A state investigation report indicates the professional guardian could face felony criminal chargers for withholding medical care from a ward she was appointed by the court to protect.
“She's put us through misery. It's not us. It's what she did to Steve. She killed him,” said Linda Lanier, who filed a complaint with the state against professional guardian Rebecca Fierle.
Lanier’s friend Steven Stryker choked to death at St. Joseph’s Hospital in May.
RELATED: Judge removes professional guardian from nearly 100 cases for alleged violations.
Stryker had a chronic condition that made it difficult for him to swallow.
He died after Fierle ordered his feeding tube removed, then signed a do-not-resuscitate order.
- Abuser Name or Alias:: Rebecca Fierle
- Abusers Organisation:: Guardian
- Type of Abuse:: Physical, Neglect, Emotional, Psychological or Mental, Death
- Matter Resolved?: No
The death of a child by arrogance and ignorance ....
- Details
- Category: Ex-wards and the child abuse industry
- Created: Sunday, 28 May 2017 08:27
- Written by Alecomm2
Disabled man sexually abused multiple times in state-funded facility
- Details
- Category: Disability abuse
- Created: Monday, 12 December 2016 20:20
- Written by Neelima Choahan - The Age

Maria Thomas with her son Matthew who was sexually abused multiple times at a state-funded facility for young people with autism in Melbourne.
For months, Maria Thomas would wake up at night terrified her son was being sexually assaulted.
Matthew, a non-verbal man with autism, was sharing a state-funded emergency facility, Autism Plus, with four other young people. One of them had already attacked Matthew several times.
Top disability services provider Lifestyle Solutions investigated over series of deaths
- Details
- Category: Children in residential care facilities Australia
- Created: Monday, 27 March 2017 20:39
- Written by Linton Besser, Klaus Toft, Jeanavive McGregor and Alison Brandon - Four Corners
One of Australia's most high-profile providers of disability services, Lifestyle Solutions, is under review by both the Victorian Government and the NSW Ombudsman after a series of deaths of its clients and other alarming reports about the abuse and neglect of some disabled people in its care.
Key points:
Failings were identified after four patient deaths
In one incident, a woman who had her legs amputated was left alone overnight and had no way to seek help
Victorian Government cancelled contract with Lifestyle Solutions after complaints
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