
Child Protective Services in North Carolina using blackmail to illegally Seize children from families

North-carolina-foster-careFox 8 in North Carolina did a story on corruption in North Carolina Child Protection Services in 2015. Image from Fox 8.

Associated Press reporters recently exposed a story of illegal practices by Child Protective Services social workers in one North Carolina county.

Social workers in Cherokee County have been reportedly coercing parents and taking their children illegally, bypassing the court system by threatening to adopt out their children or throw the parents in jail if they refused to sign paperwork known in NC as a CVA – Custody and Visitation Agreement. (Source)

New South Wales politics Fears of ‘another stolen generation’ after New South Wales' move on foster care

Proposed bill gives courts power to order adoption if children cannot be sent back to family after two years in foster care

The New South Wales government has quietly tabled a piece of legislation that, if passed, will have a lasting impact on the lives of thousands of children taken into state care every year.

The government says the bill, which was tabled on Tuesday night, will ensure a permanent home for every child within two years, so they are not bounced around the out-of-home-care system for years on end. But critics say NSW is “walking open-eyed towards another stolen generation”.

Northern Territory foster kids placed with 'cruel' carer despite 10 investigations into her suitability, report reveals

5799844-3x2-460x307.jpgFoster children told child protection workers the carer was "cruel"

A Territory Families-approved carer accused of making a foster child drink sour milk "as a form of punishment" was allowed to continue in the role despite 10 investigations into her suitability, a report by the Children's Commissioner has revealed.

Indiana couple accused of abusing foster children, including battery by bodily waste

AURORA, Ind. (WKRC) - A Dearborn County, Indiana, couple spent the weekend in jail after being charged with several counts related to the abuse of foster children in their care.

Diane Combs and her husband, Timothy, face several charges including aggravated battery, domestic battery and battery on a child. Diane is also charged with strangulation, sexual battery and battery by bodily waste.

Babies for Cash – How the State abuses infants by destroying the mother-child bond in CPS abductions


A baby’s first year is crucial to a baby’s emotional and cognitive development. It is in the earliest months of life that the foundations for basic trust, security, and relationships are laid. The parent-child relationship is the environment in which that is designed to happen.

Yet the majority of children who enter foster care are taken within their first year of life, depriving them of critical bonding time and causing permanent trauma and damage to the babies’ ability to trust.

Alberta promises ‘decisive steps’ to overhaul child interventions in the province

Image result for im sorry what language are you speaking it smells like bullshitEDMONTON—Alberta’s Ministry of Children’s Services released an action plan Thursday designed to overhaul child interventions in the province, promising to bring an end to a painful history of unnecessarily separating children from their communities and cultures by working to keep more families whole.

The plan, A Stronger, Safer Tomorrow, includes 39 actions to be implemented by 2022 with 16 immediate actions to be executed by April 2019.

“It involves decisive steps to create the child intervention system that Albertans expect, to improve safety, to increase accountability, to strengthen supports for children and youth and to transform how we work with Indigenous families and communities,” said Danielle Larivee, minister of Children’s Services in Lethbridge, Alta., Thursday.

DPP: Claims of cover-up as rape charges against youth worker dropped after girl in care, 14, died

The Director of Public Prosecutions dropped the case after her death despite DNA evidence that found the odds of her attacker being innocent were “100 billion to one”.

A 14-YEAR-OLD “high-needs” girl who was repeatedly raped while in a residential foster care home is at the centre of a political storm after claims the shocking abuse was “conveniently covered up” after she died.

The Director of Public Prosecutions dropped the case after her death despite DNA evidence that found the odds of her attacker being innocent were “100 billion to one”.

Family and Community Services Minister Brad Hazzard last night described the move as “beyond disturbing” and ordered the DPP, headed by Lloyd Babb SC, to “review the evidence” so it can restart proceedings to “ensure justice prevails”.

It can be revealed the “vulnerable” teen, dubbed Girl X, was also raped several times by another staff member. The youth workers were having sex with her during “sleepover shifts”.

