Statistical proof that COVID-19 vaccines are worse than ineffective - they are causing most of the COVID-19 hospitalizations

The FDA drug approval process

The gravamen for the vaccine mandate is to stop the infection and spread of COVID-19. President Biden’s executive order mandating COVID-19 vaccines states:

It is the policy of my Administration to halt the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), including the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant … COVID-19 vaccines are widely available in the United States. They protect people from getting infected and severely ill, and they significantly reduce the likelihood of hospitalization and death. … It is essential that Federal employees take all available steps to protect themselves and avoid spreading COVID-19 to their co-workers and members of the public. The CDC has found that the best way to do so is to be vaccinated. 1

            Dr. Nina Pierpont (MD, Ph.D.), has a BA in biology from Yale University, MA and Ph.D. in population biology/evolutionary biology/ecology from Princeton University, and MD from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Pierpont has been a Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Columbia University’s College of Physicians & Surgeons. She is currently in private practice in upstate New York, specializing in behavioral medicine. Dr. Pierpont reviewed the available data, principally from three scientific studies, and concluded that COVID-19 vaccine mandates have no justification because “current vaccines do not prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2.” 2

            99% of the University of California football team and staff were fully vaccinated. 3 There are approximately 143 players and staff on that team. 4 But on November 13, 2021, it was announced that the team had to cancel its upcoming football game with USC because 47 players and staff members on the University of California football team had tested positive for COVID-19. Many of them were symptomatic for COVID-19, which is why the entire team was tested. That is a 33% COVID-19 infection rate for a single group of fully vaccinated persons. The COVID-19 vaccines are not just ineffective; it seems that the vaccines are driving the infection. It is more likely that the players and coaches are suffering from antibody-dependent enhancement caused by the vaccine.

            There is study, 5 after study, 6 after study, 7 after study 8 proving that vaccinated individuals can still become infected with COVID-19 and transmit that virus to others. Furthermore, in an FOIA reply, the CDC admitted it has no evidence of any instance in which an unvaccinated person who previously had been infected with COVID-19 and recovered became reinfected again with the virus and transmitted that virus to someone else9 The CDC has no such evidence because research has established that a person who has recovered from COVID-19 has a robust and long-lasting immunity after that. 10 But the government gives no exemption from testing, masking, or social distancing to those previously infected and recovered who have robust and effective immunity to COVID-19. Whereas vaccinated persons, who have been proven to be prone to infection and spread of COVID-19, are exempt from testing, masking, and social distancing. The federal government’s policy is that only unvaccinated persons, regardless of whether they already have a natural immunity to COVID-19, must be tested and masked and keep a distance from others.

            The United Kingdom Health Security Agency COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report published on October 21, 2021, reveals that “[i]n individuals aged greater than 30, the rate of a positive COVID-19 test is higher in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated.” 11 But that statement from the British Government understates the ineffectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccinations. Indeed, when looking at the population from 18 years old and up, we find that the infection rate among the vaccinated population is significantly higher than the infection rate for the unvaccinated population. The British Government report reveals that over a monitoring period spanning week 38 to week 41 of 2021, the COVID-19 case rate for the vaccinated group over 18 years old was significantly more than the case rate for the unvaccinated group. There were 5,871 cases of COVID-19 for every 100,000 vaccinated persons more than 18 years old. In contrast, there were only 3,584 COVID-19 for every 100,000 unvaccinated persons more than 18 years old. 12 The workforce would fall largely in the over 18-year-old age bracket. Those statistics mean that a vaccinated person in the workforce is more likely to be infected with COVID-19 than an unvaccinated person.

            Data from the government health authorities in Scotland showed that the fully vaccinated accounted for 89% of COVID-19 deaths, whilst also accounting for 77% of COVID-19 hospitalizations, and 65% of alleged COVID-19 cases from October 9 through November 5, 2021. 13

            In Antwerp, Belgium, 100% of the hospitalized “COVID cases” are fully vaccinated persons. The Hall Turn Radio Show reported that “CEOs and medical directors of Antwerp hospitals met this week and the mood was worrying. They’re having another COVID outbreak, but this time, ALL the patients . . . are fully vaccinated.” 14 Kristiaan Deckers, Medical Director of the Antwerp GZA, remarked that “the question is whether the vaccines will still work.” 15 It was further reported:

