Associated Press reporters recently exposed a story of illegal practices by Child Protective Services social workers in one North Carolina county.
Social workers in Cherokee County have been reportedly coercing parents and taking their children illegally, bypassing the court system by threatening to adopt out their children or throw the parents in jail if they refused to sign paperwork known in NC as a CVA – Custody and Visitation Agreement. (Source)
New South Wales politics Fears of ‘another stolen generation’ after New South Wales' move on foster care
- Details
- Category: Child Protection Truths
- Created: Saturday, 27 October 2018 00:45
- Written by Lorena Allem - The Guardian
Proposed bill gives courts power to order adoption if children cannot be sent back to family after two years in foster care
The New South Wales government has quietly tabled a piece of legislation that, if passed, will have a lasting impact on the lives of thousands of children taken into state care every year.
The government says the bill, which was tabled on Tuesday night, will ensure a permanent home for every child within two years, so they are not bounced around the out-of-home-care system for years on end. But critics say NSW is “walking open-eyed towards another stolen generation”.