How funding by the federal government has caused corruption in Child Protective Services

Child Protective Services or CPS has become a very corrupt government agency. From time to time problems with CPS (such as Justina Pelletier) make the news. However, these are but symptoms of a very large disease. The deep down problems with CPS are not reported on a large scale, and therefore are not addressed. Scandals about the IRS and the VA have been in the news, but the corruption within CPS is far worse. The victims are the most innocent; our nation’s children.

In 1974 Congress passed CAPTA (the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act). This began the feeding of federal funding to state’s child welfare agencies to place children in foster care. The number of children in foster care subsequently jumped to over 500,000 in only a few years. To address the free for all child snatching CAPTA had caused, in 1980 PL 96-272 was passed partly to add accountability to CPS. Each state is supposed to account annually in an AFCARS report each child in care, and establish citizen review panels for CPS accountability. Additionally, the federal government is supposed to perform compliance audits, or section 427 reviews. And if the state didn’t comply or satisfy the audit, they were to voluntarily reimburse the feds for all the goodies they had taken. Upon passage of this act children in foster care dropped dramatically to 300,000. But since there was no enforcement, within a few years, the number of children in foster care again doubled.

Find Jonah Reif - Judicial corruption at it’s best!

Jonah Rief toke a pic of his mum Tammy Rief. Please like and share our Find Jonah Rief page in hopes someone may have seen him. We are still trying to figure out how they got away with making Tammy Rief have to fight for custody of her son from a man who was nothing at all to Jonah Rief - then handed Jonah Rief into the hands of child traffickers. That's who the man was lying about -  being Jonah’s fathfat when he wasn't anything at all to Jonah Rief.  The judges, legal officials, noone would listen to Tammy. They kept making her fight for custody of her son Jonah Rief and she should never even had to do this !!

But ending up having to do all that, share custody with a man who was nothing at all to her son, not even a boyfriend to Jonah’s Mother!!!  Tammy had enough of waiting on the legal system to help her and her son Jonah Rief, so she decided to do what any loving parent would do, she grabbed her son and ran with him , she was forced into doing something she should never have had to even think about must less do it!!! Then they throw her in jail in NC for doing what the law and judges were supposed to do! Protect the innocent!

Hundreds more children 'farmed out' to care homes miles from where they live despite pledge to cut number‘.

These children are being targeted and preyed upon by paedophiles and criminals who know they are vulnerable,’ says Labour MP Ann Coffee.


Vulnerable children who are sent far away from their home towns are more likely to be targeted by paedophiles and drugs gangs, Labour MP says ( Getty )

Hundreds more children have been ”farmed out” to residential homes many miles from where they were brought up despite promises to cut the number of out-of-borough placements.

The number of children who were sent to residential homes far away from their home town in England rose by 64 per cent between 2012 and 2017, Labour MP Ann Coffey has revealed. 

There has also been a surge in the number of sent-away children going missing from their care homes, with the number of incidents more than doubling – from 4,380 in 2015 to 9,190 in 2017.

Mom brings coughing 10-month-old to the hospital. Days later, cops take the baby.

‘They already had a foster parent in the room, to remove my son... before they ever proved there was an emergency situation.'


Outraged by cases of child protective services taking children from their competent, loving parents on flimsy medical grounds, a group in Minnesota has filed a motion in federal court to do what their organization's name suggests: "Stop child protective services from legally kidnapping children."

Fox 9 reports that Dwight Mitchell, the founder, had his child taken away from him "unfairly" for 22 months. His group now has over 1,000 members. One of them is Amanda Weber, whose son was taken from her for a week after she brought him to the hospital to be examined for a cough:

Tommy Robinson arrested for live reporting grooming gang trial

Tommy Court ArrestActivist and independent journalist Tommy Robinson was detained by a significant police team for livestreaming outside a court where yet another child grooming gang is on trial.

Robinson, who founded the English Defence League street protest movement but later renounced it to join the Quilliam counter-extremism organisation, was at Leeds Crown Court to report on ten men accused of offences including child rape, trafficking, and supply of class A drugs to children, according to Caolan Robertson.