Other officials, who asked to not be named for fear of retribution were far more candid. Said one CEO “Either the vaccines just don’t work or, worse, it is the vaccines themselves causing COVID in these people. But if we are publicly quoted as stating the obvious, we will be driven out of our jobs and out of our profession. There is an almost cult-like zeitgeist that no one is allowed to say anything against the vaccines, even if they don’t work or are hurting people. 16

            What is the cause of this phenomenon? The UK Health Security Agency data shows that the COVID-19 vaccine efficacy drops at a steady 5% average rate per week. 17 One would think that fact would only indicate that the vaccine is losing efficacy, ultimately dropping to zero. But that is not the case. The hard data from the UK government indicates that, in fact, the 5% loss of efficacy actually continues past zero. What that means is that the vaccine increases the likelihood of COVID-19.

            The UK Health Security Agency COVID-19 data indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines have not merely lost their efficiency; they damage and suppress the immune system. Over time, a vaccinated person is less able to fight off infection and ends up hospitalized. They test positive for COVID-19 and are labeled a breakthrough COVID case. In fact, they are likely a case of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), wherein they are ill not because the vaccine did not work but because the vaccine worked to make them sick.

            The method used by the vaccine makers for reporting the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines (relative risk reduction) is to subtract the percentage of infected vaccinated persons from the percentage of infected unvaccinated persons and divide that number by the percentage of infected unvaccinated persons (U-V/U). Using that formula, and applying it to the UK government data, I calculated that the actual effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines in the real world is minus-64%. 18 That means that a vaccinated person is 64% more likely to catch COVID-19 than an unvaccinated person. 19

            That calculation of minus-64% COVID-19 vaccine efficacy was from the official reported data of the UK Health Security Agency. 20 That minus-64% means that the immune system of the person who is vaccinated is so debilitated by the vaccine that, on a percentage basis, he is 64% more likely to be infected with COVID-19 as an unvaccinated person. That is data from week 42 of 2021. The UK Health Security Agency data shows that when comparing the number of persons with COVID-19 per 100,000 vaccinated persons to the number of persons with COVID-19 per 100,000 unvaccinated persons, the vaccinated group has significantly higher rate of COVID-19 cases than the unvaccinated group. That indicates that over time the vaccines have a negative efficacy. The COVID-19 vaccines make a person more susceptible to COVID-19. Recall that the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines have been calculated to drop at an average rate of 5% per week. 21 As time passes, the likelihood of COVID-19 infection (or more likely, antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)) increases for the vaccinated persons.

            Ralph Baric, is the William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, and Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Baric stated that with the COVID-19 vaccines “[t]here is the potential for ADE, but the bigger problem is probably Th2 immunopathology.” 22 Indeed, that very thing was seen by Dr Ryan Cole, who runs the largest independent testing lab in Idaho. Dr Cole has performed more than 100,000 pathology lab examinations from COVID patients. The Expose reported that “[h]e identified what he is seeing as a form of AIDS (reverse HIV he called it – where you lose CD8 killer T cells rather than CD4 Helper T cells).” 23 What does that mean? The researchers for The Expose explained that “[t]his suggests that the vaccines are giving people vaccine mediated immune deficiency, which therefore suggests the vaccines are giving people a form of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).” 24 

            The null hypothesis in a September 2021 study was that areas with low vaccination rates drive the ongoing surge of new COVID-19. The study disproved that null hypothesis. That study by S. V. Subramanian from the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies published on the NIH website concluded that “increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States.” 25 The study determined that the COVID-19 vaccines are not effective. While the study disproved the null hypothesis, one finds that the data goes beyond showing ineffectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines. The data showed a positive correlation between vaccine rate and infection rate. The data indicate that COVID-19 vaccines are driving the infection. For example, the study presented data showing that U.S. counties with higher COVID-19 vaccine rates had higher rates of COVID-19 cases. The study states:

Of the top 5 counties that have the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3%), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies 4 of them as “High” Transmission counties. Chattahoochee (Georgia), McKinley (New Mexico), and Arecibo (Puerto Rico) counties have above 90% of their population fully vaccinated with all three being classified as “High” transmission. Conversely, of the 57 counties that have been classified as “low” transmission counties by the CDC, 26.3% (15) have percentage of population fully vaccinated below 20%. 26

