title: Judge
Judges position: County Court Judge
Paedophile protected: Quentin Paul Smith - Catholic School Vice Principal
Paedophile protectors court location: VIctoria
Type of protection : Granting release

Let me be blunt. Until magistrates and judges start treating child porn as child abuse, as a violent crime against vulnerable innocent kids, then we, as a society, are also disgraced.

For somebody to buy, or share, or look at this muck, some poor kid has suffered. Dreadfully.

And yet, again and again, child exploiting pervs walk free. No jail. Take this week. The case of 50-year-old Quentin Paul Smith. He was a Catholic school Deputy Principal in Victoria.
He spent his weekends getting high on drugs and watching child pornography. He wrote on a paedophile chat room: “Pervy hung male here — he’s keen for kids”.

He had nearly 160 filthy files on his computer in his Richmond, Melbourne, home. The material depicted boys as young as six performing sexual acts with adult men, as well as bestiality.
So what was his punishment? County Court judge Michael O’Connell did sentence Smith to 12 months behind bars, but freed him immediately on a good behaviour bond because jail would “interrupt” his rehabilitation. Jesus wept. The defence also argued that Smith had lost his job and had lots of media attention. That was punishment enough. No mention of the victims.

Judge O’Connell said the videos were “particularly shocking and disturbing” and that the court must denounce such behaviour. But he still let him walk free. The judge also said the fact Smith was a teacher was not an aggravating feature of his offending. It wasn’t?
Would you like your young son to be in a classroom on a Monday morning with a teacher, who, the day before, had been describing himself to a paedophile chat room that he was a “pervy hung male here — he’s keen for kids”. Where did his schoolroom thoughts drift?

This sentence is a bleeping disgrace. Again. DH

Source : https://www.facebook.com/893559707401587/posts/2616084811815726/

Abuser Name or Alias:: Quentin Paul Smith
Abusers Organisation:: Catholic school in Melbourne area
Matter Resolved?: Yes

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