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Title Hits
Former federal Liberal MP Alasdair Webster facing historical sexual assault charges 10086
Horrifying Berlin foster experiments saw kids DELIBERATELY given to pedos to see if sex abuse was ‘good for them’ 9256
Breaking: Commission recommends removing Family Court Judge Rick Miller 9087
Mother denies injecting daughter with urine causing deliberate harm 14760
Walnut Creek arrest reveals secret world of child sex trafficking; girls as young as 9 allegedly being bought and sold in the Bay Area 13551
Trump uses kids sold into sex slavery to score political points 82923
Carer endangers life of disabled child by administering morphine 5501
Family law inquiry to hear push for children to have more influence in custody cases 8844
Sexual abuse charges dropped against Blue Mountains performing arts school family 14802
Jubelin 6775
Teacher stabs herself 20 times 6344
Government's $150 million female sports program funnelled into swimming pools for marginal Coalition seats 7663
Columbian police murder and corruption 12446
A huge list of Australian government corruption in Australia 9421
Arlene Lester dies in forced euthanasia case 12554
Anglicare program keeps vulnerable children safely with family via intensive intervention 13803
NDIS minister claims no one has died waiting for the scheme, despite agency revealing 1,279 deaths 10600
List of paedophile judges in New South Wales 16712
The case of "the broad discretion of a judge" 14524
Sutherland police tactical unit use excessive force for a bit of weed 12314
Serial rapist who kidnapped and repeatedly raped a 13 year old girl has finally been unmasked 12342