            When looking at the country-level data, the reader finds the same correlation. In disproving the null hypothesis, the study determined there was no relationship between the percentage of the population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases. The study concluded that the COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective. But the data goes beyond showing the vaccines are ineffective. The study shows that vaccines cause a higher rate of COIVD-19 infection. The study showed that the higher the COVID-19 vaccine rate in a country, the higher is its COVID-19 infection rate. The study reveals that “[i]n fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.” Thus, the vaccines seem to drive the COVID-19 infection. The study states:

At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days. In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated. 27

            What accounts for the phenomenon of vaccines that offer no protection? Some think that the answer has been found in a massive study involving approximately 620,000 U.S. Veterans who received COVID-19 vaccines. The researchers determined that “[t]he proportionate reduction in infection associated with vaccination declined for all vaccine types, with the largest declines for Janssen followed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.” 28

            The decline in protection for the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine was significant. The protection from COVID-19 dropped from 88% protection against COVID-19 in March 2021 down to 3% protection, just five months later in August 2021. The protection from infection for Pfizer-BioNTech dropped from 91% in March to 50% in August. The Moderna vaccine protection dropped from 92% in March to 64% in August. The vaccines’ problem is that they only provide a few months of protection before that protection drops precipitously. What is the point of getting a vaccination that offers only a few short months of protection?

            But the waning vaccine efficacy is not why the risk of COVID-19 infection is the same for the vaccinated as it is for unvaccinated. The data indicates that the risk of COVID-19 is actually worse for vaccinated more than 30 years old. It is not that the vaccines are ineffective that is the reason for the COVID-19 infections among the vaccinated; the vaccines drive an illness called antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). ADE is being reported as COVID-19 because the patients are testing positive for COIVD-19. ADE is discussed further below at the following link: Antibody Dependent Enhancement.

            Furthermore, the vaccine manufacturers used misleading statistics to report the effectiveness of their vaccines. The vaccine manufacturers and also the persons running the above study of 620,000 veterans, are reporting the relative efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines. What is happening in the real world is a reflection of the absolute (total) risk reduction. The difference between the two is explained this link. Also read: How Moderna Rigged Its COVID-19 Vaccine Trials To Falsely Show Effectiveness.

            Moderna, for example, reported to the FDA that their studies showed a 94.1 % efficacy for their Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. But that figure is the relative risk reduction and not the total (absolute) risk reduction. The total risk reduction for the Moderna vaccine is only 1.25%. That means that one can expect that there will be a reduction of 1.25% in COVID-19 infections in the population after being vaccinated. Thus you would have to vaccinate 100,000 persons to protect the 125 people at risk from COVID-19. That means that the federal government is needlessly paying to vaccinate 99,875 persons of every 100,000 persons. Such a massive over-vaccination program to protect so few people only benefits the vaccine makers. And when one realizes that the vaccine is driving ADE, which the medical community is reporting as COVID-19, it explains perfectly why the data shows that more vaccinated persons are being infected and hospitalized with COVID-19 than unvaccinated persons.

            When a vaccinated person is diagnosed with COVID-19 it is called a breakthrough case. Even with the efforts of the CDC to under-report COVID-19 breakthrough cases involving vaccinated persons, while at the same time inflating the unvaccinated COVID-19 infection numbers, the data shows a growing trend of vaccinated persons being infected, hospitalized, and dying from COVID-19. While the data shows that the vaccines are ineffective, the federal and state governments are still pushing COVID-19 vaccines as safe and effective. For example, the State of Maryland Department of Health vaccine information website states:

Vaccines are an effective and critical tool to bring the pandemic under control by helping to prevent infection, serious illness, hospitalization and death due to COVID-19. Although there are cases of people who become sick after they are fully vaccinated, cases where fully vaccinated people are hospitalized or die from COVID-19 are rare and vaccines remain the best way to prevent COVID-19 and its complications. 29

            The problem with that statement is that it is not true. Writing for The Gateway Pundit, Joe Hoft revealed that the state government statistics from the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) contradict the above statement. 30 The MDH data showed that “[b]etween Sept 22, 2021, and Oct 10, 2021, Maryland had an additional 21,864 Covid-19 cases which 7,233 or 33.1% of the cases were classified as breakthrough cases. … During this same period, Maryland lost 259 citizens to Covid-19. Of those 259 souls, 77 or 29.7% were fully vaccinated.” 31 The MDH has the temerity to claim that it is rare for fully vaccinated people to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19, when its own statistics show that a significant plurality of the population dying from COVID-19 are those who have been vaccinated.

            None other than the former CDC Director, Robert Redfield, refuted the false claim made by the State of Maryland Department of Health that it is rare for a fully vaccinated person to die from COVID-19. On or about October 25, 2021, Redfield responded to a question from Martha MacCallum on FOX News about Colin Powell’s recent death that his family states was caused by the COVID-19 vaccine:

I hear a lot of times people feel it’s a rare event that fully vaccinated people may die. I happen to be the senior advisor to Governor Hogan in the state of Maryland. In the last 6-8 weeks, more than 40 percent of people who died in Maryland were fully vaccinated.” 32

            Jim Hoft explained that “Andy Owen, a spokesperson for the Maryland Department of Health had a different claim that from Sept. 1 to Oct. 15, only about 30% of Marylanders who died of confirmed COVID-19 were fully vaccinated.” 33

            Whether it is 30% or 40%, is really of no import. The fact that any vaccinated persons, let alone such a significant plurality of vaccinated people, are being diagnosed as having COVID-19 and dying from it is stark proof that the COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective. Assuming those deaths are actually from ADE caused by the COVID-19 vaccines proves that the vaccines are also unsafe. But what is really disturbing is that in the face of such evidence that a significant number of persons vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines are dying, state health authorities claim that “cases where fully vaccinated people are hospitalized or die from COVID-19 are rare and vaccines remain the best way to prevent COVID-19 and its complications.” 34 That is an unconscionable lie.

            That kind of deception by state health officials is being played out all over the country. Hoft explains:

In Pennsylvania, the acting Sec. of Health Alison Beam stated at a news conference at Lancaster General Hospital, “With nearly seven million Pennsylvanians fully vaccinated, the data makes it clear: the vaccines are safe and effective at preventing severe illness from Covid-19.”

However, recent analysis of cases and deaths between September 15 and Oct 4 show that in 132k cases, 26.1% of them were classified as breakthrough and 305 (26.5%) deaths out of a total of 1,153 were in fully vaccinated people. But Sec. of Health Alison Beam makes no mention of that. 35

            Hoft cites a UK Government Health report showing “that between week 37 and week 40, there was a total of 2,805 COVID-19 deaths and 2,136 or 76.1% were fully vaccinated. These deaths happened within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test.” 36 Yet, in the face of that data, the British Government health officials still promote the COVID-19 vaccines as effective in preventing COVID-19, and they claim that the COVID-19 vaccines provide a high level of protection against death from COVID-19. 37

            The State of Vermont has had a very similar experience to that of England. The Vermont Daily Chronicle reported that 76% of COVID-19 deaths in the State of Vermont during September 2021 were of persons who had received COVID-19 vaccinations. 38 Yet, the State of Vermont Department of Public Health claims that “[v]accines are the best tool we have to protect ourselves against COVID-19, especially from severe illness, hospitalization and death.” 39

            On or about July 27, 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and member of the White House coronavirus task force, said.

When you look at the virus in the nasal pharynx of a vaccinated person who gets a breakthrough infection with [the] delta [variant of COVID-19], it is exactly the same as the level of virus in a unvaccinated person who is infected. That’s the problem. 40

            The COVID-19 vaccines have been proven ineffective in stopping the infection and spread of COVID-19. On or about August 7, 2021, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky stated the following during a CNN interview:

Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta with regard to severe illness and death, they prevent it. But what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission. 41 (emphasis added)

            That was a retraction of Walensky’s earlier mistaken claim in March 2021 that vaccinated people almost never carry COVID-19.

            The Washington Post reported on an internal document from the CDC:

It cites a combination of recently obtained, still-unpublished data from outbreak investigations and outside studies showing that vaccinated individuals infected with delta may be able to transmit the virus as easily as those who are unvaccinated. 42

            On or about April 9, 2021, the Prime Minister of England, Boris Johnson, advised persons that they may not meet indoors with vaccinated persons. He admitted that the vaccines do not prevent transmission of COVID-19. He responded to a question that he read outloud during a briefing:

“Can I now meet my friends and family members indoors if they are vaccinated?” There I am afraid the answer is no, because we’re not yet at that stage, we’re still very much in the world where you can meet friends and family outdoors, under the rule of six, or two households. And even if your friends and family members may be vaccinated, the vaccines are not giving 100% protection and that’s why we need to be cautious. We don’t think that they [COVID-19 vaccines] entirely reduce or remove the risk of transmission.” 43

            That was not a slip of the tongue or a mistake. Johnson’s opinion was based on the data coming from the British health authorities. On or about October 23, 2021, The Prime Minister emphatically repeated that the COVID-19 vaccine “doesn’t protect you against catching the disease, and it doesn’t protect you from passing it on.” 44 Johnson, curiously, went on to promote the COVID-19 vaccine booster, even though the first course of the vaccine has been proven ineffective in preventing infection and the spread of the disease. He trumpeted the new mantra justifying the vaccine booster; it is supposed to lessen the symptoms of COVID-19.

            The CDC and the vaccine manufacturers are on record admitting that the COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent the spread of COVID-19. Indeed, before the EUA authorization by the FDA of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine, the Daily Mail reported that on or before December 4, 2020, “Pfizer CEO [Albert Bourla] admits he is ‘not certain’ their COVID-19 shot will prevent vaccinated people from spreading the virus.” 45

            Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks is on record saying that the Moderna vaccine can prevent someone from getting sick from COVID-19 but that there is no evidence that it can prevent someone receiving the vaccine from carrying the vaccine and infecting others. Before the FDA issuance of the EUA for the Moderna vaccine, on or before November 23, 2020, Zaks stated: “our results show that this vaccine can prevent you from being sick, it can prevent you from being severely sick. They do not show that it prevents you from potentially carrying this virus transiently and infecting others.” 46

            Because it became clear early on that the COVID-19 vaccines did not prevent the spread of COVID-19, the CDC found it necessary to issue a press release on March 8, 2021, saying that that fully vaccinated Americans must “continue to take these COVID-19 precautions when in public.” 47 That included wearing masks, staying six feet apart from other people, and avoiding large crowds.

            The predictions of Moderna and Pfizer have proven correct. A very high percentage of new COVID-19 cases are from vaccinated persons. Britain’s Chief Scientific Adviser Patrick Vallance claimed that he mistakenly said that 60% of people being admitted to hospital with COVID-19 are fully vaccinated. He later clarified that he meant to say that 60% of those admitted for COVID-19 to the hospital are unvaccinated. 48 Please don’t miss the significance of that admission. It means that the England health authorities recognize that 40% of COVID-19 hospitalizations are from fully vaccinated persons.

            There are many anecdotal examples of fully vaccinated persons being subsequently infected with COVID-19. For example, it was reported by COVID Legal USA on March 12, 2021, that there was a COVID-19 infection outbreak at the Cottonwoods Care Centre retirement facility in Kelowna, British Columbia, even though 82% of the residents were fully vaccinated. Eight out of the twelve COVID-19 confirmed cases were fully vaccinated persons. 49 That means that 66% of confirmed COVID-19 cases were from those who were fully vaccinated.

            On August 6, 2021, the CDC published a report that 346 out of out of 469 COVID-19 cases (74%) in a breakout in Barnsdale County, Massachusetts, were of people who were fully vaccinated. 50 The COVID-19 vaccines are proving to be ineffective in preventing infection.

            Indeed, the COVID-19 infection rate for vaccinated persons has gotten so out of hand that on July 27, 2021, the CDC had to change their guidance because of the alleged spreading of COVID-19 by vaccinated persons. NBC News reported:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidance on Tuesday recommending indoor mask use in areas with high transmission rates after new data suggested fully vaccinated individuals are not just contracting Covid-19 but could potentially infect others.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said recent studies had shown that those vaccinated individuals who do become infected with Covid have just as much viral load as the unvaccinated, making it possible for them to spread the virus to others. Based on that finding, Walensky said the CDC is also recommending that all school children wear masks in the fall. 51 (emphasis added)

            Emily Kopp, writing for Roll Call, reported that a confidential congressional briefing revealed that “[t]here are 35,000 symptomatic breakthrough cases each week.” Kopp concluded that vaccinated persons can be “superspreaders” of COVID-19.

The newly released report showing that vaccinated people can still be superspreaders drove the recent decision by the CDC to once again recommend masks for vaccinated people indoors where case counts are high or substantial. 52

            In a complaint filed in a federal lawsuit, the plaintiffs made the following common-sense observation:

[T]he logic for the COVD-19 vaccines breaks down when one considers the Defendants’ theory of asymptomatic spread. For over a year now, these Defendants and state-level public health authorities have told the American public that SARS-CoV-2 can be spread by people who have none of the symptoms of COVID-19. If that is the case, then a vaccine that merely reduces symptoms yields no benefits – the virus spreads anyway. If that is not the case, and asymptomatic spread is not real, then asymptomatic individuals do not need to be vaccinated with a vaccine that neither prevents infection with SARS-CoV-2 nor prevents its transmission.


1  President Joseph Biden, Requiring Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Federal Employees, Executive Order 14043, September 9, 2021,

2  Nina Pierpont, Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Now Pointless: Covid-19 Vaccines Do Not Keep People from Catching the Prevailing Delta Variant and Passing it to Others, September 9, 2021,

3  Jeff Faraudo, Cal Football: Bears Expecting Everyone Back From COVID-19 for the Big Game, Sports Illustrated, November 13, 2021,

4  University of California 2021 Football Roster,

5  Cahterine Brown, et al., Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings – Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021, August 6, 2021,

6  Nguyen Van Vinh Chau, et al., Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers, Vietnam, Volume 41, November 2021, 11043,, and also at:

7  Carla Saade, et al., Live virus neutralization testing in convalescent patients and subjects vaccinated against 19A, 20B, 20I/501Y.V1 and 20H/501Y.V2 isolates of SARS-CoV-2, December 2021,

8  Kasen K. Riemersma, et al., Shedding of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Despite Vaccination, August 24, 2021,

9  Aaron Siri, CDC Admits Crushing Rights of Naturally Immune Without Proof They Transmit the Virus, November 11, 2021,

10  Raji Suri, COVID-19 Survivors May Possess Wide-ranging Resistance to the Disease, Emory University, Woodruff Health Sciences Center, July 22, 2021,

11  The United Kingdom Health Security Agency COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report, Publishing Reference: GOV-10227, at 12, October 21, 2021,

12  The United Health Kingdom Health Security Agency COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report, Publishing Reference: GOV-10227, at 13, October 21, 2021,

13  EXCLUSIVE – 89% of COVID-19 Deaths in the past 4 Weeks Were among the Fully Vaccinated According to the Latest Public Health Data, The Expose, November 11, 2021,

14  Hall Turner Radio Show, Newsdesk, November 9, 2021,

15  Hall Turner Radio Show, Newsdesk, November 9, 2021,

16  Hall Turner Radio Show, Newsdesk, November 9, 2021,

17  Official Government Reports Suggest the Fully Vaccinated Will Develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by Christmas, The Expose, Ocober 27, 2021,

18  Latest UK Health Security Agency report Shows the COVID-19 Vaccines Have NEGATIVE Effectiveness As Low As MINUS 124%, The Expose, October 22, 2021,

19  Official Government Reports Suggest the Fully Vaccinated Will Develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by Christmas, The Expose, Ocober 27, 2021,

20  COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report, Week 42, UK Health Security Agency, Publishing reference: GOV-10227, 21 October 2021,

21  Official Government Reports Suggest the Fully Vaccinated Will Develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by Christmas, The Expose, Ocober 27, 2021,

22  Official Government Reports Suggest the Fully Vaccinated Will Develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by Christmas, The Expose, Ocober 27, 2021,

23  Official Government Reports Suggest the Fully Vaccinated Will Develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by Christmas, The Expose, Ocober 27, 2021,

24  Official Government Reports Suggest the Fully Vaccinated Will Develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by Christmas, The Expose, Ocober 27, 2021,

25  S. V. Subramanian and Akhil Kumar, Increases in COVID-19 Are Unrelated to Levels of Vaccination Across 68 Countries and 2947 Counties in the United States, September 30, 2021,

26  S. V. Subramanian and Akhil Kumar, Increases in COVID-19 Are Unrelated to Levels of Vaccination Across 68 Countries and 2947 Counties in the United States, September 30, 2021,

27  S. V. Subramanian and Akhil Kumar, Increases in COVID-19 Are Unrelated to Levels of Vaccination Across 68 Countries and 2947 Counties in the United States, September 30, 2021,

28  Barbara A. Cohn, et al., Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections in 620,000 U.S. Veterans, February 1, 2021 to August 13, 2021, October 14, 2021,

29  Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak, Maryland Department of Health, (last visited on October 24, 2021).

30  Joe Hoft, EXCLUSIVE: Analysis Shows More COVID Deaths in 2021 than 2020 with Large Percent of 2021 Deaths Fully Vaccinated, October 22, 2021,

31  Joe Hoft, EXCLUSIVE: Analysis Shows More COVID Deaths in 2021 than 2020 with Large Percent of 2021 Deaths Fully Vaccinated, October 22, 2021,

32  Jim Hoft, Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Claims More Than 40% COVID-19 Deaths in Maryland Were Fully Vaccinated, The Gateway Pundit, October 27, 2021,

33  Jim Hoft, Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Claims More Than 40% COVID-19 Deaths in Maryland Were Fully Vaccinated, The Gateway Pundit, October 27, 2021,

34  Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak, Maryland Department of Health, (last visited on October 24, 2021).

35  Joe Hoft, EXCLUSIVE: Analysis Shows More COVID Deaths in 2021 than 2020 with Large Percent of 2021 Deaths Fully Vaccinated, October 22, 2021,

36  Joe Hoft, EXCLUSIVE: Analysis Shows More COVID Deaths in 2021 than 2020 with Large Percent of 2021 Deaths Fully Vaccinated, October 22, 2021,

37  The United Kingdom Health Security Agency COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report, Publishing Reference: GOV-10158, at 4-6, October 14, 2021,

38  Guy Page, 76% of September COVID-19 Deaths Are Vax Breakthroughs, Vermont Daily Chronicle, September 30, 2021,

39  Protect Yourself & Others, Vermont Department of Public Health, (last visited on October 14, 2021).

40  Dr. Anthony Fauci: Fully Vaccinated People Carry As Much Virus As Unvaccinated For Delta Variant, MSNBC, July 27, 2021,

41  Kyle Becker, Becker News, CDC Director Changes Her Story, Now Admits COVID Vaccines Don’t Prevent Virus Transmission, August 7, 2021,

42  Yasmeen Abutaleb,, The War Has Changed’: Internal CDC Document Urges New Messaging, Warns Delta Infections Likely More Severe, The Washington Post, July 29, 2021,

43  Boris Johnson Admits That Covid-1984 Jab DOES NOT Protect You From Anything – So What Is The Point?, April 9, 2021,

44  Andrew White, UK’s Boris Johnson Admits Vaccines Do Not Prevent Contracting, Spreading COVID-19, National File, October 23, 2021,

45  Natalie Rahhal, Pfizer CEO Admits He Is ‘Not Certain’ Their COVID-19 Shot Will Prevent Vaccinated People from Spreading the Virus – as the Firm Cuts the Number of Doses it Will Ship this Year, Daily Mail, December 4, 2020,

46  AXIOS on HBO: Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks (Clip) | HBO, November 23, 2020,

47  CDC Issues First Set of Guidelines on How Fully Vaccinated People Can Visit Safely with Others, March 8, 2021,

48  60% of People Being Admitted to UK Hospitals Are Unvaccinated – Adviser, Reuters, July 19, 2021,

49 Canada: COVID-19 Outbreak at Retirement Home Where 82% of Residents Are “Vaccinated”, March 12, 2021,

50  Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021, CDC, August 6, 2021,

51  Shannon Pettypiece, et al., CDC Recommends the Vaccinated Wear Masks in Areas with Low Vaccination Rates, NBC News, July 27, 2021,

52  Emily Kopp, CDC report shows vaccinated people can spread COVID-19, Roll Call, July 30, 2021,

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